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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> -Eternal Darkness
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-05-01 at 17:18:18
The World Is Falling Into Complete Darkness
Rock By Rock, Piece By Piece
The Gods Destroy The World They Created

- Eternal Darkness -


7 years have past since the great war. No one thought that they would ever have to go to war again. It is May 7th and the Gods are growing bored. They want to test the loyalty of the Races of the world so they plan to plunge them into utter chaos. No one knows this yet... They do what their god bids them to do. However even in these Dark times there is always hope. This time the hope lies in 2 young humans. They have no clue who they are or the important role that they play. Time will give them the answers, Time will save the world. However, how much time there is... No one knows...


1 Players True RPG
256 x 256
Theme Music/background Music
Jungle Tileset
7 Computer Players



Real Time Combat
4 Unique Spells
Deep Involving Storyline
Talk To all Civilians
Good Terrain Causes "BackTracking"
Virtual HP System
Gameplay will be Medium/Slow paced due to the need to level and gain stregnth in order to get passed areas.



-Herb (+8hp)
-Green Tea (+12hp)
-Bronze (LowWeapon/Armor UPG)
-Iron (MediumWeapon/Armor UPG)
-Steel (HighWeapon/Armor UPG)
-Chocolate (+180 Stamina)



Western Dock (P1Start)
user posted image

More will come as I finish the outline of the terrain in X-Tra and then I will start posting some as I add Starforge to it. The dock is still there because it still almost looks the same... and it looks cool wink.gif



Demo Will Come When I Get To 20%

I Might Make A Trailer Later On


Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2005-05-01 at 17:35:48
i think youve broke the record for most rpg's being created at the same time. looks good like most every rpg you start. FINISH!!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-01 at 17:36:42
I have a feeling that the techincal stuff isn't done yet. But the screen shots look really good.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-05-01 at 17:51:28
Most of the technicol stuff is done actualy... I only have that town and the docks done as of terrain... I am curently working on making the shops and some systems...

You need to learn not to spam... Stay on topic and dont post useless crap i cant use to help make my map better...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2005-05-01 at 17:54:00
Actually, I'd like to emphasize the point of "finish the map this time!"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-05-01 at 18:09:12
I guess no one even saw my other thread before my computer got reformated... I said in it I was GOING TO FINISH NO MATTER WHAT

Now please get on topic about the MAP and got off the topic about me not finishing...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-05-01 at 18:19:40
Hey Odd I thought that your screenshots were very awesome looking. You rpg looks like it would be a good one man, keep up the good work on the terrain and don't rush anything. Good luck on your map and I am hoping to see your demo once you get to 20%. Good luck. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Moogle on 2005-05-02 at 00:23:11
Ok on topic time!

· What type of casting system?
· Do we have potions we can use?
· Is dere cutscenes?
· Will you be creating good boss fights?
· Will dere be lot of quests?
· Can i test it when done?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-05-02 at 18:54:04

I have decided to redo all the terrain but I have alredy finished the first town And the docks... The triggers will start after I have completed all the terrain in X-tra... As i do the triggers i will use SF to make extended bridges and such...

The System will have levels of spells. To cast a spell you move a probe you have in the spell casting area... the probe you move depends on your spell
There will be potions and some other items I havn't thought of yet.
There will be cutscenes but most of them you will only be able to see if as your one player. the other player will have a different story line.
I will do side quests last due to the string limit and I would like to get the main stories and systems working before I do side quests.
All members in the aE clan can test if I want them wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Forsaken on 2005-05-02 at 19:45:06
Well, I kind of skipped ahead of all the rest of the posts.. =/... So, I have no idea if someone already told you. The scrrenshot on the left "Lihiro Village City of Beginnings" is spelled worng. pinch.gif You dropped the "N". But, other than that.... The screenies look great. I would like to test when the map is "testable". tongue.gif

Good Luck!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-05-02 at 20:25:01
Ive actualy changed the feel of the starting town from a happy kind of town to a dark, decaying town... not many people. Lots of doodads and such to emhisize the feeling... When i finish the basic outline as stated earlier. I will SF it and add extended terrain and then I will post the new screens...

Old Screens have been deleted exept for the dock... that actualy looks almsot the same... Its a little smaller and looks better then old one... but its almsot the same

I am thinking on making it only one player but making in REALLY Long...
Post some feedback
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2005-05-03 at 11:42:50
i think youve broke the record for most rpg's being created at the same time. looks good like most every rpg you start. FINISH!!!

