I appreciate your comments, but I'm no longer posting to this topic, as the feedback has been mostly negative. I'm still continuing with the map though.
Well i for one like the topic!
All my early maps (other then Space tactics) kinda sucked as i had never worked out the full xtent of triggering, now i no how to do it, i just dont have the motivation i had for my early maps, but if i did i would be fien =D but i am always working on new maps just for the hell of it... anyway my point is: DONT GIVE UP BECAUSE OF NEGITIVE COMMENTS!!!!
QUOTE(XMercury @ Apr 17 2006, 09:52 AM)
Okay then! LOL how hard can it be?
This is what I have to think about;
Switches for each property (28 in total) - 54 for 2 players
Grid system (40 sqaures in total)
Randomize system for dice/chance/community chest (Easy)
Counter system for each move (Score 6 on dice, you get 6 in DC, then each time you pass a location, minus 1 from the DC)
Trading properties and money system
I'll have to make it 2 players maximum. You're right, it is pretty complicated, but I'll figure it out.
Switches... yeah that's not even the hardest part and you're using inefficient systems...
Randomization systems are easy yes but you need to make triggers for the different events that could occur.
Not only that, but think about the triggers for each property:
Here are the triggers we're gonna have to do for each of the 22 properties:
- Displaying the price
- Display property info [When a player finally lands on a property, it displays the mortgage price, purchase price, rent cost, and the prices for houses and hotels in a "displayed text message."]
- Buying the property
- Buying a house [Must own all other properties with that color]
- Buying a hotel [Must own 4 houses on a property first]
- Landing on an unpurchased property
- Landing on a purchased property [Only 1 in the set, No houses]
- Landing on a purchased property [All properties in that set are owned, No houses]
- Landing on a purchased property [All properties in that set are owned, 1 house]
- Landing on a purchased property [All properties in that set are owned, 2 houses]
- Landing on a purchased property [All properties in that set are owned, 3 houses]
- Landing on a purchased property [All properties in that set are owned, 4 houses]
- Landing on a purchased property [All properties in that set are owned, 1 hotel]
- Mortgage the property
Then for the Railroads, we need:
- Displaying the price
- Display property info [When a player finally lands on a railroad, it displays the purchase price and the rent prices in a "displayed text message."]
- Buying the property
- Landing on an unpurchased railroad
- Landing on a purchased railroad [Only 1 railroad owned by that player]
- Landing on a purchased railroad [Only 2 railroads owned by that player]
- Landing on a purchased railroad [Only 3 railroads owned by that player]
- Landing on a purchased railroad [All 4 railroads owned by that player]
- Mortgage the railroad
Well i for one like the topic!
All my early maps (other then Space tactics) kinda sucked as i had never worked out the full xtent of triggering, now i no how to do it, i just dont have the motivation i had for my early maps, but if i did i would be fien =D but i am always working on new maps just for the hell of it... anyway my point is: DONT GIVE UP BECAUSE OF NEGITIVE COMMENTS!!!!
Considering my last feedback has been good, I'll continue with this topic.
Switches... yeah that's not even the hardest part and you're using inefficient systems...
I didn't specifically state my systems, as I'm still constructing them. However, I really appreciate the rest of your advice. Thank you.
Here are my intentions;
There a total of 4 beacons per player, which at the end of your turn, you get to use. Each 4 beacons are used for multiple systems. I will implant them with Main menus, Sub-menus and Commands, which will cover every possible attribute of the game, including purchasing Properties, Property information, Trading options (money and properties) Building houses and hotels system, Selling for half price to the Bank, and of course, Mortgaging.
User friendly is my biggest focus at the moment. The less units, the better.
The screenshot looks pretty nice. You're obviously taking this map seriously now. Don't forget about your other map though! I'm really looking forward to the new fighting system you've invented!
Ok no offense but that screenshot sucks, the thing looks blank, not alive. Lacks in color and what not.
I agree, it needs to be more coulerfull! but we are forgetting that you havnt put in any units, triggers, Chance cards, etc!! thats (I guess) is just the board??
