I think that there should be a rule about posting in stupid ways that makes posts hard to read...
QUOTE(new rules)
»Posting in blue color, very hard to read.
»Posting All Words In Caps, Not So Hard To Read But Quite Annoying
»Posting using small text size, it's just not necesairy, also it's annoying
»Posting using large text size ^
»Posting in multiple text sizes, it's a combo of last 2 and is just stupid
»Posting in multiple colors when it isn't necesairy at all
»Posting underlined text, pretty had to read it.
»Posting in bold+italic...
How about, consistant annoyances like the ones you posted result in 1 warning, 1 suspension, and then perm ban from now on? Especially multiple colors, multiple sizes, line breaking sentences and cap abuse. Probably as well as massive underlining.
Guess what the difference between
this text by DT_Battlekruser and
This Text Right Here is. One is a minor color change. The other is a major change, which when seen constantly, annoys people.
If you don't want to post like everyone else - pick a minor color change or something else that isn't irritating.
BuT PlEaSe Do'NT RuN Around Doing This.
Also, please read
this and stop working towards making me believe you don't fit #1 and a whole bunch of other ones on there.
I've been watching posts for this kind of stuff. As long as it's easy to read, like DTBK's, I won't do anything.
Batlecruiser's text color is fine, I even like it better that white but blue is just horrible...
Don't use un-
-ing readable colors/fonts/styles.
At least try to type in a manner that is >2nd grade.[/center]
Speaking of...
Centering text for normal posting only breaks reading flow. Completely unnecessary for your average post.
As Far As This, I've been deleting Shorty's posts from website feedback as I saw them if s/he typed in caps. I guess that hint wasn't enough, besides my posts about it. So one more and suspension and then a ban ;o
Underlining shouldn't even be bbcode because underlined text stands for a link.
How about, consistant annoyances like the ones you posted result in 1 warning, 1 suspension, and then perm ban from now on? Especially multiple colors, multiple sizes, line breaking sentences and cap abuse. Probably as well as massive underlining.
Why can't everyone just be white! Just kidding.
Yeah, it's annoying... the list of annoying ways people try to type to distinguish themselves is endless. But people will never think their own is one of the annoying ones. You've either got to ban them all, or live with them banning only the most obviously annoying ones.
QUOTE(IsolatedPurity @ Dec 10 2005, 09:32 PM)
As Far As This, I've been deleting Shorty's posts from website feedback as I saw them if s/he typed in caps. I guess that hint wasn't enough, besides my posts about it. So one more and suspension and then a ban ;o
Centering text for normal posting only breaks reading flow. Completely unnecessary for your average post.
Yea, it's sometimes hard to read..
How about, consistant annoyances like the ones you posted result in 1 warning, 1 suspension, and then perm ban from now on? Especially multiple colors, multiple sizes, line breaking sentences and cap abuse. Probably as well as massive underlining.
That would be nice

I can stop the centering if you so wish.
I don't know why, but it's actually easier to read the green when it's centered... now I have to squint a little (it's probably because it's a longer post or something).
What annoys me the most was the "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" fashion of spamming:
It wUzl ik diS
aNd it Pized mE ffo
Underline should be left as a BBCode for things like titles and headers. For example:
New Rules
Other than that, I agree, although smaller font postings are not that annoying.
[color=blue] shouldn't be such a dark blue, nor should [color=green] be such a dark green.
QUOTE(nuclearrabbit @ Dec 10 2005, 01:47 PM)
I can stop the centering if you so wish.
QUOTE(PsychoTemplar @ Dec 10 2005, 03:18 PM)
I don't know why, but it's actually easier to read the green when it's centered... now I have to squint a little (it's probably because it's a longer post or something).
Oddly enough, he's right.
Well then... maybe a lighter color or something...
Consider the backgrounds themselves are dark green half the time ;o
Shorty and Nerdy have been warned. Anyone else that annoys the public with text formatting, let me know.
I'll stop, but come on, it's not too freakin hard to figure out that you need to remove the color blue, large fonts, and small fonts if you dont want people to use them.
They are for special titles and stuff not for common posts...
Incorrect. People can use colors, sizes, and other formating correctly for a nice polish on their posts if done maturely in the right places.
[center]OmgWTF RPG[/center]
Character advancement
Unique new spells
So you're telling me you can't add an abuse feature?
An abuse feature would be the same as me warning any user.
OR it could be the same thing that doesn't let you use too many smiles
That's almost impossible to use with text.
You'd have to disable certain combinations of fonts/bold/itallics/size/underline/color to make it work. And with color Hex codes, the possibilities are almost endless.
There are ways to prevent users from having over X% of their post in caps, but I'm not sure if it can be done with BBCodes. And we also have the possibilities of someone actually needing to use them in that manner.
Yes, i made a suggestion, by ALL MEANS, ban me, quick!
I am talking about you still can't write in normal text not about your dreamy suggestions...