its toooooooooooooooooooooooooo longgggggggggggggggg...... -.-'
im too lazy to read it, lol
Whoa, am I the only one here who can read Latin?
I understand how you feel about terrain, and I suggest you go hit up the terrain forum and post some stuff there. It seems you do more melee maps than RPG, but I'm curious to see if you have any RPG maps made.
Okay..Im not even going to attempt reading it...
*Puni says welcome to sen...
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Apr 4 2005, 06:51 PM)
And I thought I knew you. Guess not..
Stupid bandwagons.....
*Ed331 shoots "OMGWTFTHISAINTPEKKEL911BANHIMADMINS!!oneone!!11one!!1"*
Hi and wel- *Ed331 gets mauled by a zergling*
Do...I...get...my...cookies...ye- AHHHH! GET IT OFF ME!!!
Velcome Tvo StarVedit.net
starVy But im a Very Vad Tyver
Welcome To Staredit.net
Sorry But im a Very Bad Typer
o and may i offer you my brain?
I swear sometimes you guys n gurlz will scare off guest's with you damn whacked up " OMGWTFTHISAINTPEKKEL911BANHIMADMINS!!oneone!!11one!!1 " sh!t, well better get back on topic.
Corporal, Welcome to SEN hope you have good stay. Lots do here and lots people too meet, enjoy yourself.
**Gives Corporal a kupo nut**
- KuPo OuT
Welcome to SEN
Too bad I'm too tired to read all, but it's a cool map
Salvete!, Feminas ubi sunt? Ego solus est =(
Translation: Hello! Where are the girls? I am alone. =(
QUOTE(Theme(Ex) @ Apr 10 2005, 04:02 PM)
Translation: Hello! Where are the girls? I am alone. =(
Poor latin on his part. Est is the third person singular, meaning he/she/it is. "he is alone" is what he said, but we assume he meant "I am alone" and should have used sum in the place of est.
I can read Latin too.