Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Town Wars...?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kamikaze.Kow on 2005-04-13 at 21:28:16
Ok, im making a new map called Town Wars, basically what you do is.. try to kill the other team.

NOW that may not sound very exciting, but I have unrefusable proof that you will like it, before i showed my map to Shmidley (AkA : Salacious(U)), he was fixed on the idea that he was going to hate it... here's his reply AFTER the game!


I'm releasing the map soon! Hope you enjoy it as much as or more than shmid.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2005-04-13 at 21:39:00
Omg you've got the most critical person on SC to say he likes the map! Therefore it must be godly! All hail Kow. uberwoot.gif

Also could you post some details about what the game is actually like, such as objectives, background information, gameplay.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-04-13 at 22:22:30
hmm.. more screenshots about the game?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kamikaze.Kow on 2005-04-13 at 22:29:00
Im hoping to post THE MAP in 24 hours or less... but sure!

The map basically goes like this, you play an SCV (Mayor) and you build your town to rival the other team's town.
The thing is, different buildings and units turn into different things...

For Example:

Command Center --> Gateway (Bank) = +1 mineral a second
Missle Turret --> Photon Cannon (Defense Turret)
Vulture --> ???
Wraith --> Arbiter (???)
Science Vessel --> Observer (???)

Anyway, things turn into other things.... There are also some other elements to the game, considering lack of minerals in the begining.

Now it starts getting tricky, because kills give gas, and gas is worth ALOT, so you if you are on the defense you get more gas, but dont have the freedom you need.... and are always on the defensive. Then again if you continually attack your enemies inflicting minimal damage to them, you will just be feeding them and they will in turn upgrade and destroy you!....

Anywho, the game is basically like melee except elements of the game are changed because of the way you get minerals and gas.

Hope this gives a little more insight to the game!

I just re-read what i posted and apparently i dont have very good grammar, and am not good at explaining things. disgust.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-04-13 at 22:36:21
True dat, Shmidely is master map maker, if he thinks its good, then it must be! wink.gif
Anyways, sounds fun. I hope you can post it soon.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-04-13 at 22:45:46
cool! i cant wait! fear.gif

i made a map like this once, cept it had farming and a market and such, though i dunno if it was good, cause when i made it i was a newb. bangin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-04-13 at 22:59:40
Oh I know this, I helped you fix it wink.gif

Yeah this is a pretty nice map happy.gif
Hope it turns out well!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2005-04-13 at 23:05:20
One question, how will you get the protoss buildings to be powered after you create them?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-04-13 at 23:06:41
Did you ever get the cannons to work? I really don't see a practical way of integrating cannons into your map. I still think you should use either a sieged tank or a disabled tank.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kamikaze.Kow on 2005-04-13 at 23:38:14
ya i got cannons to work and banks, cannons are there because turrets supply no defense whatsoever...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kamikaze.Kow on 2005-04-14 at 20:54:59
Alright, i BELIEVE the map is finished and totally unglitched.

If you DO find any glitched please tell me, i have added the map below!

But before you all download this UBER map let me give you some advice on how to play,
First of all, BANK = GOOD!
Secondly, dont lift any of your buildings, they WILL not come back (except for the command centers in upper left corner) and you do NOT get a refund...

and lastly (if lastly is a word), Be kind to people playing it, if they have questions tell them.

Here's a list of FAQ about how to play! tongue.gif

Q : Do more banks give more cash?
A : Yes, 2 banks give 2 minerals a second, 3 gives 3 minerals, ect.

Q: How do you get gas?
A: Gas is determined by your kill score.

Q: What buildings and units change, and into what?
A: 1. Command Center --> Bank
2. Supply Depot --> 3 Marines and 1 Marine Captain
3. Wraith --> Cloaking Shield (Arbiter)
5. Science Vessel --> Recon Probe (Observer)
6. Missle Turret --> Defense Turret (Photon Cannon)

Q: Is this a fun game?
A: Why yes, yes it is.

