QUOTE(Dr.Sh0tgun @ Jun 7 2005, 03:35 PM)
The basic archeitecture of my game could be pushed into multiplayer, but it would be very time-consuming.
Manison is very different from HotH, there are many weapons, a weapon storage limit, grenades, medpacks, etc.
HotH had two weapons. It was (no offense) much simpler in some ways than i plan on my map being.
maybe in v2 or something i will add more players.
also i think that multiplayer detracts from aura.
I'm glad you back up your opinions so strongly. No offence taken (i've had much worse said lol)
I generally like multi player games alot more than single player. Another human player can add much more replay value than anything else. But of course when your allied all the time and your doing the same thing it doesn't really matter much.