gah....i cant find any1 to play now
i wanna play against KK!
Yup, i was slaughtered
Anyway, once again i think i managed to find another glitch... SO REATTATCHED THE MAP AGAIN!
I also have some screenshots from the game with ultimo.
The Battle Begins...
Why is there a Zergling under my Cannon!?
The Almighty And Highly Expensive Cloaking Field! (Complete with 0 Damage!)
Thoughts Going Through My Head, ".....Aw Shit"
Hope those screenshots give a little more insight to the game!
Wow, How did you manage to do that, That must have been some quick building... You could have mind controlled it while it was under it...
nice, my bro kicked my butt cause he sucked, so i played ez, sigh...brothers can be sooo mean! he massed liek 100 marines, and i have like 10k...and he said, hahahaha i win...and im
You could have just massed marines to? Or were you a different race.. Sounds like your brother owned you
The point of version numbers was so when you released your crummy unfinished 1.00 which wasn't a 1.00 at all, you could make a 1.01 and 1.02 etc. etc. The map is somewhat better now. Kow's mistake is taking suggestions people gives him whether they're good or not without thinking about the consequences of enacting such changes.
Did you fix the problem with the cannons? Remember when we were playing and the cannons kept disabling themselves... Pretty good map though.
Kow said I was a cheater cause my team OWNED his in the first 3 minutes...
I rushed marines into his bace... He had nothing and I won...
Then he tells me I cheated... I dont get it? How did I Cheat?
It was not even a minute and your marines rushed in and killed his team. I am not sure if I was with you on that team but there was another game (if not that one) that my teams just rushed in and owned his team
I liked my goliaths in another game with 8 armour.
goliaths get killed too quick.
plus my bro was right next to me, so thats why, he kept peeking, im liek STOP! so then he saw my weak spot and attacked me. my soudn was off to keep him from listening to me so i didnt see him atacknig till i looekd on the minimap! I dont get it though, 100 marines killed my 20 tanks, and i upgraded a lot too.
whast the max limits of banks you can have?
There is no max, 100 marines are bound to kill 20 tanks, tanks are simply used for health not attack! You need to attack with tanks first, then send in goliaths, thats why goliaths die so quickly, because they have great power and no health
Its all about how you play the game, and by the way!
(i was just kidding when i called you a cheater odd..)
Anyways, the 30 second rush isn't quite fair, I think you should maybe tone down the amount of marines you get for each supply depot.
Or there are many other assortments of things you could do:
- Supply Depot build time slower
- Make an alternate building that creates less marines
- Tone down marine damage
I just think rush is inevitable in the map and it's unfair for the players who wish to have a fun-filled game where you actually have to use finesse and skill to defeat the enemy—as opposed to a brutish rush.
i remember testing this with you. it was a pretty good map but i just didnt like some features:
☼map was too small for strategy in my opinion
☼not enough build room
☼terrain seemed TO ME a bit bland
☼no warn for liftoff i think
but i did like:
☼the overall map idea
☼the action paced
☼good triggering from what i saw
overall- 7.5
it was well presentable but it didnt seem right for the type of game it was and also try making it a 192x192
The size is good for the map right now because well...
Do you really want to spend the whole game searching for the
enemies... I think not
urmom basically pointed out what I wanted to say. The map was too small, and there was no warning against lifting. Which made me lose a game and otherwise was just annoying.
But it is a great map, you should make a larger version.
is this beta or can we still play openly/ publicly on bnet