I don't want to be negetive about this...
Just finish the map and try to gain some support anyway. People seem mean, but they really just wanna help test the map and seem like they are good critics. Lol.
I appreciate your comments, but I'm no longer posting to this topic, as the feedback has been mostly negative. I'm still continuing with the map though.
Well they either hate monopoly, or they are worried you will be successful where they failed. I mean how humiliating would it be that a inferior map maker did something they could not?
If you believe the above statement is a lie then prove me wrong by not being prejudice map makers!
Also it looks good so far and im looking forward to see this map completed.
Ok no offense but that screenshot sucks, the thing looks blank, not alive. Lacks in color and what not.
Thats just what I need every now and again! I've edited the terrain further, and developing a dual mapping system. I'm not completely finished it yet, but you should still check out the new screenshot.
Well they either hate monopoly, or they are worried you will be successful where they failed. I mean how humiliating would it be that a inferior map maker did something they could not?
If you believe the above statement is a lie then prove me wrong by not being prejudice map makers!
Also it looks good so far and im looking forward to see this map completed.
Thanks. I like critisism from other map makers, as it gives me the motivation spend the time to what's needed, but only if they back it up with a solution and/or friendly advice.Also, I just have to add, that I won't keep you guys waiting forever! I'm prepared to spend alot of my time, just to get this map complete. I may complete this before my other map.
USE terrain tiles that show certain colors in the minimap to get the needed effect.
Here this map contains most of color tiles and you can see what color they are in minimap.
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?download=4334 Try to make the minimap look like an actual monopoly game.
I already have SCMDraft, but I much prefer Starforge, even though I have to put up with basic tiling.
Learn your tileset colors and add them to your board!
Thanks. I think I'll play around with the terrain again once I've completed the triggers. I'll start adding different backgrounds and colours, and make it more exciting.
Selling your property to the bank for half price was never a rule in the game. You're talking about mortgaging the property for half price.
Yes, sorry. I misphrased that. I have the complete instruction manual right by my side. I'm making sure I get every little detail.
If so, I was thinking of making is with Menus/Sub-menus. However, I'm not sure if it is really necessary. Who the hell doesn't know the rules of Monopoly?
YAY , IM THE RACE CAR!!! Or the shoe,... No wait, the tophat!
well 2 people failed to make this game.... i hope you can think of someway to make it.
I don't think you should add a tuturial system because just all the triggers will be enough.
Make sure to have instructions while the game is being played.
Or have a button people can press for help at a certain time and it'll explain what's going on and what they can do.
I really cant wait to play this game.. I can just see it now...YAY
I thought Devlin was still making his? It seemed like he had a lot done, and it also seemed like there was a massive amount of work. No offensive, but if Devlin hasn't finished one, you won't.
Monopoly isn't that hard, I believe it's just the amount of work and time involved in making it. I believe the reason a monopoly map hasn't been completed is due to lack of motivation or time.
I fully agree, and every topic dies out, and when the support dies out, so does the motivation.. SO KEEP POSTING GOOD POSTS! MAKE THEM SEEM HELPFULL AND NICE SO HE WILL KEEP WORKING ON IT!!!
Monoploy requires a mediocre amount of trigger systems. You can do it!
QUOTE(777 @ Apr 20 2006, 12:00 PM)
I thought Devlin was still making his? It seemed like he had a lot done, and it also seemed like there was a massive amount of work. No offensive, but if Devlin hasn't finished one, you won't.
Monopoly isn't that hard, I believe it's just the amount of work and time involved in making it. I believe the reason a monopoly map hasn't been completed is due to lack of motivation or time.
This is exacly what i'm talkining about, map making prejudice, You have no idea what his skills so you have no way of compairing him to devlin at all. But you are right motivation does help and your not really contributing to it.
ok now on a on topic matter: A tutorial would be fine if you wish to add it, and if you do you can just put it in the briefing.
Personaly i think your right who the hell doesnt know the rules of monopoly
but if you must put it in the briefing.