genre: adventure
players: 1
tileset: installation
dimensions: 256 x 12
estimated playing time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
this map is divided into 11 rooms, each one fits in your view screen exactly. your vision is centered on one room at a time, and you move from room to room trying to reach your objective.
the map takes place in a space station. the space station is a little bigger than the international space station, about the size of a sky scraper (not that this really matters).
the map is timed. you have 1 hour to complete the objective.
the map is linear, but you will have to figure out a lot of things. for example, it will tell you that you are hungry, but you have to figure out that it means you are supposed to go to the galley.
sorry, there is no fighting in this map.
now for the story. you are a member of the dreaded space mafia. your boss insulted you and now you want to get revenge. you decide to sneak into the space station's vault and steal his money. you have to quick though, because even you can't break through the locks inside the vault. if the money gets locked up, you're out of luck!
the map is really simple and really short. what else would you expect from a 256 x 12 map?
here are the screenshots i posted in the terrain forum.
^this is the lobby. it's on the first level of the space station.
^this is the galley. Its a restaurant/bar on the space station.
^this is a generic hallway. there's a hall like this on levels 2-4.
^this is the ventilation shaft. these things are useful for sneaking around, hehe.
as you can see, i tried to fit as much as i possibly could into each of the 11 rooms. if this map was 256 x 256, i would get a nooks and crannies error for sure. id probably run out of sprites too. if this is popular, i might make a sequal.
feedback please!
hum ok n/m. Plus this was already shown... I just saw these in Terrain. What was the point of posting twice
this one has more information in it than the screenshots. plus, some people dont look at the terrain forum. (if you look, it SAYS: "here are the screenshots i posted in the terrain forum.")
Ah, i c. Well ok overall it seems like a fun map
i would gladly like to see the finished copy. The concept seems awsome and i like the terrain. The story also seems interesting. Keep informing me on your progress.
What's clan (j)? Nice map tho.
yea and whats your channel?
thanks for the feedback. ill do my best!
clan (j) isnt actually a clan yet. well, sorta. right now its just me and a few of my friends. i want to finish this map to get our name out there. if all goes well, this will bring us some attention. we dont have a channel or anything, but we'll see!
all you have to do is make Op clan[J] i'll load a bot if you want ? its not a big deal. and it will be your hang out.
Bots, easy, if it were OP, the bot's name should be Clan[J]... op just allows you to ban!
Yea and also have somwhere to hang out
Best Installation terrain i've seen in my life, i'm dieing to see this, great use of installation terrain. I like how you gave it the effect of a peaceful office building inside the spaceship instead of designing it to look like one and how it's not a scary thingy.
yea man, i'm the same way. Like iunno they just look really well done.
Yea I have to agree with them above, This is the best installlation terrain I've ever seen. Whats the sprite/doodad in the first screen? btw, got any demos
lol yea. I hope it goes good.
Awesome terrain man! Best Installation terrain I've seen so far.
Good luck with this project.
Yea what hynk said. But how much percentage is it done? Becuase it seems to have a nice layout?
*I love the screen shots. Your real talented with terrain. I love the tables and the drinks!
yay! glad you guys are interested in this. i hope i wont let you down!
ive already finished all of the terrain (there wasn't much to do). also finished linking all the rooms to each other. briefing done, little things like unit names and forces are all done. id say its about 60% done. gimme another week and it should be finished.
Nice man. Your progress is going good
its almost ready to beta test. who wants in?
Sure i love test it ^_^ looks awesome =)
Hey I have just now got my first chance to see your terrain.
I think that you did a really good job on it! Especially in the Restauraunt room.
Well Can I be in for the testing for you? I would gladly like to help you.
I'll help test it if you want. Looks very nice
ok folks, here's the bare-bones beta. if its good, ill add some extra things for ambience and more ways to lose
Brillant gameplay, nice puzzles. Hehe good traps too. I wont ruin anything for others. Terrain is very nicely created too. Alternative paths was great idea as well. Hope see more stuff added too it =)