Heh, here are a few more screenshots of a worker stack. It is the best/coolest in money maps against people that don't have plash units.
how exactly do you do the stack burrowable units glitch?
Um, all the different types of workers will stack on top of each other if there's just one mineral field and many workers, even on non-money games. Just for the record, of course...
You mean geyser. I usually use the stacked worker glitch when backstabbing. They're deadly when you wall them off until you have 200 wanting to target an enemy base, and he/she has no splash damage.
Sometimes I also mass science vessels with them to EMP protoss buildings and irradiate zerg and terran units. Irradiate is also effective for killing off the enemy's workers in a money map when he/she is terran or zerg.
well heres some screenies of my stacked unit tank that i have made triggs for to move as one and ill prove that stacking tanks is the only (Good) stackable unit

Whats THE Burrow Stack Glitch
Its a glitch where you can stack units that can burrow. Make a burrowed unit hotkey 1, select unburrwoed units, press u control 1 1 u in that order, yeah.
Is that the glitch u did yesterday at map night?
Do yo mean stacking a lurker ontop of another?? or a zergling?
This is impossible to make a huge unit