QUOTE(Who-the-hell-ru @ Jun 25 2006, 07:14 PM)
If you still need a tester, I'm always open. I'm on for about 10 hours a day. And I enjoy ums games.
Account is the same as bnet as it is on here.
Okay im going to add u.
QUOTE(DaMiNaToR @ Jun 25 2006, 09:33 PM)
Nice idea. Make sure this is challenging.
Im trying to balance everything out so that its hard.
QUOTE(Kurz991 @ Jun 25 2006, 11:03 PM)
Hey I thought someone else already made a trap defense map?!?! well anyways nice job on the map, is it done yet???
Well im Zell.Dincht @ US East and I told u I was making one. Im almost done I will probably finish by the end of June. Ill make more versions with more combinations and levels.
Im almost done with the 10 levels im on number 7, im going to PM the people to come to a channel and we will get started. Everthing in the map is not done, the life remove hasnt been added.
Okay i've PMed the testers and gave the map. Im sure that the map is going to be hard because, you only have 20 minerals me and my friend were playing and we had 200 minerals and we ran out after like 5 levels. So remember traps and units are important. Im going to post a protected version of the map. So enjoy the map.
Okay I edited it, so now its super hard. You will have fun playing this I hope. I will update the demo shortly. I hope this will kill a few hours of ur time.
Okay added the units you can buy, added the buying triggers so now all the units are buyable. All I need to do is finish the 10 levels and also add more combinations. I need more traps, TELL ME MORE TRAP IDEAS OR ELSE THE GAME WILL JUST HAVE 5 TRAPS AND 5 COMBINATIONS!!!
Okay now im officially done. But im going to add more combinations at least 2 more. I got 1 down and im going to work on it. So I will post it on the DLB so you can download it there. I will also post it on the thread so you can dl. I need more spell ideas 2.
Updated Demo, now theres 20 levels. All units are buyable, no spells are added at all. I will update it so that you can use the spells. Have fun with the map!
Okay im done now, ive added the spells and everything. Im going to post up the map later.