I think we should start a spell chart list, and pin it to the concept forum. Have a Mod or Admin run it if you decide it's a good idea.
Here are some spell ideas:
*Combination spells(spells 2/more players can combine together to execute!)
*Dark Swarm aiming system instead of an observer(make defiler not able2 move)
*Slow - this would be done by centering units exactly over another unit, or constantly creating and killing units over another unit.
*Reaver scarabs(modify this with whatever)
*Illusion spells, hallucinations of course.
*Defiled entities, do something like make a Hero Hydralisk appear that it made fake images of itself, but these fake images are just regular hydralisks. If you give them similar stats people will not be able to tell them apart, this is something that can feel like a waste of a unit however.
*Science Vessel spells(Defence Matrix, EMP, Iradiate as poison

*Plague(simple enough)
*Nuke - this can be done with an enclosed arena, or if you can control how the units are fighting. You can make it so a cloaked ghost fires off a nuke onto the battlefield and do what not damage. It's a pretty neat idea and can be modified numerous ways.
*Cloak - Like a dt becoming unseen by computers or enemy players, seems pretty good to me.
*Auras - I learned this from a friend's map. You can make it so as a character does certain things(walk, kill, gain money, etc.) they gain extra powerups in a so say form. For example, say you give a zealot a "aura", and make it so each time he kills 2 units, his shields regenerate. You can do something like that, and it works a ton of different ways.
*Summons - Pure and simple
I won't add anymore cuz I probably wasted my time posting these anyway. Hope these are helpful.