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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> The Seasons RPG
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2005-05-03 at 12:08:19
and the barbarian can have a spell which drives them away... YAY good ideas.

Actualy, that spell would hardly ever be used, unless you like the idea of surrounding the entire party in low-damage-high-health enemies near a town.
Basicaly, people really dislike when they're trying to get some exp, and the enemies run away. I know this from personal experience and watching others.

Alright, for a Barbarian spell you could have a jumping-attack or charging-attack or something, which would randomly select a target(or you could have it be selected with a Scourge or something).
It moveds all the enemies that are within 1 square of the hit-location, and then moves the Barbarian there, replaces the moved units, and creates a blind Wraith there.

Or a spell for, I dunno, best would be the thief, assuming you'll use Phoenix Soul's idea.
It would create a blinded Scourge or something that can only move within a set of locations around the thief that represent a circle, and when the spell is casted again, it creates a Lurker which attacks to where the Scourge was, along with moving the Thief there.
I'm not sure how you would have the Lurker attack that specific target, seeing as you only have 2 computers, but I'm sure it's possible.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-03 at 21:17:00
Ok, then the barbarian won't have spells, and the knight will be able to drive enemys closer...
Wait that wouldn't work. The knight is best at long range.

I've always thought that goliaths and sige tanks were the same speed.
I think I know what to do. The knight while mounted will have a wraith above him called lance. He can spend money to upgrade his lance. This gives him more wraiths floating above his head. I will try to have the wraiths blinded, but it might prove difficult.

The barabarian has a spell that draws enemys closer, as stated above.

Spelling is important, which is why the spelling in my map is flawless. Misspellings in posts in the game's thread can be overlooked though.

One of my mage spell ideas didn't work out, so how about another (unique) mage spell idea.

Also, progress update. The underlying triggers and the potions triggers will definatly be finished friday or during the weekend. I thought it would be ready before, but life got in the way crazy.gif
I will probably submit the underlying triggers verson of the map to the beer keg, to see if it gets me on the SEN team. Although I probably won't join if I get in. Just want to see if the triggers I'm doing qualify as "advanced."
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-05-03 at 21:57:11
If you're using the convential methof of gaining mana then allow the Barbarian to do some sort of 'beserker' move once he has gained an X amount of mana. This could work for the knight too if you want.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-04 at 17:25:48
Anyone know if enemy medics will blind wraiths? Does it depend on their HP? Do they blind hero wraiths more often?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-05-05 at 12:09:57
Idea for the Knight Class:

Being a Seige Tank, we will be completely ineffective against air, so why not make an ability for the Knight, Lance Toss.

Lance Toss - Although the Knight is best suited to fighting grounded units, he is not completely ineffective at dispatching air. With this ability, the Knight throughs a mighty lance at the enemy.

Make it a Scourge.

Thats my suggestion.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-05 at 16:56:06
Umm, it's lance is a wraith. Wraiths have AtA missles...
But realisticly mounted knights can't do much vs air. So to attack air units it needs to dismount. The dismounted knight (golith) has very effective air attacks.

My origanal idea was to make people switch between mounted and dismounted knights for switching between air and ground. So I might make the lance a blind guardian owned by a computer player allied with the knight...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-06 at 19:24:42
Big update with the classes. More info after I finish redisigning them.
For now here's a little stuff:
When you gain a level, you gain a hit and gas (gas is used for two things, mana and spending, when you go to the shop (and there are no enemies nearby) then it trasfers from mana to gas.
You have to find gold lying around.

Consumable items are brought with minerals.
Upgrades are brought with gas.
New speical abilites (a new spell for the wizard for example), are brought with minerals and gas.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dr.Shotgun on 2005-05-07 at 09:50:18
umm sry for spam, my bad
anyways going a little random here:
do you want help with music?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-07 at 13:25:51
If you have any wavs to submit, then yes, I really need some cool wavs for music. If you mean the triggers that make the music, then no. I know how to make music play with triggers.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dr.Shotgun on 2005-05-08 at 09:38:24
i mean wavs
what do you think, that i think that you are more a newb than i think i am.
im good at doing wavs
just tell me what you need
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-08 at 12:20:09
That's what I thought you meant.
What I need is a soundtrack wav.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-08 at 17:33:32
Update: I am done with the potion system. I need to do 42 more triggers for it, but it's copying, and easy copying at that.
Everything is completely glitch free as far as I can tell.
This is very little progress from before, but it's going along well.
A lot of the previous systems are going to be updated. It's all technical stuff. The potion system was the first.
Agenda: 1. Finish potions, 2. Update center location triggers, 3. The big chowaha, class abiliites.

The result of the updated center location triggers is that I will divide the amount of triggers by 5 or so, simplify everything and each class will be able to be selected only once.

The class abilities is still on idea of concept level devolpment and isn't ready for triggers yet.

If anyone has any spell ideas, I'ld love to hear them.
I'm proud of the idea I have for fireball. The mage has a corsiar that floats above his head. If the corsiar disruption webs a unit (assuming he has enough mana), a scarab will fly out of the mage, and go exspode on the unit that was disruption webbed.

