Well here I have it, The first ever "Deathmatch" game of Tactics Arena.
ShinRa_Soldier vs. Moogle
The First 20 or so turns went well, mostly a stalemate, I charged moogles base and was attacking it then runing back to avoid being hit by his bunkermen. Then moogle discovered a bug that allowed to you to move an enemy unit about 1/4 of a square by attempting to attack it, Unluckly for me I was about 1/4 of a square away from being in Moogle's bunker's range. Needless to say, I suffered a few casualties.
Then being a cheap ass myself on the 26th turn I sent my predeployed testing units after moogles base but didn't make it far before I was destroyed by moogles growing army.
As moogle's growing army approached my base, I spent what few minerals I had on filling up my bunker and had just enough to create a Soldier and Mech to send out to meet Moogle's armym on the 31'st turn. I took down all of his Infantry (Ghost) but my units didn't stand a chance against what was left of his army.
At turn 32 moogle attacked my base, and unfortunantly left it alive with only a few HP to burn.
I did what damage I could to moogles army using what was left of my bunker, just as my last action was used by bunker burned to rubble.
I did what I could but in the end, it wasn't enough on the 34th turn moogle had me beat, I knew this so I gave up.
*Moogle beats ShinRa on the 34th turn.*
So much for an undefeated record. Oh well.
Any comments or suggestions on this just lettme know here.