Lol beerkeg..Deep.
Yah, but consider the way the people who are allowed are allowed..
As i heard it, minimoose handpicked them.
Well someone handpicked them.
Those that think they should have been included and in most cases do, those people who can be mature, who can type properly, and who did something for the website should be invited.
If its handpicked and inaccurate because u cant scan all the posts and check who helped, then it should be removed or at least put out of order until u do it.
The world isnt fair is what most people use as an excuse, but for that my answer is-
We should try to make it fair nevertheless.
Who cares if your uninvited? That just shows you're not mature enough to get in.
No, it means you did not get picked.
I know the SEN staff is very hardworking on all this, and that they shouldnt have to go through all the posts (and cant anyway), but if ure going to make a private forum at least try to make it more accurate.. if ure going to handpick them, dont just pick the ones that were with SEN when it started; all things change.
Pick those that were with SEN when it started and those that are newly joined and deserve to be there.
I know maybe IM not mature enough, though i type properly and all, but i know a few people who i know should be allowed in and arnt.
No, i wont tell names