yes i had test like u do that
as might be expected, same result ......
so i had other way
i gave button to protos basic bildings, able to creat Terran commandcenter
using Memgraft
and set value below
btn group : protos basic bildings
Req type : can creat unit/bld
action type : creat building (toss)
req var : cmdcenter var
action var : same var
string : cmdcenter's text
req string : none
Terran Command Center
unit type value : probe
and Asnal3 set the unit
TerranCmdcenter - > set race to Toss
and Tested
see the that result screenshot
step 1.
can see given Cmdcenter's btn
probe can creat Cmdcenter
not build just recall like original probe's type
warping the CmdCenter......
step 4
at last step SC shutdown run
My guess memgraft not reference worker's building behavior pattern
units behave properties seem to have connection with Units.dat properties or Maybe Sc game engine call speciall feature of race
have any goodidea about that ?