Anyone want technical details about how that works? biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-05-08 at 20:16:07
K, couple of things about that. Doing that, only one player could do that. All D-webs are owned by P12, so it wouldn't really work. I don't even think you could do the scrab part either. Maybe creating an infested terran everytime a enemy comes into a range of your location, then center a smaller location on the enemy and order the terran to attack it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sniper on 2005-05-08 at 20:28:59
are you sure the scarab wont work? cause i can imagine it working
i wouldnt know im too lazy to test it tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-08 at 20:31:55
QUOTE(m.r.bob @ May 8 2005, 04:33 PM)
The result of the updated center location triggers is that I will divide the amount of triggers by 5 or so, simplify everything and each class will be able to be selected only once.[right][snapback]203641[/snapback][/right]

Only one player can be the mage. And I knew that all disruption webs were owned by player 12.

About how it works. A location centera around the disruption web. The disruption web is removed. Then all enemy units at that location are moved to a location with a rever owned by you in it. The reaver fires the scarab at the unit, the enemy units are moved back to the location, and the scarab is moved to the location that centers around the mage constantly.
Hope this is clear enough.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dr.Shotgun on 2005-05-08 at 20:37:19
i kno you want a soundtrack


what mood/theme?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-08 at 20:40:33
Give me spells I say!
I would prefer ideas for knight and necomancer spells. I already got all the barbarian and mage spells down.

Good question about the soundtrack. Kinda relaxing and chilly I guess.
Thanks a lot for the favor, I'll put your name in the map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dr.Shotgun on 2005-05-09 at 15:52:40
i got some devil.gifĔЖŦЯĒMƏ ϋβεЯdevil.gif music, but file is huge (~6 MB) I can make a worse version, or you can wait and i can upload it soon (have to use friends dsl, i have 56k).

Necro- Summon Zombie (dots.gif )
Summon Kamikaze (dots.gif)
Dark Storm (Dark Swarm that lowers unit HP in the area);
Minion Swarm (Summon swarm of minions)
Raise the Ancestors (cause the dead to rise from the targeted ground)
Summon Dreadknight (dots.gif)
Field of Death (kills non-boss units in targeted area, makes them your zombies)
Knight- Mount
Rage(does powerful attack/dismounted)
Charge(mounted version of rage)
Testudo(causes statis on knight)
Primal Energy(does damage to all in area)
Holy Power(ϋβεЯ knight for short period of time)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-09 at 16:51:42
Seriously I really want that sound.
Also, I'm done with the spells now. A lot of the ones you suggested I already had (such as the ones you indicated as obvious with the dots.gif.) The rest weren't that good. The names were nice though, and I might use some of them.
I might list the spells at some point, but not now.
As for ideas, I need some good ideas for items. I have aroudn 7 (not including potions) but their pretty bland (town portal and such) and I need more.

Give me the sound uncompressed. If I really want to, I can do the compression myself. You'll find some way to get it to me. Email maybe? You can also try signing up for a geocities (or some other free webspace) webpage and hosting it on that (although it will take forever to upload if you have a 56k).
There are ways to trasfer sounds like that, I know there are.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-05-09 at 16:53:26
This wav that you speak of it sounds like it would be good. Do you think that I could have it too? confused.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-09 at 16:57:26
I can upload the sound to some webspace I have once sh0tgun gets the file to me. So sh0tgun will give it to me, and I'll give it to anyone else who wants it.

I think sh0tgun can just host in on SEN in the wavs section of the DLDB.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-05-09 at 16:59:41
I think sh0tgun can just host in on SEN in the wavs section of the DLDB.

No the DLDB can't hold a single file that big, the max is like 2 megs. But yeah that would be great if you could get that wav to me mr.bob I would appreciate it alot. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-09 at 17:00:45
Yup the max is 2MBs.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-05-09 at 17:54:59
wow, I admire you m.r.bob, i couldnt hold out for this long lol. GJ.

If you still need any ideas here:


(or any other sucking atack?) and it pulls all enemies near it and waits for like 3 seconds (so the enemies can get pulled in? Maybe a 6x6 square should be big enuf, or any size, if you want...) and the teleprot them to a place where they get constaly attacked by w/e units u want (maybe low damage? or high damge depending on your level?) and then a few seconds later teleprt them back.


Make it a corsair for a few seconds and it does high damage (but he cannot move). This is useful if you need to kill lotsa air units! The only reason i used a corsair is cause if you are in a narrow pathway, you migth not be able to creat a groudn unit, and valkeries might freeze or w/e.



hurts everyone (including you and your allies, but make it so he cant burn buildings that belnog to the cities) to liek 30% hp in a 4x4 or smaller radius, good for hurting mass zerglings if they surround you and then you can 1 hit them after.


-Run Over-

Any enemy you touch you will kill, does not work on bosses. And make this a high level spell.

These are the only calsses i remebered lol. Is there a warrior?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-05-09 at 18:01:37
I still doubt the scrab attack would work, but prove me wrong.
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