Whoa, i like it. But it think you should have had to maps. Power Failure 1 and 2. Tho 2 is better. ehm... good job!
well i already made a thread over the first one but after getting lots of criticism about it, i decided to do an extreme makeover. So i'm just showing what changes i've made
well that's a completly other map. But I like it:)
edit: Ok I changed my mind/looked closer at it. It looks really cool, but balance wise it's horrible. ZvP and PvT are very easy compared to other maps on this one, because the main bases are so easy to enter.
It looks like i started over, but what i really did was just some big time editing of the map (and u'll notice, those four small bridges in the middleish area of the map survived my extreme makeover
EDIT: Hmmm, then should i take out one ramp then?
Well Milenium I have to say this looks alot better.
As I posted in the old topic that it needs to be more symetrical and straght... Im glad you took my Advice...
In the middle where there is 2 bits of "Plating" You should put 3 or 4 minerals on each side... That could cause some mayhem in the middle
How are terrans going to survive an attack by a Protoss through three choke points? In most common melee games, Terrans survive by 'walling in' (building a wall, usually made up of a Barracks and a few Supply Depots) and teching up to Vultures and Tanks. It looks like Terrans can't do that as easily on this map and they'd have to go 'Deep Six', a strategy that focuses on using Infantry instead of Factory units, which is easily beaten by Reavers or High Templar.
I am sorry if I overlooked something very important and obvious as to why this isn't the case.
Hmmm... i'll c what i can do
O and here's a replay of me and some friends playing this map
yep, you need a choke point
2nd map fits the name this time. First time I saw the original map, I told myself "This doesnt look like a Power Failure".
Should each main have only one bridge? Or two?
Here's a screenshot of what i've done so far. What else must i do or undo?
I think personaly that there should be 2...If you have one its such a small choke point... 2 Would make it more fun, But the protoss will have the easiest time defending it... As always...
Why not just have one extra wide bridge? Or is there something that eludes me? I saw something like a super-brdge on Paranoid Android, can that be done with the Space platform tileset?
I think you need StarForge or something to make giant bridges. Put two bridges right next to each other in regular Editor and meld them in SF or something...
I dunno, I never actually tried it.
no, thats not the way to do it. You have to build your bridge with about 30-50 little pieces of tiles you put together. Quite an annoying work, and the map will not be 100% compatible to the standard campaign editor. Don't do it if you don't really need to:)
And wtf, why should there be an extra large bridge? Just 1 bridge is hard enough to defend, 2 or one extra large are ridiculous (sp?). I'd prefer making a pseudo-bridge with normal terrain, so you can make a proper wallin.
just use unbuildable terrains
longer / wider bridges look ugly
another one map added to Millenium Army's extensive map list...
Looks great though...
Choke can't be defended (it is two bridges, neither of which can be walled), and in a cross position game it takes only a few second to reach the other guy's base.
Ok, now how is this? I took out the bridges and replaced them with terrain. Doesn't look as pretty as the ones with bridges, but owell
And here's the map as well
I'm just wondering, but what is the point of the solar array on the bridges?
To stop building on them? thats normaly what it does...
I dont see the problem with keeping them. =/
I don't think it would let you wall.
That's it. Please let us poor terrans wall