QUOTE(DEAD @ Dec 11 2005, 02:54 AM)
Thats the main part. Shorty was warned and then she just made another way how to abuse text formats after the warn...
abuse text formats
Define abuse...
QUOTE(DEAD @ Dec 10 2005, 11:17 AM)
I think that there should be a rule about posting in stupid ways that makes posts hard to read...
»Posting in blue color, very hard to read.
»Posting All Words In Caps, Not So Hard To Read But Quite Annoying
»Posting using small text size, it's just not necesairy, also it's annoying
»Posting using large text size ^
»Posting in multiple text sizes, it's a combo of last 2 and is just stupid
»Posting in multiple colors when it isn't necesairy at all
»Posting underlined text, pretty had to read it.
hard to read...
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG @ Dec 10 2005, 06:33 PM)
HTML and CSS. I know the basics of how PHP works, but I can't code PHP. Yoshi & IP pretty much explained everything of how SeNv4 and v5 works, so I know how it works.
I checked the text in different screen resolutions from 1024x768 to 1260x1024 and I could read it fine. Wether or not Shorty is contradicting herself wirtting in bold and italics and making suggestions against them is her problem.
I checked the text in different screen resolutions from 1024x768 to 1260x1024 and I could read it fine.
Banned... Why?
QUOTE(IsolatedPurity @ Dec 10 2005, 12:32 PM)
Speaking of...
Centering text for normal posting only breaks reading flow. Completely unnecessary for your average post.
As Far As This, I've been deleting Shorty's posts from website feedback as I saw them if s/he typed in caps. I guess that hint wasn't enough, besides my posts about it. So one more and suspension and then a ban ;o
Underlining shouldn't even be bbcode because underlined text stands for a link.
How about, consistant annoyances like the ones you posted result in 1 warning, 1 suspension, and then perm ban from now on? Especially multiple colors, multiple sizes, line breaking sentences and cap abuse. Probably as well as massive underlining.
I've been deleting Shorty's posts from website feedback as I saw them if s/he typed in caps. I guess that hint wasn't enough, besides my posts about it. So one more and suspension and then a ban ;o
See, here at Sen we have a little nifty feature called the PM, most people dont go through every single one of your posts, and keep track of which ones you delete, so as an Admin, i would have assumed u would have known.
QUOTE(DEAD @ Dec 10 2005, 06:36 PM)
I also can read it, I can even read this text about nothing...
But it's still harder to read and highly annoying. Hey shorty why can't you just grow up and type like everybody else?
type like everybody else?
Everyone that types normally such as...
Incase you haven't figured out those people don't all type normally, so what exactly is your definition of "Everybody"?
QUOTE(IsolatedPurity @ Dec 10 2005, 07:00 PM)
Suspended for 4 days

A:) Supply a reason why or this ban does... Nothing.
B:) There's also a nifty warn feature too!