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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> True Rpg in the Making
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-06-24 at 19:23:47
Dundane Rpg - Created by : aE[PhantaC] & Fwop_

[I]1720 BC - The far away Land of Dundane

Note # 1 - 19 of Lunes, 1720

"I shall have their land! Do not appose to me or you shall face grueling consequences!" The man said ignorantly. No one had ever liked Lord L 'Alkon. The only reason why he had came to power was due to the fact that he had received the heir ever since the death of his father nearly 17 years ago. And for me, my name is Dziek, a normal child merchant that was captured and now is forced to be his slave. He had conquered my land in the year of 1725, rushing his massive army into my town, killing everyone except the men that could work. He had captured all the women for his pleasure and threw us kids in the barracks from the age of being captured to nearly 18 years old. He had believed that if he had got a hold of us kids at an young age, he would make us like slaves. For most of the kids that were in the same section in the bunker that I was in, had attempted to kill themselves. And if they were lucky, his grasp on them did work. Most of those warriors out there were kids my age. Using these kids as his evil minions, making other towns easily give up since they knew these kids were innocent. As goes for my mother and sincere father, I have never seen them to this very day. Knowing that my family was either diing or killed, I gave all hope that is left on life... up. Even though knowingly that if he were to find this letter, it would be the end of my life. I write this letter hoping to tell the nearby lands, he will be soon launching an massive attack to the further lands in hopes of capturing them. Please, I ask of you. Do not fight for... you will end up like me.
Setting :

You are a fighter/mercenary fighting against the forces of L'Alkon

Players :

Two, three or four players

Map Style :

Mmorpg ( Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game )

Special Characteristics :

A fully interactive character select system :

First, Select From You Gender : Male or Female
Second, Select Archtype ( Were Did Your Powers Derive From ) : Naturally Skilled - Your a Natural
Trained Arts - Trained yourself to the limits
Radiation - Exposure to a certain item that gave you your powers
Third, You will be given a number of units that have matched your choice.

[B]Stat Point System[/B]
Agility - Defense
Strength - Damage
Vitality - Health
Energy - Magic Points

* Note - You will be able to equip items throughout the game, to make it more realistic, we have made it so you will be lacking __ to equip an item. To aquire those lacking points, you will have to upgrade what you are lacking.

Can open a vendor ( A personal store, so you can sell items to other players )

Six planned fully interactive towns :
Lorencia - Male Unit Starting Town
Noria ( Elf Town ) - Female Starting Town
Devias - Ice Town
The Lost Tower - Tower of Untamed Souls
The Dungeon - Building of the Forgotten
Atlans - Underwater Town

Some Wild Monsters :
Budge Dragon ( Lorencia )
Goblin ( Noria )
Yeti & Elite Yeti ( Devias )
Bull Fighter & Elite Bull Fighter ( Lorencia )
Ice Frog ( Devias )
Ice Queen ( Devias )
Hound ( Lorencia )
Lich ( Lorencia )
Larva ( Dungeon )
Cyclops ( Dungeon )
Agon ( Noria )
Stone Golem ( Noria )
Only a Little Taste of the monsters to come

Random Switches to Make Your Quests Almost different everytime you play

Full Interactive Save and Load Game Trigger

255 Levels to Upgrade ( Nearly Guaranteed to take you almost a couple of Months to Beat )

Spell Casting System

Battle System

And More To Come Soon
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TDT-DaRkFiRe on 2005-06-24 at 19:51:54
Looks nice, a map like this would be great to play at.

I only have 1 comment.

Players :

Two, three or four players

Map Style :

Mmorpg ( Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game )

2-4 players isnt massive?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-06-24 at 20:09:42
Guess where maps in production belong?

ยป Moved to Maps in Production
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TDT-DaRkFiRe on 2005-06-24 at 20:16:37
Or the game ends when someone leaves....
Happend in some LOTR RPG, You need all 5 players to keep it going, wich was nearly impossible in a random hosted game?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-06-24 at 20:39:18
Why does this strangely sound like MU?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Neiji on 2005-06-24 at 21:51:43
How would a SC map be MMORPG?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by l)ark_13 on 2005-06-24 at 22:38:37
Its not an MMORPG in the sense that hundreds of people are playing it but that its an online RPG. Its more of a SMORPG (Small Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). You have multiple people playing the same RPG online; thats pretty much what it is.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Neiji on 2005-06-24 at 22:43:31
OOOOHHH... you mean like all the other SC RPGs out there? I see... interesting...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-24 at 22:57:27
PhantaC(xL) & Fwop_ this sounds very awesome! A couple months to beat! Now that's an RPG map. smile.gif What I like about Rpg's is the realism and the replay factor, so whenever you don't want it to be the same ole thing over and over again, your replay factor would take in that role to make it amazingly differnet each time. Oh and the Battle System, will that be the Real time combat or the Turn Based combat? This all sounds very good and can't wait for it to come out. Good luck on the map guys. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by l)ark_13 on 2005-06-25 at 01:04:27
QUOTE(Neiji @ Jun 24 2005, 07:43 PM)
OOOOHHH... you mean like all the other SC RPGs out there? I see... interesting...

