Wow, I didn't think I would actually have time to respond, but here I am again lol. I guess I kind of lied. However, it is a good thing I was able to post again... right? Anyway, straight to the Q and A like before. Brainstorm time!!!!!
So we must decide now if we actually want to make two versions, and if we do want two, how much mod do we want to use. Another option would be to make two almost entirely different coded/triggered maps for each version. That would take the most work, but would get the most playability.
So if we must decide... I again say screw bnet, lets just make the modded version. When we finish that we can then decide on whether or not we want to make a non modded version. Eh? It makes a lot more sense, because as SuperToast was pointing out, at the bnet comment I made before, the only people who will benefit from this project is the people at SEN, and other map developers.
But, I am having trouble using an editor to show the correct terrain. As far as I've found, the editor's seem to not allow you to use custom terrain, I've even tried some things with the beta scmdraft, but it wasn't working. So anyone with some help on this would be much appreciated.
I'm lost, didn't you use custom terrain in the screenshots? Also, I definitely agree that terrain layout will be one of the biggest areas of focus we will need wto work with. This project isn't going to be anything close to 'small.'
As a BTW... I have more or less finished the link sprite and most of the iscripting on it. I'm still going to be changing some sounds and maybe some button layouts, (possibility of having built in buttons to do spells/special attacks...). We still need to figure out something for the unit portrait, the wireframe, and the armor/attack/sheild pictures. I pretty much suck at any modeling so I can't come up with a wireframe or a unit portriat, but I should be able to come up with some icons for armor/attack/shield. Any help in the modeling side of the graphics, (wireframes, .smk unit portraits, editing other grps, etc...) would be greatly appreciated. I'll look and see if anyone I can find can help with these things.
I can get us graphics for armor, attack, and shields. Quick question though, I had an interesting idea, and I didn't know if it was possible. Could you change those graphics during the actual game? If not, we can do a lot more with it. I will find you some graphics, and fish out ideas as we go a long. Also, don't worry about the wireframe, I can make one in PS with zelda pics. What size do you need these, and what format do you need the pics? I know the wireframe changes, so I don't know exactly what kind of image they use for that. It seems like it would be a 2 color thing with black and white, where sc code simply changes the color of the white to green and other health crap, but tell me, and I can do it. Also, how do you make .smk unit portraits. I can make small animated versions in flash, but I need to know how to transfer it to a .smk. Your the one who knows about all the modding stuff, but keep in mind I can help with anything else, because my multimedia knowledge is pretty vast, in terms of programs.
However, don't just ask me to copy and paste the original trigger liek 10000 times while changing 1 thing on it eahc time. THAT just annnoys the plain hell outta me.( thats why it's gunna take so long to do my null defense map...)
Coding in SC is not fun, luckily SCMD2 made their new trigger editor plug in program to make all coding like that, completed in 10 minutes or less. Don't use SCXE when you have many triggers, because it is much easier do to with SCMD2.
I'm thinkign we use a virtual hp system for this... I mean, burrow a zerg unit and make that the hp unit. W'ell need 2 computers for this if it's splash. 1 computer to have always invincible zerg unit and the other the non invincible one. Get the general idea? Also, we can make "link" regenerate hp that way too.
It's just a modded version fo teh deep blue game thingy~ but it should wokr pretty well.