There you have it! FAQ for my map!
P.S. Please inform me of any glitches you encounter while playing.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Desperado on 2005-04-14 at 21:32:59
Me = Shmidley
Me thinks this map sucks now. Good triggering though.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kamikaze.Kow on 2005-04-14 at 22:02:29
me = needs to fix some things DO NOT DISTRIBUTE OR DL ANYMORE! :/

I have to fix some things because idiots give me bad suggestions! pinch.gif

Anyway! dont download map yet, give me some time to fix and re-post!

I had to change banks to only cost 100 mins, and change supply depot problem :/

Here it is... AGAIN!

(sorry about the last 'Release' of the map)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-04-14 at 23:06:25
hm...but then, how will you build units if you go over the supply limit? cause you cant build supply depots...(rines)


i havnt the time to play it now, so i suppose u placed atleast 25 depots per person?(maybe less, counting the CCs). or are CCs the food supplies?


that'd be the coolest thing lol, you never see maps that you have to get food one by one!(i think CCs are 1...).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-04-15 at 01:20:12
K, don't do instant build times. I crashed trying to build a medic. I built a supply depot, didn't do anything. Barracks get destroyed when lifted...omg.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kamikaze.Kow on 2005-04-15 at 09:34:36
Ya, i noticed the supply depots werent working for some reason either, i think its cause i protected in starforge and now have to recheck each trigger because its missing locations pinch.gif DAMN YOU STARFORGE AND YOUR UBER TRIGGER EDITING SYSTEM!

Anywho, gimme some time to fix the depots, k?

Barracks get destroyed when lifted...omg.

Anything is destroyed when lifted.... Alas, dont lift anything (which i'm sure i said eariler).

Add -- Ya i did!
Secondly, dont lift any of your buildings, they WILL not come back (except for the command centers in upper left corner) and you do NOT get a refund...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-04-15 at 09:44:22
How about the medic thing?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-04-15 at 10:19:32
The safest thing to do would be to set the build time to 4-8 in SCMD2 or SF
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Fortune on 2005-04-15 at 12:08:18
Kow, would I be considered an official tester?


Also, you may want to post more information about the map instead of just SaLa's reply to it—so the public can read about it and understand what you're trying to do with it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kamikaze.Kow on 2005-04-15 at 19:31:03
Kow, would I be considered an official tester?


Anywho! I think i finally fixed the map for good, (whenever i protect the map it seems to have a strange affect on the triggers and locations pinch.gif)

Hope its all fixed and you enjoy it,

Re-read some of the earlier posts to understand a little bit about how to play! I'm told its a little like diplo, but i think its COMPLETELY different! tongue.gif

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-04-15 at 19:34:07
Could you please use different version names? -_-
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kamikaze.Kow on 2005-04-15 at 20:17:51
Lol sorry, didnt use different version names purposely, because they're not MAJOR changes and the map is making me mad at the time being angry.gif , anywho! from now on.. yes i will! happy.gif

I Lied.... Here is FINAL map, ROFL

Sorry guys, i keep finding more glitches as i play it pinch.gif anyway, this time im POSITIVE there will be no glitches.

I made a list and i checked it twice!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-04-15 at 20:32:59
lol, delete your old attactchments, arent you eating up your space?

anyways, im ganna play it now...agaisnt myself... bangin.gif

i can check it for bugs if you want me too? id liek to help, since this map is pretty cool, and i wouldnt want a messed up version all over shocking.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Puni(F) on 2005-04-15 at 20:35:00
Dude, That map is so good, Good job on it happy.gif, But I can't believe you got him to say he likes maps... smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-04-15 at 22:37:37
Ah, managed to play the game, as I snuck into a game Kamikaze.Kow was hosting himself. 3v3, but 2 people dropped, turning into a 2v2. I upgraded like crazy, and I had a marine force, wiping out both players. As I was killing the last player, KK thought it would be funny to attack me...wrong move. tongue.gif

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