Unless it's 6, then it's not as many as me.
Of course, none of them ever got finished, but I was actively(compared to my normal, atleast) working on them.
I never really said much about them because I've already created around 8 topics for maps I planned on making that I dropped.

Whatever you do, do not make it singleplayer!!
Multiplayer, although more costly in triggers, available units(I often run out of units to make into enemies when I'm thinking of an Rpg), possibly strings, makes the game several times better.

Spells: Will you just use regular unit summoning spells with a couple of things like invincibility, or will you actualy be creative about them, like spells that freeze all the enemies within X matrices from you?
... hey, that's a good idea!

What kind of potions will they be?
Medic or SetHp%?
*EzDay2 prays Medic
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Neiji on 2005-05-03 at 15:52:06
Single player is more of a True RPG for me, unless it's a MMO RPG...

FOr multiyplayer, don't make it so all the players meet up for no exact reason...
Make a story how they get together or like they gotta have some kinda connection. I hate LIke all those maps where you just start in the same area and you just start in town, you are on a mission by the king to kill an evil guy that stays there for the whole game and you kill all of his little minions or just random animal...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-05-03 at 15:56:06
Im actualy thinking on makeing the 2 players start in the same area... this could result in easier to make cutscenes and both players can see both characters stories unfold...


In one player you will see more cutscenes and such... I am actualy leaning toward 1 player but I am not sure what you people want... in one player I could make the systems better and have better... Everything...

Also Tell me if you would prefer TBC or RTC
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Chronophobia on 2005-05-03 at 15:57:53
I see blockyness on the pic!!!!!! AAAAH!!!!

Well, nice work... just finish this one =P
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-05-03 at 16:22:58
ya but you have to admit that blockyness isnt very bad at all and it actauly looks like it would almost belong there...
If anyone is wondering where we are talking about look at the bridge a little closer wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-05-04 at 17:44:42

-Terrain at 18% completion
-World Map at 30%
-1 Player Map DECIDED
-Story and Ideas Now At 80%

-Real Time Combat DECIDED

-Herb (8hp)
-Green Tea (12hp)
-Bronze (LowWeapon OR Armor UPG)
-Iron (MediumWepon OR Armor UPG)
-Steel (HighWeapon OR Armor UPG)
-Chocolate (180 Stamina)
More To Come

SPELLS: (4 In Total)
-Aura Of Light (Senses Invisable Enemies)
More To Come
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-04 at 17:56:52
How does the HP system work?
I feel really bad saying my RPG is 8 percent done. I'm not done with the technical stuff pinch.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-05-05 at 12:12:58
Considering its only 1 player, couldn't you add more then four spells?

Are there like class choices?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-05-05 at 12:17:07
this will be kinda like LoH and Deep Blue as it has a deep storyline and will not have a fast paced gameplay... It will have a long gametime I hope and all tows are accessable form the begining easily by walking to them... Only 1 town is not and it is a secret that I will not reveal where it is... All I can say is that the world map will seem alot bigger when you find this secret out wink.gif

Only 4 spells so I can fit 4 units into a dropship. The spells will not be big spells... most just little enchantments that will raise your status and help you seethings you normaly couldn't
You are a DT.


- World Terrain 56%
- 2 Towns Complete
- Story at 95%
- Trigger Planning at 70%
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-05-05 at 12:19:23
You can always use two dropships, or maybe a dropship and shuttle or something like that.

Fine ur unit is a DT, but what literal CLASS does it have in the rpg? Knight? Assassin?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-05-05 at 12:21:52
Just an average person with a sword...
I will have 1 dropship for spells... The other is Items

I probably will use qPirates Menu system for the selection of Items and armor from stores and such because well... its very well done and practicaly flawless smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by -BW-Map_God on 2005-05-05 at 13:51:20
Sounds Great, nice to see it progressing, too bad it can't be multiplayer though sad.gif , would be nice to have another fun/good rpg to play online biggrin.gif .
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Volcove99 on 2005-05-05 at 13:55:53
Single player rpgs aren't bad tho. Would be cool to play
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-05 at 16:22:09
Umm, you can fit 8 units into a dropship... I'm assuming you know that, you just need the units for something else.

Also, I'm really curious how the Hp system works. How do you heal 8 or 12 hp?
How does stanima work?
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