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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Tactics Arena
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Moogle on 2005-07-03 at 01:14:38
Lots of fun playing shinra ^_^ should get full house going be alot of fun too see who would win. Be good tourny game 2.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShinRa_Soldier on 2005-07-03 at 01:26:16
Well here I have it, The first ever "Deathmatch" game of Tactics Arena.

ShinRa_Soldier vs. Moogle

The First 20 or so turns went well, mostly a stalemate, I charged moogles base and was attacking it then runing back to avoid being hit by his bunkermen. Then moogle discovered a bug that allowed to you to move an enemy unit about 1/4 of a square by attempting to attack it, Unluckly for me I was about 1/4 of a square away from being in Moogle's bunker's range. Needless to say, I suffered a few casualties.

Then being a cheap ass myself on the 26th turn I sent my predeployed testing units after moogles base but didn't make it far before I was destroyed by moogles growing army.

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As moogle's growing army approached my base, I spent what few minerals I had on filling up my bunker and had just enough to create a Soldier and Mech to send out to meet Moogle's armym on the 31'st turn. I took down all of his Infantry (Ghost) but my units didn't stand a chance against what was left of his army.

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At turn 32 moogle attacked my base, and unfortunantly left it alive with only a few HP to burn.

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I did what damage I could to moogles army using what was left of my bunker, just as my last action was used by bunker burned to rubble.

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I did what I could but in the end, it wasn't enough on the 34th turn moogle had me beat, I knew this so I gave up.

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*Moogle beats ShinRa on the 34th turn.*

So much for an undefeated record. Oh well.

Any comments or suggestions on this just lettme know here.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-07-03 at 17:19:28
Keep's on getting better. That's all I got to say. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-07-04 at 21:22:23
Hey man, this is turning out really cool! Perhaps you can add something like items and events?

Just trying to give suggestions, some may be quite overwhelming. Because this reminds me of advance wars, you could implement some things like items on the ground you can pick up, different terrain adds different bonuses (such as vision, attack, range, movement etc.), weather effects, and specific command points that gives advantages to your team.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShinRa_Soldier on 2005-07-04 at 22:34:55
I have added Items you can find by opening Treasure Chest (Addon Machine Shop, open by killing them) a random item will drop out.

Reward Items:

Bronze Bag - +2 Minerals (Common)
Silver Bag - +2 Action Pts (Semi-Rare)
Gold Bag - +5 Minerals (Rare)

Health Effecting Items:

Healing Potion - Heals the unit that activates it. (Common)
Healing Spirit - Heals all of your units. (Rare)
Posion - Takes your units HP down to 5%. (Semi-Rare)
Bomb - Kills any unit around it when activated. (Common)

Turn Effecting Items:

Stun Powder - Player who is closest to it when activated looses a turn (Rare.)
Coin - Can be used to purchase 1 mercinary.

Misc Items:

Random Crystal - Gives you 1 of the following. (Very Common)

- 1 To 10 Minerals (Very Common)
- 1 To 10 Action Pts (Common)
- Bomb Or Posion (Semi-Rare)
- 1 To 2 Coins (Very Rare)
- Healing Spirit (Very Rare)

NOTE* Most of the Items are activated once you come in contact with them.
The bomb, and Sun Powder can be activated by attacking it, So it can be unleased on other players in the area.
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