« M a n s i o n » }
aaaaaa [center]
After toying with the idea of a fantasy RPG, I went back to my haunted house map. StarForge did some weird things to it for some unknown reason, so I am forced to restart. A curse and also a blessing, since the map was sorta messy and unordered.
History of my haunted map: Started out as "Halloween Hell", entirely in Xtra-Edit. Discovered SEN. Realized how bad my map was, restarted under name Mansion. Restarted again, this is current status.[/center]
« S t o r y »}
Wandering the mansion alone, discover the tale of this manor. Battle your way out using a protective suit left by the special ops team consumed by the mansion.[/center]
« F e a t u r e s »}
- Cool effects like flickering lights.
- Backpack system relying on four weapon "slots", a storage spot, etc.
- High-quality music.
- Realistic grenade system.
- Ammo system.
- Suit energy system.
- Cinematics I'm slaving on.
- Medic, not SetHP, healing system.
- Upgrades without Engineering Bay, Evolution Chamber, or Forge.
- Uses dropship/building system of using items.
- Lots of abilites.
- General aura I'm slaving on.
« S p e c i f i c a t i o n s »}
- Single Player.
- 256×256.
- Installation.
- Filesize unknown. Estimated to be ≈5 to ≈25 MB.
- Difficulty: Challenging.
« G a m e p l a y »}
- Real-time combat.
- Large world.
- Extras unlockable after game is beaten, like a New Game+ option to restart with all of your equipment.
- Engaging boss battles that integrate fast-paced shooter elements with puzzles.
- Puzzles.
- Inventive terrain.
- Complex map layout requiring doubling back and finding hidden areas.
- Multiple endings caused directly by your choices.
- Heightened realism.
« S c r e e n s h o t s a n d D o w n l o a d s »}
Area outside the mansion:

A few shots of the "console"

« N e e d e d »}
All suggestions are welcome.
Specific Items-[/center]
- Text color scheme.
- Title- Must be elegant, chilling and short, not like THEHAUNTEDHOUSEOFDOOMOMGWTFOMFGTHEZOMBIESOMFGWTFRUNOMG!!1121!111
- Story- seems pretty lame.
« P r o g r e s s »}
Almost nothing, except for 35 pages of planning sheets.
Core systems:
[progress]100[/progress] 100%
[progress]2[/progress] 0%
[progress]0[/progress] 0%
Finishing touches:
[progress]0[/progress] 0%
[progress]0[/progress] 0%
[progress]93[/progress] 93%
[progress]33[/progress] 33%
Post layout taken from qPirateKing's Deep BlueThanks so far to
BeeR_KeGView in Linear+ format
Sounds like a good map. Good luck.
Feel free to use any of the discussed RPG systems in my thread:
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopic=14739Here you will find all sorts of ideas and concepts planned into making a Full-Scale "True RPG" which will make an awesome re-play factor in implemented correctly.
yea wow you have a nice layout for it good luck, it will be a great thing

Lol i took the post layout from qPirate's deep blue thread. it says so in the top post.
Only his? I made about 20 different threads using layouts like that

Anyway keep the story as it is... No need to make it more complex than it is...
Mini game arcade After game is beat? Sounds lame... Just have it end and mabe give you a password or something for a sequel?
This almost wants me to finish my Hanunted map lol...
I'd be glad to help... PM me if you need any
Hmm maybe your right OddAngel. I have a lot of unused space in my map because the "control console" area is along the bottom and theres this strip that i dont know what to do with. Therefore I thought of mingames.
Uber Idea added: Observers junkyard dog ordered around the map to look like "ghosts"
More uberness: Chrono trigger new game+ system, replay the map with all of your equipment. This will require huge amonts of work, requires spawning many units.
yeh sounds good.
one question: why the hell would a civilian in a protective suit be able to do better than a special ops squad???
bleh.. so its not that ig a deal. but still...
QUOTE(www.com.au @ May 23 2005, 11:12 PM)
yeh sounds good.
one question: why the hell would a civilian in a protective suit be able to do better than a special ops squad???
Easy. Plot Devices

