lol yes, bottom right has no ramp^^
It's better:) Perhaps could move the minerals on the min only closer to the water (and away from the main plateau), so tanks on high ground can't protect the min only expand.
All races would expand quite early on this map, thats just how it is and will always be, no matter how large those bridges are (natural is easy to defend. Airunits will be strong too, muta harass on the natural expo could be very effective. I really don't see terran owning everything here, toss should go carriers faster than on nostalgia here, as they would really kick ass with those expos vulnarable to attacks from the sea.
Alright, i changed a couple things:
- Put the ramp to main base in middle, not the top/bottom parts.
- Moved/modified minerals
- 3 shortened bridges
- Changed middle
So hows this?
That REALLY changed it up, because zerg has to hatch before expo. I'm not sure what affect that would have on balance considering the other changes.
Hmmm, i just played this with 2 other people. It was a 2v1; me being on the team of two. And it doesn't seem bad to me. Here's a replay if neone cares (i doubt no one does though)
Just watched the replay (corrupted btw). You are really not a very good player
Your maps are far better for sure;)
Well a replay on that level does not help much, as players will probably not be able to exploit the imbalances. zerg has to go 3 hatch to expo, so while tvp is more balanced now, I don't know for tvz. (I really don't know, I'm no zerg player)
One general thing with many of your maps: Try to make turrets or canons at the minerals possible by not placing them directly next to the cliff/water/end of map.
This last version was much better. Great job.
Looks alot better too.
Hmmmm... now i just gotta get better at melee overall
Mill, are you any good? I have never seen you.
No im kinda bad at normal melee. I only play on $$ maps
:-O Millenium Army is a N00b!
Thats ok, you make ok maps.