It really doesn't matter how many browsers you have on your computer... unless you're going to go through everything with one browser and then go through them all again with a different browser...
That's like twice the work!
If you want to do that, I'd love it, however, testing code can be pretty boring shit after awhile, especially if you repeat everything twice or three times.
Sunrise? Netscape 4? IE 5 w/ SP1? I really don't care about those.
Anyways, the whole "can be pretty boring" after while statement is exactly why there will be no new testers in this first little phrase. This is because, if changes are made, I'm expecting a new tester to find it before an older tester would simply because it's the new testers first time. It's perfect logic

Everyone that posted before the post I made with "Um... everyone who posted here can be in this team

. Yay!" should see the new senv5 beta forum. If not, repost and you'll be in the second team.
More people will be added soon!
Most likely when I finish re-fixxing a few more scripts (faq, usercp, profiles).
After that, more people will be added when the shoutbox and other minor, easy scripts are done.
Don't fret if you're not one of the first ones... I do need you to experience sen for the first time when it's a little more completed for best testing results. So don't ask for links!