I'd like to help out on this map or give suggestions, but I'm kinda busy with my own. A few of our ideas are actaully similar, so check my map out too if you want. If theres anything that interests you that you would like to integrate into your map, feel free to ask and ill give you the details.
Anyway, good idea. Goodluck.
I have the protective suit because without it, i am limited so much by realism. the limits of a suitless guy was restricting so i invented the suit.
You are bettr than the spec ops because u can learn from their dead bodies the mistakes they made.
But withoust any training... You wouldn't be able to do anything...
You are a civilian after all...
Hmm, Sounds like it will be a very nice map

, Good luck on it

... And make sure you can train!

Yeah, one of the things im going to do is have constantly spawning units in various spawn places that will junkyard dog arounds. perhaps i will allow a training ground as well.
bad news: i'm really busy with skool rite now, so my mapping will be very sluggish
Make sure you dont just spawn them without having a limit...
If there is to many of them in one area they will fill up and eventualy you will
get the unit unplaceable message...
Yeah. Already planned. I just need this for new game+ idea, as well as adding a randomness to the game.
Also, it will spawn only when there are no units in the spawn points immediate vicinity. I like playing with you minds

. Besides, it would look stupid if you saw units spawning or all the units crowded into a spawn point. Also avoids people randomly spawning.
Core systems updated.
sorta uber idea- trigger system which lets me place weapons without having to build specific triggers for them.
More Uberness: map is populated when you press new game+, takes time to repopulate map so that its not supr ez.
Reworked the weapon system to allow special weapon/items like hand grenades.
Mostly done with core systems- using/equpping part about 98% done, but picking up part not close to done. Ambient effects done. Around 15% total.
Added a few screenies.
finally finished core systems!
Eww! Uninspired installation terrain gives me the willies!
Try playing House of the Haunted, get some ideas from that then attempt your terrain again. I'm not trying to be insulting, but from the looks of it you're trying to create a spooky atmosphere. Well in order to do that you need to cut the player off in every way you can, the best way to do this is through your terrain.
If you want then I can go into further detail.
You can't really judge just by the terrain i posted.
Trust me.
I was really just looking for an excuse to whip out my
sexy time terrain, but maybe you can get an idea from it anyway.
damn i'm having trouble with my map-
reworking a few elements of the core systems
2 things:
One- The game is single player. I see that you are dedicated a lot to this map, but one of the reasons I like playing any online game is because of interaction.
Two- It is single player, so maybe people on this website will see the map but you cannot distribute it over battle.net.
Other than that it seems awesome.
Why have interaction in a haunted map?
So your walking along and theres like this really spooky terrain, i don't want some bnet user to screw up the effect by saying something like "brb going to get dinner."
Or at my final boss battle i don't want people to say things like "OMGWTFTHEBOSS IS RIGGED OMGWTFOMFGWTF!!1121oneonetwo2!!111
QUOTE(Dr.Sh0tgun @ Jun 7 2005, 06:28 AM)
Why have interaction in a haunted map?
So your walking along and theres like this really spooky terrain, i don't want some bnet user to screw up the effect by saying something like "brb going to get dinner."
Or at my final boss battle i don't want people to say things like "OMGWTFTHEBOSS IS RIGGED OMGWTFOMFGWTF!!1121oneonetwo2!!111
Display Text "
Preserve Trigger
As far as people speaking and ruining the mood I don't think thats a valid reason. however in a horror map the players work as one another's life line. If it is actually scare they will be afraid to walk of somewhere on their own.
The basic archeitecture of my game could be pushed into multiplayer, but it would be very time-consuming.
Manison is very different from HotH, there are many weapons, a weapon storage limit, grenades, medpacks, etc.
HotH had two weapons. It was (no offense) much simpler in some ways than i plan on my map being.
maybe in v2 or something i will add more players.
also i think that multiplayer detracts from aura.
Wow, this game sounds....wow.
Good luck.