Sometimes it seems as if everyone in the world has a boyfriend or girlfriend - except you. Just switch on the TV, put on a CD, watch a film... they're everywhere, those ever-present happy couples that appear to constitute 99% of the world's population!
As soon as you turn 13 and your hormones start raging, for some reason everyone else your age expects you to start having girlfriends or boyfriends. I know I've had the awful question put to me about five or six times, "Why don't you have a girlfriend?" I mean, what are you supposed to say to that?!
You have to realise that not everyone else is in a relationship. If you look around properly, you'll find that most people are single. (Those mythical happy couples probably actually only constitute something like 20% of the world's population...) As you probably know, teenagers have that wonderful habit of bragging and exaggerating, and quite often people will tell some little stories to make themselves seem more impressive. Learn to see through what people are saying, especially about how many people they've "gone out with".
Having had loads of boyfriends or girlfriends doesn't make you a better person, in fact usually quite the opposite!