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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Star Wars Galaxies
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2005-06-28 at 18:28:18
aright lol -.-!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-28 at 18:30:49
So when is the testing date?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2005-06-28 at 18:33:53
lol any time you come on west to clan fw or just contact me! and i have somthing new!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-28 at 18:38:18
Ok then. It is settled. Whenever. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2005-06-28 at 19:03:47
Yep now lets talk about the map -.-!!
Read above about the story you guys have to help!!!!
I got player 1s battle working most of it that is!!
lol now sad.gif about 50 more triggers 2 make player 2
Then another 50
I may make it 2-3 players im not sure!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Atreyu) on 2005-06-28 at 20:07:11
Hey ashamed ask me if you ever need any testing done I would be happy to help u out smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2005-06-28 at 20:46:30
confused.gif Where are you guys come on -.- i need yo help!!
Help!!! helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-28 at 20:58:32
I don't really have much of and Idea brain, well I do but not just right at the moment. Mp)3D was very good at giving people ideas. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2005-06-28 at 21:33:04
Alot more items in shop now! Reason because i found a way to save location and alot of them in that fact. Its quite simple -.- u just use 1 location to move over the unit and put zerglings or somthing there hes an example:

Save location
¤ player 1
¤ Player 8 brings exacly 1 zergling to location pl 1 follow buy
¤ set 1 potion to player 1

Somthing like this!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-28 at 22:13:02
Good going Ashamed! Way to save up on those locations.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2005-06-28 at 22:25:01
lol -.-!!! it just gives more power to the player!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-28 at 22:37:00
Yeah that saying is pretty good, but too much power can be overwhelming.

On Topic - How's the map?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-06-28 at 22:43:03
yea that went off topic.. lol every topic intends to do that.. Anyways. How is that map going. It seems pritty good tongue.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2005-06-29 at 01:36:29
Its going well. Hmmm im ganna let you now choose what to upgrade when you lvl so you may like skills and upgrade that power or like strength defence health and it will effect on how much you do have take all that stuff!
O yah and slayer that saying was just saying that -.- less locations used more things i can do with those locations! lol

Somthing awesome!!!
Always have a random time for status effects to run out like slow,poisoned and crap like that. Heres the triggers

¤ player 1
¤ switch pl 1 poisoned is set
¤ set deaths for player 1 hydralisk 250
¤ randomize poision 1
¤ randomize poision 2
¤ preserve trigger

¤ player 1 deaths hydralist is atleast 1
¤ poisioned 1 set
¤ poisioned 2 set
¤ subtrack 1 death counter hydralisk player 1
¤ Wait 5000
¤ preserve trigger

And etc
like posioned 1 clear
Posioned 2 clear
Subtrack 2 insted of 1 to make it like random time!
like clearing 2 not 1 will make it go faster but if the random switch goes 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3, it will be slower then 1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3
If you dont get random switches and stuff this probly made no sence but if you did thats pretty awesome huh!

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-06-29 at 03:23:15
OMG! DUDE This map sounds more like a program!! but still sounds fricken sweet!!! I will be a tester if you want! and i want to give any help if you need! this sounds so sweet! can you give a hint to any storys? and please post screen shots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2005-06-29 at 03:27:25
Um yes u can be a tester no story because if u read up i asked the people 2 make the story just 2 make it even better!!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by brutetal on 2005-06-29 at 03:34:15
I wanna help right the story, just tell me settings, characters, details, time frames, time duration, and things. I can make a very good one.

Also hows the force thingy doing? I couldn't get mine to work properly. I tried it many times and failed, I used it on structures becuase I made a rpg map where u were ur able to use somthing like the force and move things and it could move structure/buildings and units. At the end it failed, then I left it. Untill I reformated the HD, so now its gone.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2005-06-29 at 03:41:29
Hmm the story is urs the character is made up as u go on! its basicly u not a main character just a jedi! and u make ur story up so u just need 2 tell me whats happening like whos killing who??? yyah i have the basic juice on page 2 in the forums read that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-06-29 at 04:28:19
How about not one main story but a group of small storys? I got a few idea's, how about there is a strife with the jedi order? Sith lords and Jedi masters and the sith are paying large amounts to bounty hunters to hunt down jedi masters and you are one of thouse knights protecting a master and you must protect him or something like that, also how about small things like finding droids or helping some farmers. and maybe if you do like 2 quests I.E Stop a Bounty Hunter Killing a Jedi Master and the second could be Finding out who hired the hunter and bringing him in. Doing thouse to quests could set off a switch witch allows you to do another quest witch could be something like: The Hunter escapes and you must go bring him back but he runs to the sith lord for protection and you must try to kill the sith lord while the hunter try's to shoot you from a distance with a photon cannon and you must take out the pylons before it does to much damige. and after doing this quest it could help move the story forward. get my meaning? i could go on with my ideas cause i got tons of em lol! Thats enough for me, if you want all my idea's for quests just say so! I got quests for anything you are looking for from protection to finding something. well cya!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Moogle on 2005-06-29 at 04:33:18
Very nice Ash. You told me about this system when i showed you that old rpg system of mind. Hope you finish this and let me test it!! Will we be playing a hero with a name? or just some soldier using a weapon. What side are we playing during rpg? Bounty hunters / Sith / Jedi / Republic? Anywoot pce brah~

Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2005-06-29 at 04:37:07
Your just a solder. And whats ganna be awesome u um get to pic ur sides with ur actions moogle ^-^ and yes its very much like that batle system u showed me but much much more advanced i will show u.!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Moogle on 2005-06-29 at 04:42:15
Kool ash cant wait ^_^

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)RuFF on 2005-06-29 at 09:31:03
niceeeeee i hope u finish it.

dude r u Ashamed[T], [V], or [K]?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2005-06-29 at 10:30:49
Yeah he's all of those. My good ol' buddy, Ashamed. happy.gif

I may actually come on US West once and awhile just to test this map. This is the map I'm most anticipating right now (and this is saying a lot now that Mp)3 is working on Everarcha RPG again).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-29 at 10:32:41
Yeah, I came on there channel yesterday, every clan member was banning each other. lol But AshaMed you were not there, so I couldn't see your map. sad.gif
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