Stamina will be Like in LoH where when you move it goes down. As it goes down you become slower because of burrowed Zlings under you.
Health System I will have health counters on the side of the map. When a zergling is killed under you a health token is removed. It will then reduce your HP of your unit by 1 to show that you have lost 1HP.
I said you have 2 dropships filled with 4 units...
And where have u been u can fit 8 marines into a dropship...
the reson it is single player is to reduce stings needed for all players which will allow me to add more things for the RPG...
i like the fact that its going to be 1 player as long as its done correctly, which im sure is not going to be problem. I'd like to play the demo so go get map at 20% -.-;
I made a system where you have death counts instead of health counters for hp. You use up much less space. It's much cleaner. I have an example map and details. Are you interested?
Also, you can go way above 1024 stings in SCMdraft2. You just use the create strings button.
Sure you can send me the map.. Mabe then I will learn how to use Deathcounters properly... I never figured it out so I just stayed with switches...
Ohh... That's bad. If you don't know how to do deathcounters, maybe I should be helping you with the triggering in general.
It's basically a variable. You can add to them, subract from them and set them. And you can say if "CurrentPlayer has atleast, (or at most, or exactly) 1-32767 (the staredit max) deaths of Unit". So basically it's a varaiable and it gives you a huge amount of flexibility. Another plus is that it updates exsteemly fast.
In this map, go over the protoss beacons to give yourself another max and current HP. It's hyper triggered, so just walk over it unless you want to test to make sure it works for really high numbers.
The terran beacon is the full heal beacon. Go over to it, and you will be full healed, then moved.
In the top left there are infested kerrigans. Go over to them if you want to die.
I use death counts a lot (always for unused units) because it can be like a player specific switch. You can do them for currentplayer and greatly reduce the number of triggers you use.
I'm PMing you the map. Please don't releace it to anyone. I don't want anyone to see my maps when their in such and early stage.
There IS a tutorial on deathcounters, you know. And Bob beat me to the finish.


Ahh, well.
Here it is sience Kingra didn't feel like finding it.
the post i made up-top wasnt spam...i was just trying to get you motivated...
but anyways: the stamina idea is ok but it gets a little more annoying later in the game when you dont have any items to replenish your stamina and you have to sit there for about 5 minutes. it will add some gameplay though. everything seems to be going good: u got good terrain, storyline, features, and hopefull gameplay
I am grounded untill next week from my computer...
BTW: Thanks for the help... keep relying and give me some ideas if you guys think you hjave some similar to my new RPG....And I noticed how I tuyped eternal darkness in my first post...But any ways,I would like to see lots of optional quests because those are nice.Havent seen many RPGs with optional quests.
I would have optional quests in mine... But they didn't fit. And if Bnet RPGs are too long then everyone leaves. Exspect lots of optional quests in "The Seasons RGP Spring" though (if it ever comes out, which it probably won't, unless I get a clan started who will do most of the work for me...)
Which is why most RPGs are 1 player, and I myself would rather play on my own.
Side quests will also be in Kingdom Of Sorrows. This is where my "special items" come to use... for that and major events.

Wait special items? I need item ideas. What are you talking about? Can you help me? Why don't you have a link in your sig?
Kingdom Of Sorrows's Special Items are items you cannot use and are only there for side quests and some are needed to beat the game. Some can be obtained in side quests the could lead to extra dungeons that lead to minibosses, that kind of thing. But this is no where to discuss my RPG.
About the siggie thing, I find no reason for one. I practically don't care about sigs. Minerals too.
Ok Odd Is back and ready to work on his map...
Thanks for somewhat keeping this on topic
Question: Should I include water on the map or just jungle and caves with some lakes?
I like it odd, i like the way that you have it in a "real game setup" with the text, how it uses different color for names, or places, and then little notes saying your obs were changed. I think thats a very unique and appealing little idea!
Keep it up, and it might help to actually finish the map

A v. good idea. Hope you'll finish your project.
But I have a question. What program or how do you make that bridge-looking peace stick into the non-water terrain on that screenshot?
and PS: I never tried this before, but I can try to make music to your map. I'm a guitar player with a lot of good ideas for riffs. Can play both melancholic, slow tracks and fast, aggresive thrash.

So if you need anything like this just PM me.(my amp has a few fx, that makes the sound completly diffrent).
Seems Like a Really Great Map Let me Know when your map is Finished, Make sure u uSe Good features and so on
Name: SoLo-SouL
Password: ***** <--- Wouldnt You Like to Know

Realm Server: UsEast.Battle.Net
Channel: CLaN FLiP
Seems Like a Really Great Map Let me Know when your map is Finished, Make sure u uSe Good features and so on
Name: SoLo-SouL
Password: ***** <--- Wouldnt You Like to Know

Realm Server: UsEast.Battle.Net
Channel: CLaN FLiP
Ok i need to take a break from SC... I need to clear my head as somethings are happening that need my attention in reality...
Feel free to post any Ideas... I will be back when i come back...
Mark my Words... I WILL BE BACK!!!
Umm, solo soul. This web site has very advacned forum features. I recomend you check out their signiture option...
And also, you should try and realize when you double post.
Ok I am back to working on this map
- 2 Worlds divided by an underground mazelike passageways
- 2 Players [FINALIZED]
- World 1 98% Terrain
- Caves 70% Terrain
- World 2 20% Terrain
Triggers will be started as soon as I finish world 2 to 98% and Caves to 100%
Demo/Trailer will follow the completion of the terrain...
How is this map coming? Been a LONG time since an update.... I hope this map isn't going to the unfinished graveyard like your other's have...