QUOTE(Voyager7456(MM) @ Nov 6 2005, 07:30 PM)
Argh, I feel stupid, I forgot a step!
That just allows the Probe to use the Build(Terran) action. You have to change the buttons to build the Nexus, etc actions to Create Building (Terran).
Would you still like me to post my .mgd file?
thx very much....
u r my Savior
I see, that´s the reason.
Building behavior pattern just linked race's build Action type
ADDITION:omg.... crashed when probe doing build nexus ....
It was good beginning , probe make build nexus like scv behavior
but the middle of construction....
Crashed................... and shut down Mymod
and probe's cmd btns showed all basic cmd btns when the middle of construction
(such as move,attack,hold,patrol ...etc)
especially when middle of construction, probe can other order Action and btn showed all Action btn
this why is probes build condition not change completed????
so then i have to change other btn properties too?
i gave construction animation script to nexus but it crashed
i dont know why.....