Special Characteristics :
A fully interactive character select system :
First, Select From You Gender : Male or Female
Second, Select Archtype ( Were Did Your Powers Derive From ) : Naturally Skilled - Your a Natural
Trained Arts - Trained yourself to the limits
Radiation - Exposure to a certain item that gave you your powers
Third, You will be given a number of units that have matched your choice.
Are there going to be different units for each combo. of these characteristics?
[B]Stat Point System[/B]
Agility - Defense
Strength - Damage
Vitality - Health
Energy - Magic Points
Is this going to be implemented through TBC? I saw the question asked but saw no answer. The only way I think you can implement these stats into a game is through a massive death counter virtual battle system.
Full Interactive Save and Load Game Trigger
I'd love to know how you're going to trigger this without being able enter random values and get powerful character.
Sorry if I seem so negative, but I just really can't see past some of these extraneous features. If you can pull it off though, my hat's off to you.