Wow! Finally someone makes up a map about zelda! Me and my friends have been trying to do this for so long but we always fail. Its nice to see someone out there who has taste for good video games ;D and is a good map maker to.
I hope that you add all the bosses into the game and mabey a cool Ocarina system too. Also make the kid phase to because the game is nothing without it. Make items, heart pieces, and all that cool stuff. If you don't know that much about zelda I can help you too!
Green Suit (Starting suit), Red Suit (Volcano Resistant), Blue Suit (Can breathe underwater forever). The suits were the coolest thing about the game because it was how you looked. Also include all the races to. Zora, Deku, Hyrulean and so on.
Use the rescueable forces to change suits, I think that would be a very good addition to your map. Make nightime to! Skeletons and poes would be awsome to.
Epony, the horse that link rides on, should be awsome! A real cool addition to your map would be to use a observer as your cross hair. Also you could change to your regular horse to when you feed it (When it goes faster!)
Also make all weapons included in the game! Hookshot, longshot, bombsheu, bombs, and a interactive hyrulean village with the shops and the game! And also when your a adult the zombies in the village. Make them living tanks and the only way to destroy them is the light.
Dins fire and the other 2 stones would be sweet! Also very good terrain graphics would be cool
I'm really hopeing you put alot of effort into this game and take your time because I'll await for one of my favorite of all time video games for the N64 to come out!
Good luck guys/girls!!!11!11Eleven111!!One!!2!!11