What do you guys think of these tutorials I wrote? For those not familiar, 4 is white, 7 is green, 3 is yellow, 6 is red. If you see any important ideas missing or not very clear, tell me, and I can fix them

<4> - Game Basics -
<7>-<3>The general purpose of Stratego is to use strategy, wits, and memory to capture the flag.
<7>-<3>To set up the board, place exactly 1 piece in each of the 40 squares of the first 4 rows.
<7>-<3>Players take alternating turns moving or attacking with their pieces. After a movement
<3>or attack with one of his/her pieces, it then becomes the other player's turn.
<7>-<3>You are not able to see what the value of your opponent's pieces are.
<3>This is revealed when they attack your pieces or your pieces attack them.
<7>-<3>Capture / attack the enemy's flag to achieve victory!
<3>If you cannot make a movement or attack during a turn, you must forfeit the game.
<4> - Piece Basics -
<7>-<3>Each Player has 40 peices. 33 of these movable, Consisted of:
<4>1 (1) Marshal, 1 (2) General, 2 (3) Colonels, 3 (4) Majors, 4 (5) Captains,
<4> 4 (6) Lieutenants, 4 (7) Sergeants, 5 (8) Miners, 8 (9) Scouts, and 1 (S) Spy.
<7>-<3>The 7 non-movable peices are made up of 6 (B) Bombs and 1 Flag.
<7>-<3>The (1)Marshal is the strongest man; he defeats all men 2-9. 2's beat men 3-9, and so on.
<7>-<3>If it is a tie, both men die.
<7>-<3>The role of the (S)Spy is that if he attacks FIRST against the (1) Marshal, the Marshal dies.
<3>If the Marshal attacks the Spy, the spy dies. The Marshal is the ONLY peice the spy beats.
<7>-<3>Bombs kill all units, including spys and marshals, excluding the (8) Miner, who defeats the bomb.
<3>The bomb is NOT removed after killing a non-miner peice. Only miners can defuse bombs.
<4> - Movements -
<7>-<3>A piece can be moved 1 space to any adjacent square up, right, left, or down.
<7>-<3>You may not move diagonally or jump over peices. Only 1 piece can occupy a square.
<7>-<3>Bombs and Flags cannot be moved, and are never moved the entire game.
<7>-<3>Only 1 Piece is moved per turn, and you may not attack and move in the same turn.
<7>-<3>The 8 Squares of water in the center may not be moved to or jumped over.
<7>-<3>If an attacker wins, it occupies the square that the defender used to occupy.
<3>If the attacker loses, it is removed, and the defender stays where it originally was.
<7>-<4>Scout Exception- <3> Scouts may move any open amount of spaces, up, down, right, or left.
<3>The scout MAY move and attack in the same turn.
<7>-<4>You cannot move back and forth between the same 2 squares for 3 consecutive turns.
<4> - Starcraft Controls -
<7>-<3>The medics and dark archon will be replaced by bombs and the flag once you begin.
<7>-<3>Begin the game by moving the zergling to the young chrysalis.
<7>-<3>You will control a corsair when it is your turn. To select a unit, cast a web on it.
<7>-<3>After selecting a unit, you may do 1 of 3 actions:
<4>1. Deselect the unit by re-casting on the unit. This does NOT end your turn.
<4>2. Move the selected unit by casting on a Data Disc that appears.
<4>3. Attack an adjacent unit by casting on them. Scouts can attack farther, of course.
It may take time for the game to locate the unit you are attacking.
<6>The Easiest Way To See Your Opponents' Moves Is To Watch The Minimap!!