Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Stacked Human Units
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2004-08-01 at 23:11:32
Hm... this is cool!
Rpg Hero: Cast Spell Giga Slash!
(20 stacked Dt's attack enemy, uber-rapidly)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kow on 2004-08-01 at 23:58:33
QUOTE(Ðeathknight @ Jul 30 2004, 07:19 PM)
Or maybe cow defence...

HA! I cracked up soo much reading that post! Ive already made a Kow defense (kinda poorly, first map) its in the dls section. tongue.gif

Oh! and btw, *stacks burrowd lurkers*

[edit: Oh again! i wonder if burrowd units r sprites.... or is this well known and im ignorant?]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-08-02 at 00:11:47
Kiwi Defence..Roflmao....Clokr_ has spanish accent O_o I"M HISPANIC >_<

This topic went from Milk...?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kow on 2004-08-02 at 00:33:06
Thats gassy for ya!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-08-02 at 11:11:53
WILL allow this to work with sprites...

Correction: SPRITE-UNITS

Sprite-Units - Sprites placed as units("Draw as sprite" box is unchecked).

Sprites - Pure sprites. Disabling this is a crash. No controll over this "image" placed in the map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-08-02 at 15:18:45
you can disable certain "Sprites - Pure Sprites" without it crashing... its just hard to find ones that dont... also i think it crashes depending on where you place the unit on the map... (For me a hydra disabled would crash sc instantly in the bottom right corner... but top right corner it was fine... as long as you never looked at it)... use lights happy.gif just turn em off and it shouldnt crash if you do it right... (you could test this with firebats to see if you do it right seeing they crash when looked at, but when enabled disabled cloaked or whatever it works fine)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-08-02 at 15:58:37
Even if you can disable pure sprites, you still can't control them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-08-02 at 17:06:16
Even if you can disable pure sprites, you still can't control them.

... true but... do this trigger to a disabled sprite and they can walk (sometimes, depends on the unit) actually not pure sprites, the other sprites... the ones you can click on -.-

RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, marine, CurrentPlayer, location 1);
MoveUnit(1, Men, CurrentPlayer, marines location, location 2);
SetDoodadState(Disable, Men, CurrentPlayer, location 2);
SetDoodadState(Enable, Men, CurrentPlayer, location 2);
SetDoodadState(Enable, Men, CurrentPlayer, location 2);
Order(Men, CurrentPlayer, location 2, Move, location 3);

Edit: (in red)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2004-08-02 at 18:26:11
QUOTE(DistortGiygas @ Aug 1 2004, 08:54 PM)

lol, anyway, i still havent found an air unit that doesnt crash with this method -.-

oh and mutalisks are cool... they can move around with triggers but if you look at it you'll crash... (Dodge the crashing mutalisk?!) oh well i guess ill keep on trying...

Check my list at the map making tricks archive. It is called 'Disable-Enable List'. I tested all 227 units.

NOTE: I tested it with units, not with disabled sprite-units.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-08-03 at 22:14:59
Here's the list (wow its big!) ive glowed the units that ive gotten to stack happy.gif
RED GLOW = Stackable
BLUE GLOW = Other certain conditions
GREEN GLOW = crashes when seen, stackable
feel free to test any other units that arnt glowing, see if you can get them to work happy.gif
|||||||||||||||||||||||||| *NEW* DISABLE-ENABLE LIST By: Clokr_||||||||||||||||



-SCV (*2)

-Ghost (*1)[/color]


-BattleCruiser (*4 & *5)

[glow=red]-Gui Montag [Firebat]

-Sara Kerrigan [Ghost] (*1)

-Jim Raynor [Marine]

-Acturus Mengsk [BattleCruiser] (*4 & *5)

-Hyperion [BattleCruiser] (*4 & *5)

-Norad II [BattleCruiser] (*4 & *5)

-Samir Duran [Ghost] (*1)

-Gerard DuGalle [BattleCruiser] (*4 & *5)

-Vulture Spider Mine (*6)

-Terran Beacon

-Terran Flag Beacon

-Floor Hatch

-Scanner Sweep (*6)

-Nuclear Missile (*18)

-Physics Lab (*7)



