Brilliant gameplay indeed it was! Terrain was awesome! I loved how you made the counters, that was neat. I got stuck though on a part I couldn't figure out.
But other than that your map was amazing!
Good job on it man, keep up the good work.
thanks for the good reviews, guys. props to moogle for helping me catch a few bugs. ive fixed up all known issues, so here's an updated version of the map!
I replayed it again. Played it 2 - 3 times trying different paths see if any bugs. Didnt find any this time. I set myself new record ^_^ lastnite i finished game in 20 mins now i did in 14:25 =) GJ no bugs and its totally owning.
EDIT: Oops... didn't realize there was a second page. Never mind.
I will Beta test I jsut saw this thread and It actualy looks like it will be fun
Ok... I duno if its been asked but... If your stealing money arn't all the poeple there witnesses?
lol, i tried submitting it to the dldb, but it got denied. the tester probably played it in single player or something.
ill try to get it cleared up.
Just make it so if they play in single player make a message telling them
Only Play On B.NET or somthing like that... It always works
BTW: I will test as soon as I get to my other comp
Cool! I really would like to play this map!
I'm at work right now.. Crap
Ok glitch time:
When i got into the security room there are the 3 computers and the master contol room... I went to the computer that unlocks the master control room door and as It was reading I jsut ran to the next computer (Top One) and it form some reason skipped everything on the other one... I then went to the Alamrs computer and set off the firealarm I then went to the door and it saied master control room... The door is lockd blah blah blah... So i went to the door opening computer again and nothing happened... The door didn't unlock or anything... No Text no nothing... I also couldn't exit the security room throught the entrance door...
BTW: I saved and then beat it... It was a weird ending... But it was a very fun game... It Took me just over 25 minutes to beat...
Whats with the part where you hide when the security guards come out... It took me 5 times to figure out how You are suposed to hide...
I just played it. Holy hell that was so good I almost fell apart in my chair.
The end was a little bit strange but still quite good.
You should make a sequel but not the same story.
thank you odd, i fixed the bug you found. all i had to do was change the order of some triggers. it was one of those things i kept telling myself i needed to do, but then i forgot about it entirely. anyway, its fixed.
the security guard part is different for everyone. some people realize it right off, others dont. try not to spoil it!
haha, its cool that you thought it was good. i might make a sequel, but im a busy person these days.
It was a lot of fun, the only bug i noticed is i coulden't get bombs the first time i played.
it probably wasnt a bug. if you get called to the 4th floor, you can no longer get the bomb.
Oh, My bad....It still was really fun, and probably one of the most original maps i have seen lately, and why is the map still a beta??
what then how come I got the bomb... I was called to teh fourth floor... or are you talkign about a different bomb...
Anyway: Mabe you can add a wav or something... Mabe when your in loby you hear people talking? When you are in Security or anywhere else you hear humming of machines or something...
BTW: Just played through it again... It was all the exact same...
If you dont make some distraction (no spoiler) when you enter the control room a guard will find you. Is that what you're wondering?
odd, there are 2 places in the map where there are multiple ways to get by. you probably did things exactly the same both times.
this map is still in beta because im still rooting out bugs. when im reasonably sure of the quality of the map, ill post it in the showcase and stuff.