QUOTE(Shadow181 @ Jun 12 2005, 12:10 AM)
thanks screwed, and seeing as you replyed AND gave me permission I WILL give you credit. It is a good idea, did you come up with it?
MCing was something like D web/ Dark Swarm choosing which was invented a long time ago. Shinra also had this idea for an inventory, I expanded it into a upgrade/ spell casting system idea. Someone is going to come up with this idea sooner or later. So its really hard to judge whether this idea originally was mine.
QUOTE(Slyence(MM) @ Jun 12 2005, 01:02 AM)
Holy Crap, Screwed is making a map!
By the look's of it, It looks like it may be a pretty good map... But good luck anyway.
Hey thanks, um yeah, thanks

[sorry i'm having a headache, I honestly wana save my brain cells right now

QUOTE(-Jake- @ Jun 12 2005, 02:29 PM)
Well, I am going to say this:
**Begins Coughing**
**Coughing Ends**
Well, Screwed.... We have a lot in common. We get this
great idea for a map. We get REALLY into it. And then one day.... BOOM... You never want to pick it up again. That is what happened
here. And the really sad part is how far I got into it about a week ago. Meh... I may go back to it once school gets out. Anyways, this looks like a lot of fun. I'll start testing with you once you get some testable stuff. (That made sense)

Good Luck!
And I hope I will finish this. But I lay no garauntee because I never fulfil these kind of promises. =\ And please, please don't castrate me =\
Haha, hey l)ark. How could I have explained better
QUOTE(DevliN_ @ Jun 12 2005, 03:00 PM)
Speed sucks as an attribute. Unless you plan on incoperating my "cooldown" idea, which might not work, no one is going to get it. It requires too much stats for an improvement.
I think I'll keep the speed in for now. And btw, I already incorporated your cooldown idea. And don't tell me to remove the 1500 triggers I just did.
QUOTE(Euro @ Jun 12 2005, 03:33 PM)
both maps are looking good (MM : EE) and sounding good (This one). Hoping to see both. I liked the K&K ideas in the first one but they could of been made better.
BTW: Sylence those are my siggy pics.
Yeah thanks. I'm not too sure which both you're referring to. It would also be great if you could point out how I could improve my K&K ideas.
UpdateLike i said before, I had a headache.. food poisoning I guess. I think I'll rest for a while since its Sunday.
About the map progress, I did 1800 repetitive triggers this morning. Don't ask how

Total approximate trigger amount is 2500 triggers in two days. Woot! The new triggers cover a Cooldown attribute system Ultimo suggested to me when he tested the map, some misc stuff, Levelling up, and the Ability part of the 'scrolling' system. (2 stargates)
More to come soon. New screenshots will come once I have spells and some terrain done

Double Post!
Ok guys, after I woke up from a 3 hour rest, I decided to work on the Alliance settings. But after bug fixing for about 90 minutes, the Player 5 alliance still doesn't work. I would appreciate if anyone could find any abnormaties in the triggers (the structure of them).
There are 12 triggers divided in 4 sections. Each 3 triggers is the alliance of Player 3 for each majesty.
What is wrong is that,
1. The notification for Player 5 when joining Majesty Player 1 doesn't display, but I think the trigger does run because the switch is set to trigger the alliance/ vision to come up. (very odd)
2. The notification for Player 5 when joining Majesty Player 3 doesn't display, but I think the trigger does run because the switch is set to trigger the alliance/ vision to come up. (very odd)
3. The notification comes up for Player 5 when joining Majesty Player 4, but the switch doesn't seem to be set because no alliance/vision changes are identified (very odd)
All these are very strange, because the trigger does run, but part of the actions dont occur. Please help.
Because I reused locations here are what they are:
[Mer]C-Assasin: The location on the beacon to form alliances with Majesty Player 1.
[Mer]C-Mage: The location on the beacon to form alliances with Majesty Player 2.
[Mer]C-Knight: The location on the beacon to form alliances with Majesty Player 3.
[Mer]C-Ranger: The location on the beacon to form alliances with Majesty Player 4.
Code Removed, Problem Solved

Credit will be given to who helps me figure out whats wrong. I honestly can't proceed without this part done.
Hey guys, I fixed the problem. It's so retarded I don't want to say what was wrong.
I also recovered partly from my headache. Which was a good thing

I could hardly hear when it was hurting really badly.
UpdateSince the weekend was over, progress slowed down. I did about 140 triggers today, based on alliances and gaining ability credit. I will start carving the terrain tomorrow
Heres a screenshot of the "ability chart"
I'll be adding info about it later.