Tactics ArenaTactics arena is my new Major Project, It will probably take me a long time to finish due to what I want to add and its a unique (at least I haven't seen it before) battle and movement system.
Whats its about.Tactics Arena is a
Turn Based tactical war map. I know what your thinking..."Omg turned based wtf its gonna suck, I hate staring at a blank screen while awaiting my opponents to finish their turn so I can take my turn" but its not going to be like that (Hopefully). Each player will only have 2 minutes to execute up to 4 actions per turn. There are 3 different game modes.
*NOTE* all modes are FFA
Deathmatch - You get 1 mineral each turn, (which can be used to buy units and upgrades) and you can execute 4 actions per turn. Last player standing wins.
CTF - You get 1 mineral each turn, and 4 actions per turn. You also have your own flag (placed in a position of your choice). You must take the enemy flag and return it to your flag for a reward of 5 minerals and the elmination of that opponent.
Survival- You get 100 Minerals, and 2 actions per turn. You don't get minerals each turn, you must survive on the minerals you have, last man standing wins.
So there you have it, now I will go more into detail about the features of the map.
Features:-10 units to buy and send to fight in the battlefeild & an additional 4 "unlockable" units.
-A unique turn based battle system, with limited movement for each unit and some units have special abilities (Such as the theif picking locks)
-Buildings that can be used to purchase special units or unlock new units.
-Special vehicals that can only be driven by the pilot unit.
-4 players, and 3 game modes.
-More coming soon...
And of course a screenshot or two:Screenshot 1:
The observer is my "Cursor" it is used to mark where you want to place the units that you buy. The marine is what I bought. The Mercinary camp is to unlock a certain unit (namely the mercinary). And the Machine shops are destructable, Once destroyed they drop a random amount of Minerals (that you automatically pick up) from 0 - 10.
Screenshot 2:
Me Purchasing units.
Other Information-Map Size- 128 x 128
-Players- 4
-Author- ShinRa_Soldier
Also, I have myself and one other person already testing, I still need two more people to help Alpha & Beta test this map, You must be trustworthy you will be one of the ONLY 4 people that get to see the map before its complete.
I may have an Public Beta test later on, but its not a sure thing.