-Larva (*3)

|-Egg (*8)
|-Drone (*10)
[glow=red|-Zerling (*8 & *9)[/glow]
|-Overlord (*8)
|-Hydralisk (*8 & *3)
| |-Lurker Egg (*8)
| |-Lurker (*8)
|-Ultralisk (*8)
|-Defiler (*8 & *5)
|-Mutalisk (*8)
| |-Cocoon (*8)
| |-Guardian (*8)
| |-Devourer (*8)
|-Scourge (*8 & *9)
|-Queen (*8 & *9)

-Hydralisk (*3)
|-Lurker Egg (*8)
|-Lurker (*8)

-Drone (*10)

-Defiler (*5)

-Infested Terran

|-Cocoon (*8)
|-Guardian (*8)
|-Devourer (*8)



-Queen (*5)

-Matriarch [Queen] (*5)

-Unclean One [Defiler] (*5)

-Hunter Killer [Hydralisk]

-Devourer One [Zerling]

-Kukulza [Mutalisk]

-Kukulza [Guardian]

-Infested Duran [] (*1)

-Zerg Beacon

-Zerg Flag Beacon

-Dark Swam (*6)

-Overmind Cocoon (*11)


-Dark Templar (*6)

-Zealot (*19)


-High Templar
|-Archon (*8)

-Dark Templar [Hero] (*6)

-Zeratul [Dark Templar] (*6)

-Fenix [Zealot] (*19)

-Fenix [Dragoon]

-Tassadar [Hight Templar]

-Aldaris [Hight Templar]

-Intercepter (*20)

-Protoss Beacon

-Protoss Flag Beacon

-Disruption Web (*6)

-Robotics Facility (*12)


-Observatory (*12)

-Gateway (*12)

-Photon Cannon (*12)

-Citadel of Adun (*12)

-Cybernetics Core (*12)

-Templars Archives (*12)

-Forge (*12)

-Stargate (*12)

-Fleet Beacon (*12)

-Arbiter Tribunal (*12)

-Robotics Support Bay (*12)

-Shield Battery (*12 & *5)

-Xel'Naga Temple (*11)


-Map Releaver (*6)

-Start Location (*6)

-Flag (*6)

-Left Upper Level Door (*13)

-Right Upper Level Door (*13)

-Left Pit Door (*13)

-Right Pit Door (*13)

-Floor missile trap (*6)

-Floor gun trap (*14)

-Left Wall Missile Trap (*15)

-Right Wall Missile Trap (*15)

-Left Wall Flame Trap (*14)

-Right Wall Flame Trap (*14)

Powerups: (*16)
-Uraj Crystal

-Khlis Crystal

-Khaydarin Crystal

-Youg Chrysalis

-Psi Emiter

-Data Disk

X-tra Powerups: (*16)
-Mineral Chuck Type 1

-Mineral Chuck Type 2

-Vespene Orb Type 1

-Vespene Orb Type 2

-Vespene Sac Type 1

-Vespene Sac Type 2

-Vespene Tank Type 1

-Vespene Tank Type 2

-Ursadon [Ice World]

-Mineral Field [Type 1] (*17)

-Mineral Field [Type 2] (*17)

||||||||||||||||||||||||| EFFECTS |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

*1: You must give this unit to another player. If not, when it ends its move order it become uncloaked.
If it was cloaked and its energy is 0 it become uncloaked.
If it was cloaked and you bring an arbiter, it gets energy. When the arbiter goes to other place the unit loses energy.
If it was uncloaked, don't loses the uncloaked button, but the button don't do nothing.
If it was uncloaked, and you bring an arbiter, it gets energy. When the arbiter goes to other place it loses the uncloak button but continues getting energy!!!

*2: When it moves, it don't shows the fire.

*3: Sometimes crashes.

*4: Weird movement. When it flyes to the bottom SC crashes.
Sometimes is 100% invisible and dont crashes SC.

*5: Don't get energy.

*6: Nothing strange (like if it never was disabled and enable).

*7: This addon crashes, but you can remove that crash effect. For do that it must be anexed to the main building. Then in the game and before to see the addon, select the main building, lift it and land in the same place again. After that you can see the addon and SC don't crashes!!!

*8: This unit is muted/warpped from the previous unit. Don't try to disable-enable it in staredit!

*9: Two units are created, one is cloaked, the other no.