I have also thought a bit about this, and I have a few ideas. Since all the attacks will be programmed attacks, and so on, we don't even need to worry about making it so the units have vitural hp. They will have hp, but it will all be recoreded with... Variables! Yes, I know what fun, this will add a lot more expansion though, and make many things a lot easier. Of course we are still going to need to use the idea that SuperToast suggested with the Dist. Web, and swarm, but they are going to be used in a different way. How? Well we will use them as ST described, but there going to detect where attacks were made. The area that the attack effects will be made with these, as well as many other units. Trust me, you may be confused right now, but I have it all planned out. Read this a few times again, if needed I can re explain it. To move on, we will also need to make it so the player knows he hit the enemy. Now, when I thought about this, I was like, 'In all the old zelda games, the enemy would typically move backward, and then flash to signal that you hit him' Well, lucky for us this isn't too hard to mimic. We could first make it so the computer changes to a computer that is of 'red' or white color. Hell, since there are only four players at a time, (we could add a spectator) then we could make it so the computer switches from white to red really quickly, then a small explosion could appear where he is, and then he could be pushed back. I have been messing with this idea a lot, and I am not sure how to work with it. It should work, and look pretty cool, tell me what you think. Eh?
Get the general idea? Also, we can make "link" regenerate hp that way too.
It's just a modded version fo teh deep blue game thingy~ but it should wokr pretty well.
I got the idea, but you need to undestand that none of the units are using their normal attacks or anything like that. You do know that right?
So all link's attacks would make disruption webs which could then be used to detect boss hits.
Bingo, (lights go off) and the prize goes to... (drumroll) ...SuperToast!
So if he has 1 heart, he has 1 vespene, 2 hearts, 2 vespene, etc... That way the player can see how many hits he has left, and it might also be possible to change the image of the vespene chunk in the corner to that of an actual link heart...
Yes, that would be very efficient. Hey wanna know of an even crazier idea though. This idea is wicked crazy, and could possibly lag sc, even though I have never seen sc lag before, people have said it somtimes does.. (laughs at the idea of making the map have a processor requirement) ... anyway back to the idea:
In the map, we will always know where link is, because link will be in the area of the screen. What does this mean? Well, it means, if we do this right, maybe a heart system could be allocated at the top of the screen. I know what your thinking, 'that isn't possible with sc. However, I beg to differ, wouldn't it be possible if we always know where link is? Your first repsonse is probably, "how do you figure?" well, here is what I base my reasoning upon. Because we always know where the screen is, we can make a location that always centers where the center of the screen is located, we can do this with the grid, and complex triggers. From there, we make a north, north east, north west, west , east , etc. 8 location prism around it. From there, we can make these locations move to the top left area of the screen using movement with centering and unit grid creation. The locations will then find themselves at the corner of the screen. Now, the only problem with this is, if the triggers aren't perfectly coded, this system could very well glitch out. However, if the triggers are made smoothly, this system could work very smoothly. I know this idea needs to be explained more, due to the fact that it has never been done, but when you look at it from this angle, it really is quite simple. The triggers read so fast, that you will never even know any of this happened every .0001 ms while playing the game. Interesting eh? Im going to make a demo version of this idea when I get back, so I can show you what I mean. I know I have lost all of you guys with this idea.
We can also then use the minerals for rubbies, and in effect make a virtual HUD to display link's data. Each player would then have their own screen with their own health as well.
If I can get my idea to work, I say we use the minerals for rupees, and the gas for a universal item trigger. That way if we have bomb chus, bombs, arrows, or anything else, we can make it so it reads how many you have with that. We can use a unique picture to show its a universal item reader. With triggers we can make the variables change depending on what weapons you have equiped.
and in effect make a virtual HUD to display link's data. Each player would then have their own screen with their own health as well.
Virtual Hud? You lost me, what do you mean?
As a last point, do we want to make any sort of seperate website/fourms for this project?
I can start on a website when I get back, I will need a server though, I am Not using freewebs, so if anyone has some good free web hosters tell me. I know a few, but I love to add to the list. I can also make a personal forum for this, so that can all work out. However, I had an interesting idea.... It is kind of funny how almost no one on SEN knows this project is going on right under their very noses, so I say we ask if we can get our own forum area on this site. If it is not allowed, and SEN administrators disagree with the idea, then I can make a forum, and a small grudge against SEN
That is all, I can't wait to get back to my house so I can start working on all these ideas. I'll get back to you guys as soon as I can. I am really surprised I had a chance to post at all today.