No not really. Read some of Chiui_os's and BeeR_KeG's topics. They say that the so called "RPG's" most people have been playing aren't RPG's because they're not ROLE PLAYING games. You just go about a set path of events that bring you to the end. According to Phantac (this RPG will be more of and RPG, still not full fledged) each time you do a quest over, its a little different, so its not quite like every other RPG.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sniper on 2005-06-25 at 02:59:59
You wouldn't call any "real" rpg an mmorpg because if you've noticed...those are just like hack & slash rpgs on sc and have no real storyline. This sounds nice though, but I don't think many people are gonna rejoin a saved game over and over for a month or two.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TDT-DaRkFiRe on 2005-06-25 at 04:31:24
I have to agree with sniper.

The point is, a good map is played over and over again, because its addicting. Like defences. Even the most sucky and overplayed ones can be addicting. Rpg's are about a story, and when u know the story, it tends to get boring. Maybe if its really good your willing to play with every characer. But who plays an Rpg 20 time? The thing is, I find making Rpg's is an addicting thing by itself. So I dont really care how many times my map is played. Its always fun to see your map getting hosted by someone you dont know, tough.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Neiji on 2005-06-25 at 10:13:07
Dude, I play Golden Sun like over and over. I'm beating it a 4th time rite now (Just beat Mercury Lighthouse easily)...

I'm coming out with a TBC RPG and it's 80-90% cuz I'm working on a casino (Slot machine and bound where u get money) It'll have 1-2 side quests to get some secret weapons...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-06-25 at 17:15:40
Thanks alot for... most of the comments. Sounds like you guys might be enjoying this one for a while. The point of this is that I had made it for those to enjoy. And if you have any negative feedback towards my map, I would consider you to please keep them in your head. Remember, this is a game, not a competetion. Also, I guess you can consider this a "SMORPG (Small Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game)". Since I would never be able to represent the "MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER" part since there is only a limited amount of players to a map.

TDT's Comment - No. This map will still continue even when one person leaves. It is not a cooperative styled map.

Slayer - Thanks alot for all of the positive comment. Good to know someone is already diing to play this map. smile.gif To answer your question, the battle system will be real time fighting to represent realness.

All Forum Posters - *PS - If I had not stated, the quests will be alternated through a series of random triggers. Causing nealry different quests to occur everytime. So please do not state it won't be "close" to an rpg.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-25 at 18:10:48
Alright! Real time combat. smile.gif I am just dying to play this because I love RPG's.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Loser_Musician on 2005-06-25 at 19:39:25
You can make a sc rpg a lil bit more MMO. Make it KINDA like d2, in the sense that you are able to have many ppl playing it at once, but only have 8 ppl in it at the same time. (In your case, having 2-4 ppl)

Just got to learn how to make a pw system that can hold all that data, and doesn't take billions of trigs.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Fwop_ on 2005-06-25 at 20:02:17
yes, a billion triggered pw system wont really be the most fun thing in the game. we can make it easier.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-29 at 14:28:40
PhantaC you quit clan aEp now did you quit this project?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-06-29 at 14:31:55
I see some originiality in this. I hope you get this done. Ilike Rpg's that are 3-4 players. It is a good amount. I think the story line sounds great. I like all the ideas you have down. I need to know what are the characters in the map? that we choose from or we get to be? I Hope you finish this. You have a nice laydown on things and i hope to see some screenshots.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-06-29 at 17:06:00
Slayer - No. Just beacuse i quit Clan aEp does not mean that I will be leaving this

project. I will now further go on as PhantaC.

Sniper - The characters in this map are going to be a widely assort. For now, I will

just inform you that your choices that you make in the beginning will result in the

choices of your character. Some ideas that I have for some units are as followed :

Rine - Elven Archer, Zealot - Barbarian Warrior, High Templar - Wizard, and more

to come.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-29 at 17:08:26
Alright then PhantaC thats cool. biggrin.gif Can't wait to see some screenshots on this, if your going to post them up pretty soon, that would be great. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-06-29 at 17:30:17
yea what he said..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Son) on 2005-07-01 at 18:31:13
is this going to be like World of Warcraft and Everquest????? if it is are u goin to make different races to choose from then u choose your job or class and some races are better for some jobs??
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-07-03 at 17:06:50
Today, hopefully. I will be posting screenshots of this map. Please stay tuned for

more info.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Fwop_ on 2005-07-09 at 16:55:56
me and phantac have been having a problem about something.

we dont know which to choose, either having to stick with the same unit throughout the game, or being able to change to different units (like equipping a weapon)

we couldnt come up with a conclusion so we would like your opinion

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