QUOTE(O)FaRTy1billion @ May 6 2005, 11:57 PM)
1024x1024 would be pretty big... + why would I want to list 32 things? 1024 = 32²...
Yeah, a list of 32 map size options is too much. And be sides, you cant always fit every thing in 1 map. You might want to divide up that large so called "RPG" in to chronological parts. Were all the missions in the campaign compossed of 1 single large map? No they were not! They were broken down to segments.
Also if the map is big then the file size is big and then people will be discourage to even dl your large map. Thats the #1 reason y most so called "RPG" maps aren't that popular on Bnet.
QUOTE(cuinhell(ds) @ May 11 2005, 03:29 PM)
2 new gathers for every race one for only minerals and the other only for gas.
3 new races including the ones on sc1
Water units
unground walkers ( can move underground instead of sittin in one place) Detectors to see them
12 to 16 players in 1 map
More triggers I do mean alot more please lol
Don't base every thing around wc3 think of something new
More building's and units for the origanal races
Easyer triggers for the complex ones like usin a death counter for music and what not and the shooting system
A mod builder for the people who are lossing intrest fast
New Terrain (lands)
Mixing land scapes
Better but kooler sounds from the units
Heres some unit ideas
1. Submarine shoots nukes
2. Sitalite lazer
3. Zerg swipper- any thing in a 10x10 takes half damage 100 engergy
4. Randamizer for protoss - creates 2 random units for 500 minerals (changeable in a ums game)
5. Race of space aliens hmm
6. race of earth animals hmmm
7. race of stuff hmm
^choosing a race is kinda hard if you think about it
Maybe a earth quake for protoss since they are high tech and advanced
Maybe acid rain storm for Terran
Maybe some sort of launcher for zerg burrow then unburrow to launch a unit out of the screen this could reflet a nuke or get inside a buildin and kill it with in like the underground movent would work.
Just some freakish Ideas I guess.
Dunno maybe they sound good would be nice
What do you mean by "2 new gathers?"
What other 3 new races can you come up w/? The 'hybird' can be a canidate for a new race, but I'm not sure what other races will provide. You've already have the 2 extreme races and 1 psuedo balanced one.
Why would you need water units? If you need to cross a body of water then use the shuttl, drop ship, or the overlords. Water units dont belong in space, char, and many other terrains w/o water. You would also have to build the shipyard near water. I can only see aquatic critters being used in SC2.
I agree w/ the underground walkers. It provides the Zerg a new advantage. I can only imagine a massive force of infested terrans bypassing a choke hold via unprotected wall. Then seeing those infested terrans poping out of now where and destroying all the key buildings and workers.
I can imagine the terrans building a launch pad to utilize that satelite. But the terrans already have nukes and many other long range weaponry.
whats a zerg swiper? 10x10 half damage to zerg units? several seige tanks can do better than that.
Randomizer for protoss? y would you want to waste 500 minerals for something you might not want? you might get a probe for 500 if that randomizer is put into SC2. But if it will alow you to buy heroes then im okay w/ that.
Race of space alien? Zerg and Protoss already fill that catergory.
Race of earth animals? well there is no point in that cuz those animals cant compete. They'll just be in the way like most critters.
Acid Rain? Well that just sounds like a suped up verison of irradiate. Acid Rain should be effective to every unit (living, non-living, and building.)
Since Protoss already has psy storm for killing units, the earth quake will be ineffective to ground units cuz the'll just fall over, but very destructive againts buildings cuz buildings arn't suppose to move.
Zerg Nuke interception? Sounds great, but how will that work?