I'm starting a new rpg. That will own the things I'm ganna have are ganna be
Random Battles this will be very advanced and very hard. But i alrdy got this working for the most part.
Something the is ganna be hard to do that i kinda have working is equipment this wont be lil stuff like adds 5 health. This rpg will have like virtual health and damage and stuff. so the weapons will effect your damage,damage to you. And of course your level to.
the damage you do and take will be also random. lets say if your level 1. you have a chance of doing 1-4 damage or critical damage lets say 6 or missing. but the middle number which is 2 will be more common then all the other thing.
Hmm something else is ur equiment trigger i had a text trigger that tells you what u have on. This was very hard to do. Because i had to do a different text trigger for each thing but i didn't want to like do Head: then wait 5000 display the body: gear. So i had it all in 1 chunk like this Head:Blank
Etc This took a while but i finally got it!! Skills the skill are ganna be awesome you will of course have force. But something else will be your weapon skills your weapon ability to dual a weapon lets say light sabers will get better as you go on. and level up also and you will get moves like lightsaber toss and stuff like that. This will be another hard thing to do but -.- I'm thinking on it and it think i got a good plan on how to do it. This rpg was just started but I'm really excited on it tell me what you guys think!!
Freedom Warriors RULE!!!
Story [progress]10[/progress]
Battle system [progress]55[/progress]
trigger [progress]1[/progress]
terrian [progress]3[/progress]
What I think? I think that it is very cool.
I sure would like to see some screenshots, once you get to that point. Also I am guessing that the battle system will be Real Time Combat, might be Turn Based Combat. Anyways I wish you the best of luck on your map and don't give up on this RPG, because I love rpg's.
O i wont im a very good rpg maker! lol ask all my members i think they will agree. and lol im working on it im setting the random switches right now i have 3 of them set as random and i think theres 8 combos that they make i hope im right ^-^ C,C,C C,C,S C,S,S S,S,S S,S,C S,C,C S,C,S C,S,C thats the combos i got if you dont know C=cleared and S=Set. But when i have um the game started i will give some ss but heres some i will post
Using combos in an rpg, cool idea.
This will be how you tell wat equipment you have on -.-! lol i will get more screenshots in soon.
I have all of these screen shots if you would like to see them all just ask.
This is the banner i just made for the game! Tell me what you think should i change any thing?? any thing like that thx!!
lol the banner could have some Tie fighters and X-wings in the background fighting right outside the DeathStar! lol
Anyways, those screenshots right there are good enough, that is a pretty cool idea, you could always check for what you have equiped on you. Good job.
I will look for a X-wing and a tie fighte to put in -.- lol k i will do that right now!
lol just for you! you like it??
Yeah that's pretty cool AshaMeD.
So how's your map coming along?
Damn its hard. But i almost got the damage done -.-!! but i got about 5000 more triggers to do. Cuz of weapons and lvls lol -.- cuz each lvl you get a lil bit stronger and each weapon u get. SO yah its ganna be a pain in the ass i will get on east n show you soon -.- ^-^
You know, I wish there was a way to make sure you won't ever stop working on this map and make sure you finish it.
Anyone know how to put a geas on someone?
The map sounds pretty sweet.
na i don't think i will stop -.- lol im like not even done with the sytem yet and i love it!!
But how you like the banner??
Just let me know the date that you want to do this on B.net. I would be more than happy to check it out with you.
Wow this map looks pretty nice. And its great to see you back in the map making community. If you need a tester for anything, I'm available.
Oh yeah this is semi off-topic, but did you ever finish that Dream Masters RPG with KrAzY2? I just found that in my download folder yesterday and was reminising about how awesome it could have been if it was ever finished.
Omg -.- thats an old map and yes i rember we did finish it! But i lost all my maps cuz i thought i be never back on sc!!
I am toying with Mini-quest but these mini quest wont be normal. But they will be point counters to the good side,dark side.This will change what quest and missions you do later on. Give me your input on this topic K Thx
Yeah that sounds cool, kinda like that X-Box game Fable. Also I don't know if you're going to try to implement some sort of AI (like having random civilians talk to you and such) but if you do, that would be an interesting factor in what people say to you or how they react to you depending on your alliance.
Yah im ganna have bunkers which ever one of them will be able to be entered. And those are probly where you ganna get most of your quest because quest is not how you win its the missions.
This Rpg will also be a solo map you will not work with each other.
a pitty and its ganne be a pain in the ass lol!! for battles i have lik 15 switches going on for 1 player!! thats crazy!!!! Im ganna try to get a battle demo out for you guys so you can see how pwnage this battle system is!!
Alright sweet! A battle demo coming out.
Can't wait to see what you battle system looks like.
Good luck with them 15 switches! lol
Damn and i need it lol -.-!
Is it really that bad? I mean the concept is pretty complex, but I figure it shouldn't be that hard to implement. Then again I have no diea what I'm talking about because I haven't seen your battle system. 15 switches per player, eh? Damn that is huge now that I think about it. Is there no better way to do it with less triggers?
No the switches are to set random things, Like the units you get in fight with,How much you do, How much they do, Enemy attacks,misses,spells, Like I have broods and they have poison so i have 3 switches randomized and for 1 combo it will do the spell so its very rare for it to happen but it still does. Cuz if lets say i had 1-2 switches set it will be like 1/2 or 1/4 instead of like 1/8 so you would be screwed. and like for damage i have 3 switches set and it 3/8 of the time your doing 2 or 3 damage at lvl 1. 2/8 ur doing 1 1/8 ur doing 4. 1/8 your missing and 1/8 your doing critical damage. And thats why i need so many switches. But i reuse alot of them also i just set 1 death counter or something to change like the main switch so the random ones do something else.
Wow. Lots of fractions. lol. Well when will you get this "New" battle system of your up and running? Anxious to see it.
I have most of it i have all your damage. done and life sets but i need to do the enemy the hard thing is ganna make turns with the enemy ^-^ insted of just 1 unit attacking to set all of the units up and attack i think i got away im ganna try it right now!!!
Alright then, just take your time and make sure that everything works out the way that you would want it to be.
Guys this story kinda goes any way. I could make a story like that -.- but i dont want to i want to make this fun so im ganna you guys help me make the story up lol. How the story works tho is you go to luke or someone and they give you a mission and at first it will be just normal missions but you start to relize all these missions are connected some how the same people are doing this stuff. So its starts to get crazy and shit and you need 2 kill the sith lol. -.- but help me make the story up between that like wat kind of things the sith are doing and stuff like i said i could make this up like that but what fun is that!! lol!!!
Yah Well the battle system with the enemy works ^-^ Very hard to do but guess who did it lol!! me!! alot of death triggers. But im having one problem right now they all do the same amount of damage so im trying 2 fix that ^-^! I will of course!! But it works i can bet you 100000000 dollers that you have never seen a battle system like this!!!
Well im not done with the battle and wont be tell i have all the enemys units but right night i have 47 triggers at the end it think it will be 500 or so triggers just for the battles thats alot ^-^!!!!!!!!
Testers i need a few testers to brag about my map also ^-^ lol so if u want to be a tester speak up now!
I DO!!! Sign me up.