Or at the end of The Club... *cough*
I'm pretty sure if someone crashes from a briefing, the game won't ever start. I know this because people have dropped during briefings and the game just wouldn't start even though everyone was done with the briefing already.
You're jsut going to annoy people by crashing them. I hate crashing.
While you may demote your map by crashing people that are AFK, you'll still make the OTHER people happy, cuz if someone takes too long, other people will get bored and just leave DEMOTING YOUR MAP EVEN MORE!!!
QUOTE(Tuxedo Templar @ Apr 17 2006, 05:59 PM)
I think the verdict here is simply not to use them. Just make the briefing short, or end it regularily instead of crashing.
Agree. We should just leave it at that unless some random person can mysteriously come up with some really good thing to say about why crashing is a
good idea. But I don't think the chances of that happening are very high.
I can't understand why you want crash the map in the brief.
I know how do that:
You'll need:
1> Make a stupid map
2> Make a brief with SF
3> of course with the sound added
4> Finish it
5> Close SF and Open up WinMPQ
6> Delete the sound
7> I have crash not only my SC , also Windows, it happened sometimes it crash the map instead and your mouse cursor locks up also
NOTE : ^ this info. sucks ^
This is actually really cool, I'm glad you posted.
QUOTE(O)FaRTy1billion @ Apr 23 2006, 06:36 PM)
That just crashes SC..
The briefing may crash the players for the Triggerbrief is used eg.
PlayWav ("dfklhgekrughsiu") <-- cause error
You'll need only set in the time you wish
QUOTE(A_of_s_t @ Apr 12 2006, 06:53 PM)
Hmmm... Nearly all the maps I played have email adresses...
Well thats you
i like this idea. i am going to add it to ALL my maps i make from now on.
QUOTE(M_s4 @ Apr 15 2006, 07:50 AM)
No, but I press the Start Button REALLLY fast, before all the windows push in, and then, I'll be "started", but I will still get to watch all the actions in the mission briefings. So if someone was not pressing start, yet I pressed start really quickly, I'll get crashed.
Ok let me explain, if you press start before the game crashes and some1 else crashes you will be fine, after pressing start the next action will not be made and the action is
DISPLAYSPEAKINGPOTRAIT( the portrait, slot number) you simply make the slot number something that dont exist, like 4, the slots are 0-3 not 1-4 in SF which is exactly how i stumbled upon this trigger.
Practical use? maybe not but it addleast could be used in the rarest map need situations and maybe few will ever use the idea but addleast i discovered something.
You will still crash because you are seeing the breifing. When you press "Start" it stops running briefing triggers; however, if you press it before the briefing even beings, it will just keep running until it is supposed to stop or everyone else has pressed Start. If you do that, you crash too.
QUOTE(O)FaRTy1billion @ May 10 2006, 04:18 PM)
You will still crash because you are seeing the breifing. When you press "Start" it stops running briefing triggers; however, if you press it before the briefing even beings, it will just keep running until it is supposed to stop or everyone else has pressed Start. If you do that, you crash too.
ok have you tested?
last time i tested in my map i had 1 other player with me and he didnt crash when i did because i watched brefing
Did he press start in the middle? Or did he press it fast enough that he was seeing the whole briefing how it would be if he had not pressed start?
What I am talking about makes it so you are watching the briefing.
What server are you on? Do you want me to show you?
I freakin hate when people end breifings with wait 999999. just put 10 seconds so you dont have to crash people jeez.
QUOTE(O)FaRTy1billion @ May 10 2006, 05:18 PM)
You will still crash because you are seeing the breifing. When you press "Start" it stops running briefing triggers; however, if you press it before the briefing even beings, it will just keep running until it is supposed to stop or everyone else has pressed Start. If you do that, you crash too.
sounds like your talking about putting all the players in one force and showing the briefing at the same time.
if you put it in differnet players then it might have a different effect.
once you press start before it actually started or in the middle of it, it stops completly (text, pictures, triggers of briefing) and it will say waiting for players.
i did some of this with starforge and i kind of got mad at it becuase i keep putting the picutre on the wrong slot and crashes me.... and then i just didnt care at all so i just pressed start so fast that it wouldnt start the breifing triggers and it didnt crash me.
and yes those 999999999999 breifing are a pain in the ass. its like if you want to be an A-hole then might as well put 9999999999999 wait and when it goes about 5 seconds after the text saying press start then just crash the person. even if the person is afk during briefing i dont care just crash him you dont go afk during a game... its a bad idea and ticks people off
When the screen is coming in press Start, it still runs if there is more players. I do it because 1. its a habit and 2. because in games I have not played before I find it can be helpful to read a bit of the briefing, but I don't want to hold up the game since it is usually simple to figure out.
QUOTE(O)FaRTy1billion @ May 25 2006, 06:04 PM)
When the screen is coming in press Start, it still runs if there is more players. I do it because 1. its a habit and 2. because in games I have not played before I find it can be helpful to read a bit of the briefing, but I don't want to hold up the game since it is usually simple to figure out.
im talking about after all the text has been read. then they make a text on the mission briefing that says in flashing "press start or else crash in 5"
I discovered this too. If I ever start making customs again, I'll do that to people who wait forever.
I believe it's stupid to crash people in the briefings.
Just don't make the briefings too long if you hate waiting for AFK ppl. Just make your briefing as objective as possible and straight to the point.
And usually AFK people pose a bigger threat during the game, not before the game.
Nice concept, I hate it when people go afk and ruin it for the players. But it would suck if you needed everyone to play it and they crash. Its also mean to those people, especially the people with not so good connection, so they have to wait a long time to reconnect to battle.net.
Yes, i hate it when people go afk and ruin the game. But that's during the game, past the briefing. Eventually, even if one guy is afk, the briefing WILL end, so finding a way to crash briefings because of afkers is superfluous; just don't make the briefing too long.
Exactly, making briefings crash people will crash anyone who presses Start before briefing fully starts so the briefing actually "runs" for them... (if someone else doesnt press Start of course...)
QUOTE(Core20k @ Apr 14 2006, 03:53 AM)
I dont really like the idea of that all it will cause it people to not like your map because they will think something was wrong it. Like a bunch of other people said dont set to wait 9999999 and you wont have to wait for them and can still play the map.
Yeah hes exactly right, when they go to play the map, and then before they even get to play it, the game crashes, they will think that the map is messed and the creator sucks. its a cool idea but its not healthy for UMS or the creator. but whoever up there siad that it wouldent crash just the AFK guy, remember that you can put briefs for spacific players, so u could have one breif for the whole game and then have a nother with a huge wait before it displays the slot that doesnt exist for each individual player, then ur only gettin the AFK guy.