We were allowed to see it until that random person registered.
We never really did anythign with the site except look around and try to figure out if anything worked, it didn't because we weren't registred. All of us probably lost interest and one day I saw that the page was unavailable so I thought to myself that someone had figured out the URL and IP or Yoshi had changed it. I never really asked why, I just thought that it was important security measure.
If I remember the URL correctly, it was really easy to guess what it was.
Anyways, I thought you all knew...?
Nope, we just never asked and moved on
I only keep mentioning that I didn't do it because all logic points at me.
As I said, the URL was pretty easy to guess, with all the thousands of people that come to SEN, someone might start guessing and finally get it.
So no one else knows it (Well, maybe staff).
No one to my understanding knows it except IP and Yoshi. From what I've seen both in this thread and in Staff Forum, Moose doesn't either ebcause he doesn't have much more of a clue than the rest of us have.