...you are smart so think about it. Rp's are rpgs, yes? But what you are saying here, after the first sentence, does not make much sense. Soccer and Football are both sports yes but they are not the same game. That's the difference here.
Soccer and football are different of course, but... if we were to categorize soccer and football we wouldn't throw them into two different categories would we? NO! We put them in sports because uh? They are both sports?
Im guessing your joking when you say litterally. lmfao. You've said yourself there is differences. But wait! that would mean theyre not Litterally RPG's now wouldnt it? SHOCK!
I said literally because if I didn't, it would have been a close ended thought.
They aren't exactly the same because of the "game" word at the end.
Every game in starcraft makes you be something youre not. thats considered roleplaying. Should we now put everything under rpg's because you used that excuse?
If I could have it my way, I would. Why? Because it easier that way. Its not an excuse. Theres a defining feature that sets them apart. AND for rps? Nothing at all. Sure there are different things and features, but really, what is it in general? A role playing game. Can you pls give me a description of rp that doesn't describe an rpg? Beyond infinite play? Beyond added features? Anything at all? Anything? I thought so.
and the fact that your calling it an rpg editor is another difference between the rp and the rpg. So so far everyone who doesn't want rps to have thier own section, has reached the point that rp's are, editors for rpg's, sims games, can make anything, a game for massing or something.. and theres tons more.. already in the first 2 descriptions its different from a rpg. Let alone the rest. Dear god this is like serious discussion.. with more stubborn people *cough*
Wow there was nothing different about those two descriptions (I couldn't find more then one description btw) that can DRASTICALLY set it beyond rpgs. All rp's are, are really just rpgs with advanced options, open ended play, and alot of different features. Thats it.
We've had as many hard facts as you. But wait, because their coming from you it makes them more "hard" then ours? funny that?
I wasn't speaking literally hard evidence... -_- Hard evidence meaning real evidence. Evidence that can really be used. Calling it something that can magically bring forth a new revolution to the starcraft world if we have it in the dldb has no hard evidence whatsoever. What guarntees that there will be this new uprising?
YES, essentially a rp IS an rpg BUT The difference, as www.com.au said above, is the change within the structure. That change is enough to separate the rp from the rpg. This is why the term rp was created. It is essentially the Exact same thing as rpg like you say But the term rp was given it to difrenciate each map from the other. I believe sticking all the rp maps into the rp folder is a fine idea, but then the standard accepted definition of SC RPG is nothing like the RP. people would dl it and say something like "Wtf is this crap? Im not playing this Sh**! This is not an rpg!" These reactions oft make one want to slap there foreheads and sigh but they do happen nonetheless. Your arguements are valid but mine aren't neccessarily invalid because of this. In truth, the rp takes alot of getting used to. A veteran roleplayer with experience in normal RPGs and dnd maps and rp experience offline would have little problem adjusting, but people like my old self who have had no previous rp exp. would be quite lost when playing their first game of Rp SC.
Yes I go to the dldb and dl a bunch of maps that don't seem to fit in there, but hey man, they technically fit. Come on now, bounds, defense bound isn't really a bound but hey its a bound right? I didn't want to play a defense but hey its in there because its a what? Bound.
"Wtf is this crap? Its not an rpg?" The heck is it then? The only other section that it can really fit in is: the garbage, if you say its not an rpg (which it is).
You keep making references to other things with sub-categories, as if it means something. We are discussing rp's, not dogs.
One uses other things to help aid someone in understanding something complex or to prove a point, apparently you are as easy to enlighten as turning a terriblly rusty doornob that lacks major oil.
Im using sub cateories because it entices complex thought and helps fully see the situation... unless you want me to humor you like a child...
The only thing I see wrong about RP maps and them having their own section is the lack of them...
This might be because replayabillity factors for their maps.. Maybe they don't have to make new versions?
Or.... The maps are not popuplar. Either way, it would be a bit easier for the RPing people to find the maps. I say SEN breaks up other into a few catagories.
Lack of them indeed. Once you've played one, you've basically played them all. Any time I play an rp I usually use it to attempt glitches and what not. Now thats fun.
I do not play rps, after I placed it twice I kinda just snuffed it. Whats the point to play a game that has no victory or defeat? Is that even considered a game anymore?
Can you please stop stringing me around the same ol' things we already talked about and get to points that count so that this section can be added to the dldb? Oh wait, terriblly sorry, there are no other reasons beyond the fact that they are called RP instead of RPG.
Its strange how you didn't rebute my stronger arguments, I wonder why? Fable, fable, fable!
(As a final note: Ive never seen a new section advocation for downloading maps suceed before. Gl with this... If it does become a new section, im gonna advocate to have billions of different categories because the differences from an rp and an rpg is so very miniscule. Im not being hard headed about this, its just how it is seen... what else defines it as something else anyway? If you put it as a sub category to an rpg I would fully understand, but to make it a whole new genre? Thats a joke...)