Lol, this is great. We have people working their asses off on extended terrain and some of you are like... meh... 3.5/10. Heimdal comes in here, shows off the most plain terrain possible (no offense to you Heimdal) and SEN is like, collectively /orgasm.
We will drool over any meat Heimdal throws at us, because we know it will turn out awesome in the end if he considers it worthy of his time.
And my suggestion is to just move Europe and Africa over, so there is more sea space. It looks like they just drifted closer together. The Americas could move to the left, too, if you smooshed Alaska.
Where is the love for Antarctica?

QUOTE(aE-Felagund @ Apr 1 2005, 02:29 AM)
Lol, this is great. We have people working their asses off on extended terrain and some of you are like... meh... 3.5/10. Heimdal comes in here, shows off the most plain terrain possible (no offense to you Heimdal) and SEN is like, collectively /orgasm.
Guess how the forum is called. Yeah, that's it 'Terrain', NOT 'extended terrain', NOT 'starforge terrain', ..., just 'Terrain'. Any terrain (even "plain" terrain wich most of the times look better than extended) is welcomed. And make a map of the world even with "plain" terrain is harder than some of the extended terrain that I saw -.-"
I never really intended or expected to start a big discussion with this. Merely thought I'd post something I was working on and maybe get some feedback (not a lot, cause I'm not really planning on changing it). I also wanted to announce that I would be making this terrain available for mass consumption once it was finished. So...there's really no need for more posts in this thread until I complete it and post the map.
So no, there will be no sea battles.
There are sea battles in RISK??? Which edition???
Nice comsat idea!

Asia is very unproportional. I think that you could work on it a bit, there's room—to an extent.
Other than that though, I like it.
Are you going to leave it completely as dirt or are you going to give it some variations in terrain?
QUOTE(Fortune @ Apr 1 2005, 04:27 PM)
Are you going to leave it completely as dirt or are you going to give it some variations in terrain?
Well, in the actual RISK board game there is no terrain, mainly just lines to separate the areas. But of course, this is Starcraft, where things can happen.

How detailed do you think heimdal should go? Since techincally he's not manually moving units but using triggers to "battle", (and the units are just holders to show how many armies you have) he probably could have very detailed terrain for each specific area.
Hey heimdal, is fortifying your position going to be an option to choose in RISK?
QUOTE(Turin @ Mar 31 2005, 10:26 PM)
Where is the love for Antarctica?

Antarctica is not really a continent, although it's said to be the seventh continent. It's merely just a large sheet of ice, one of the polar caps. It happens to be gigantic though.
Besides, what country in their right mind would try and settle in Antarctica? It's cut off from the rest of the world and is practically lifeless and uninhabitable.
QUOTE(Fortune @ Apr 1 2005, 07:35 PM)
Antarctica is not really a continent, although it's said to be the seventh continent. It's merely just a large sheet of ice, one of the polar caps. It happens to be gigantic though.
Besides, what country in their right mind would try and settle in Antarctica? It's cut off from the rest of the world and is practically lifeless and uninhabitable.
It's actually the 4th largest, behind Asia, Africa, and North America. It will probably be 5th largest soon enough however, with all the fools that love to destroy shit.
hm..this reminds me of a game...
wait let me get the link.
Ancient warsthat site has other cool games too, i used to play but gets boring after a while and the pros always kill you, and requires a lot of internet time.
but back on topic. the game is based on risk. except i think its only on one continent.
And it's done! The outline, at least. So here is the map, as promised. When I get some of the actual gameplay down I'll start a thread in the maps forum.
That looks great. Originally I thought that Europe was tiny but with the addition of asia it doesn't look too small. It may be hard to split that area into the 8-12 countries that it is however.
It wasn't too hard at all.
for continuing for the seeing who owns what in the minimap, could you like make sprite map revelers in unit mode, because i remember in one of my maps i had sprite revelers in unit mode, and in the map preview you could see its color. im not sure if u can in the map though.
what editor are you using to make ur map? cause it looks like ur using SCMdraft 2, and not starforge... O_o o_O
I'll try that, thanks. Nice avatar

I already said I'm using Starforge. If you don't believe me, try placing some isometric terrain on the map in SCMDraft.
I'll try that, thanks. Nice avatar
lol. every time i look at urs i laugh. so i thought it would be funney to get one for myself. lol.
I already said I'm using Starforge.
so then you use scm draft to do the view thing? or is there a new version of SF?
Nice Heimdal, but a few suggestions.
First of all you missed a location for China and Japan.
Secondly, I find it hard to tell where one country ends and another begins in relation to islands. Like Iceland is hard to distinguish, probably because of all the smaller islands. Also northern Australia. So, I'd suggest taking out all non-country islands, or making boundaries between all countries.
I noticed the mongolia (not china) and japan thing too.
As for connecting islands, taking out non-country stuff would defeat half the purpose of making it look nice, so I connected them with nuke dots. I originally tried dashed lines of null terrain, but that didn't look so great.
As for the's just a little addition I made to SF.
Close enough.

Anyway, I guess if you have a main building owned by the player that commands the country it will be a lot easier to judge. Same as if he had units.
What are you planning to use as the "counters."
1 - Marine - Infantry
5 - Vulture - Horse
10 - Tank - Cannon
20 - Archon? Just in case units can't all fit, as a precationary measure.
What were you thinking of? Above is what I imagine.
I really wanted to use the HP of the start locations to show the number of armies, but I don't know if that will be possible. I don't think it will be feasible to have actual units inside the countries, because some of them are too small.
too bad this isent warcraft, because then you could use actural units, but make thier size .25 of the orig. lol. tiney fighters. lol
It looks a bit small. 198x128 =/ Would using 256x256 be bad? o.O Since GB is still small o.O
hedimental, this is a little off-topic, but did you know, if you go see robots, in the begining, they have another "squirral adventure"
since your not going to be using all the units in Starcraft, why not set up one for each of the countries to work as a Counter, and then with the attact timing, you can work through that.
As for the size; In order to scale it up I'd have to completely redo everything. It only took me a few hours stretched over a few days but I still don't really want to do that. Also, if you make it much bigger you would only be able to see one territory at a time in the game.
I thought of that, Coko. It would certainly work but require a
lot of triggers. I'd prefer to have something more general, at least until the advanced trigger functions in Starforge are complete...Maybe I'll ask BSTRhino for his trigger program.
I just thought of another method - you can have an infinite number of burrowed units on top of each other, right? I could just use what a lot of those "virtual hp" things do - burrow the right number of lings in each territory. Now the only problem will be reflecting that change in the HP of the start location - requires 100 triggers

This thread should be moved to the maps in progress forum...The terrain is pretty much complete.