I just tried it, terrans can wall. But just not on the bridge itself.
But owell, i changed it:
if they can wall, that's ok, but is it a b or a bss?
GG terran, even if terran can wall, its a bit late, the choke is too wide, early dragoons and lots would tear right through.
And about the middle: Why so many minerals/expansions.
Edits to make: If you want that wide bridge, thats ok, just add a mineral patch with 18 or 24 minerals in it, so terran can still block easily, yet, the choke can is wide.
If terran can wallin (please precise which buildings and if it is zergling/zealot safe), it's all good. It is not like you die everytime to a zealot/goon rush on LT 12_3, even though the ways between players are even shorter. Cannonrush might be very dangerous, though. Honestly, as long as I can wallin i prefer wide entrance, so my vults may get into his base to harass more easy. zvp i might be very hard to hold some 2-3 hatch zergling harass.
The middle-expands -> gg comment is very weird by yenku. It is as much expos as on LT or most other maps, and if they are relativly close to each other in the middle, it is a good thing tvp, tvz and pvz, as they are easier to control than expos on the other end of the map. It reminds me of incubus. On incubus terran has a hard time versus toss in the first minutes, but after that he can relly use the terran to his advantage and push forward to the enemy in a short period of time or at least secure his fair share of expos.
most maps with level-ground chokes are hard for terran early on
Woah, Panschk you dont think that terran will have a hard time on this map?
I guess i shouldnt have said GG, but seriously, terran wont have a very fun time trying to hold his base.
Ok, i reread it, your right i edited it, i didnt know i said that.
When i tryped that post, i was referring solely to the protection of the terran base.
playing tvp on short positions (11-1 or 5-7) I would consider going 2 Rax or at least constantly pumping out of my first rax to gundam Toss. As he has no choke to defend, that could be quite effective. Playing 1 fax expo without constant marine production will get you killed probably. You just have to adjust;)
If he survives the first minutes, the terrain that is not that wide in the middle gives terran advantages, so I don't think we can say this map is imbalanced before a certain number of games is played on the map.
I hope I find some opponents to play your map against;)
The fact that terran has to go bio vs toss is a bad thing. Bio is inferior to metal, and when the protoss is expecting it it really won't work. Also, zerg would get raped by both races, because they would have to hatch before expo and they still wouldn't get a second gas.
I don't agree with you on the matchup zvp. Think of Korhal, where zerg did not really need to go fe to have an advantage, because protoss had to get very early canon or he would get massive disadvantage by well microed speedlings.
I just played a series of games against Striker[FP] on your map, lemme upload those replays:) In the zip file are 5 replays, 4 tvz and one tvt (we are both terran players normally)
U see that zvt is really quite hard on this one, even though striker and my zerg suck obviously;)
korhal had 2 chokes, this map has one
I hope I find some opponents to play your map against;)
You say fax alot, i never heard that, i assume your reffering to Factory.
Yes fax=factory:) (rax=barracks btw)
While Korhal has two chokes, even with only one choke zealots would have a hard time preventing zerglings from entering, because it is so wide (I talk about the "main" choke of course). Thats what is similar to this map.
ZvT Zerg should play aggressivly imho, not trying to expand early to the natural, but trying to keep the marines count low while teching straight lurker. Fast expo was really hard for zerg, just look at the replays I posted before.
I would love to find people to play with on the map... How about wraith... Or am I not good enough for the map?
(rax=barracks btw)
Of course who doesnt know that. I just never heard the use of Fax.
K made couple more changes. How's this then?
look at the left bootom corner, why is there platform ?
only thing i got to say except gj
QUOTE(Yenku @ May 21 2005, 07:36 AM)
Of course who doesnt know that. I just never heard the use of Fax.
i think he made it up
At least I did not invent that term, so there are other ppl who use it;)
The new version does not change that much, tvp is slighly improved, the problem with zerg fast expand did not change much. Well it's not the only map where zerg can not get an easy 2. gas (nostalgia), and they work, too.
Better for PvT, but like Panschk said, Zerg still gets some easy expansions.
Pansck is saying zerg fast expo is hard
No, hes saying they can get 2 easy expansions.
ZvT Zerg should play aggressivly imho, not trying to expand early to the natural, but trying to keep the marines count low while teching straight lurker. Fast expo was really hard for zerg, just look at the replays I posted before.
Oh, your right...
Well then i disagree, they have a personal nat, which helps, and then they have an expo at the entrance to thier choke, no big deal.
They have a mineral only which every race can easily secure, and then they have a gas expo which is impossible for them to secure.
How is this easier for zerg than lost temple?
Against 9rax you won't get your fast expand at the gas natural. I imagine terran just building a rax at you entrance with marines behind it could contain the zerg easily. I will have to try that