QUOTE(7-7 @ Jun 1 2006, 05:40 AM)
I have noticed this too, its not really that big of a problem, it should be worked out on their own! People just need to learn to take it out on people in a melee game!
Some people don't have time to Melee. Like me for example.
QUOTE(MillenniumArmy @ Jun 1 2006, 10:23 AM)
No I'm saying it isn't entirely the staff's duty to control what's going on. Sure we've got to be more aggressive and stuff, but we alone can't do the job. We need your help, your cooperation, Mutual relationship rather than a symbiotic or even parasitic relationship.
Just like Camo's thread. Exactly. In order to "stop flame" members must strive to ignore others in their flamage.
QUOTE(MillenniumArmy @ Jun 1 2006, 10:32 AM)
We can't do much about those few bad people who do nothing but flame or cause trouble with bad manners or such, but what the rest of us could do is just ignore them, not get drawn up into wars with them. They're just words; words can't hurt you, especially if they're over the internet. That way, those people who started it would eventually be the only ones ending up flaming and thus, would be the prime targets for us staff members
Ignoring is simple. Just some members deserve what they have comming to them.
QUOTE(Jammed @ Jun 1 2006, 11:08 AM)
What are your suggestions. How to teach them to ignore ? (The will not lear by themselves)
I just had this idea - how about making some sort of moderating duty, like "post controll". Their duty is to check all new posts, and report the ones that should be reported to global mod's. I had this idea becawse posts don't get reported much, I think. And you guys don't have the time to look at all the posts. I think it's possible to make: this "post controller" has a function, that shows all new posts that have been made on SEN. (or it may allready exist but I don't know about it)
If you have something like this allready, just ignore it.
Yeah. It's not hard to teach kids new things, it happens all the time. That's what school is, duh!
Anyways: It's impossible for moderators to get every single little post on every single solotary forum. The only way to get that to happen, is to get more moderators (Which most likely, will never happen soon. It took them how long to get these newest ones?)
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Jun 1 2006, 11:49 AM)
how the heck can we read every post?[right][snapback]497364[/snapback][/right]
Get more moderators that can be trusted?
QUOTE(MillenniumArmy @ Jun 1 2006, 11:54 AM)
No flaming has occured in this topic...
Exactly. That's what I dislike about most new members. They don't know what a
TRUE flame is. They think any form of discussion where members are a tiny bit heated, is flames.
It's rather pathetic.
QUOTE(Jammed @ Jun 1 2006, 01:09 PM)
I agree that increasing the number of moderators will help to catch even "hidden" flame.
And everyone would be warned. Including Moderators.