*10: If you build a building with this drone it will be cloaked and its evolutions will be cloaked too (Spore and Sunken Colonies, Greater Spire, Lair and Hive).
Note: the extractor don't become cloaked.

*11: This unit when it is cloaked is extremely rare. Usually crashes when the player does a certain action, like click, select an unit, order to move or just move the mouse pointer on a certain zone.

*12: Without pylon the effect is the same that *6.
With pylon it cloaks and continue working if it losts it.

*13: Door opened like using the normal trigger action.

*14: Trap always opened. When it attacks it turns normal.

*15: Trap 50% opened. When it attacks it turns normal.

*16: Cloakeds. If a worker get it, it turns uncloaked and, if the worker drop the powerup (the worker die or the drone builds a building), it turns cloaked another time.

*17: 100% invisible. The shade is transforming. Hyperlinked. If you try to mine using the hyperlink SC crashes.

*18: In the trigger, after the second enable, you cannot use action ORDER or SC will crash. It works if you use an AI for move it.

*19: Is 100% invisible an unatacable (when you are attacking you cannot click on it). Hyperlinked. If you use the hyperlink for attack it SC crashes.
You don't need the hyperlink for select it, just drag making the green square. For move it use a shuttle.

*20: It become cloaked but can enter another time into the carrier (a carrier with one intercepter cloaked?!?!)

||||||||||||||||||||||||| NOTES |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

If I didn't write the effect means that the unit cloaks but it acts like the normal one.

Some units like the hydralisk crashes sometimes (effect *3). I don't know all the units that does this so if someone wants to help...

Some other units can work, but rarely does it. One example is the dropship. One time I saw a dropship 100% cloaked and working, but how I said that are rarely cases, so I think that is not useful enought for add it here.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2004-08-04 at 10:33:30
Distort: That lurker and that mutalisk of that list are both mutated from a disable-enabled larva.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-08-04 at 14:37:39
i dont understand...

you can get the stacked lurker from a stacked hydra morph and the mutalisk you can do whenever... just dont look at it
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-08-04 at 14:49:04
The lurker can be cloaked with triggers by simulating that one glitch.

I think I'll test them now... they sound interesting.

IDEA: Make it so you control the unit that other units are able to walk through and make a computer unit follows you so it's inside your unit(you can't see it). This could be used for

1: Giving a unit the appearance of a different weapon.
2: HP tricks.
3: Cool unit effect(High templar??).

EDIT: Oh check THIS out!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2004-08-04 at 17:56:03
Hmm... stacked units.. I tried the Stacked Marine D(luckily one of my friends actualy had a crappier, but unprotected and unfinished version).
Which got me to think of similar ideas.
Especially spells for Rpg's...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-08-04 at 17:59:35
These are the units I've gotten to work.


Dropship???(Sometimes crashes, if it doesn't, when you move it it will crash. Also completely invisable.)
Larva(Not sure on whatever it builds, havn't tested it)
Drone(Whatever it builds, you can walk through)
Infested Terran
Dark Templar
Zealot(...just turns invisable, that's all.)
Kakaru(Not sure about the other critters)

Here's the map I used to test with. I still need to test nuke, interceptor, and scarab using AI scripts to control it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2004-08-04 at 18:18:15
Some other units can work, but rarely does it. One example is the dropship. One time I saw a dropship 100% cloaked and working, but how I said that are rarely cases, so I think that is not useful enought for add it here.

Check that deathknight wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-08-06 at 00:19:24
nice job deathknight happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by T.s.u.k.a.s.a on 2004-09-08 at 18:08:59
Go Kiwi Defense. The idea is funny as hell. Kiwis vs Oranges. KvO, a ripoff of Alien vs Predator.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-09-11 at 20:40:30
I played around with stacking em, I couldn't make it work right, but I did do somehting cool. If you put 1 little bit of installation terrain and a spawning pool, w/e on it will walk in space until it gets on land, even a ling or something small, although takn works. Just don't siege it when it on a building, it'll blow up, but you can siege it on nothingness.. Must be isometric. i will post a reply once I get back to my Mom's house. it only seems to work in installation though because that terrain is mroe perfect. It's hard ot fir lurkers and tanks on it, but they will fit, even if you must hold down the mouse butotn and move it around a lot.
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