QUOTE(FaZ- @ Jul 3 2005, 07:37 PM)
The first time that a MC inventory system was used that I saw was in Trigger Happy Defense by Tuxedo-Templar. It was for buying new weapons and ammo, and worked great. One problem with it however was if two people mind controlled the same item only one of them gained the item. Just make sure to fix that by putting all actions together.
Anyway, the map looks great. If you plan on messing with alliance stati to make a cooldown, expect major problems and huge amounts of playtesting. I would recommend not including this. Overall this sounds like a great idea. Don't make being a "King" too tedious however, or you will not have many volunteers for that area.
I wasn't going to post until I had decent amount of stuff done. However, I think there needs to be clarification. As for people who have posted before the last 4 people, I'll address your questions on a more personal basis after a proper UpdateTo Crispie: Well, what can I say other than just thank you.
To OddAngel: Thanks man, well Vacation officially starts tomorrow, with the exams gone I can work on it more steadilyagain. I really don't want this immense pressure on me. I just want to map make this as an enjoyable treat in my spare time.
To Faz-: Exactly, thats what i meant, its hard to find the first originator of the idea because I never played Trigger Happy Defence and never knew the system was there. I hope that gives a more clearer understanding of what I meant.
Yeah, and thanks, I'll try to get players to play the Majesties more.
To Shadow181: I don't see what you are trying to prove here. The only thing I used from Guild Wars was the music in the trailer. In addition I never played Guild Wars. Plus Guild Wars in an MMO - with a totally different environement and condition. But this a .scx mainly based on tactical warfare and simple roleplay. And yes, jsut in case you're wondering, I got your PMs, I ignored them.