ok im going to attempt and get back to the subject now...
with my def you can see the units stack... does that mean there is a way for you to stack air units? i havent been able to get any to work -.- they all crash
if you want to mess with the units, ill give you all the trigger (starforge beware!) the triggers WILL allow this to work with sprites... all you do is check the disable button in the sprite properties before this trigger is done
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, marine, CurrentPlayer, location 1);
MoveUnit(1, Men, CurrentPlayer, marines location, location 2);
SetDoodadState(Disable, Men, CurrentPlayer, location 2);
SetDoodadState(Enable, Men, CurrentPlayer, location 2);
SetDoodadState(Enable, Men, CurrentPlayer, location 2);
Order(Men, CurrentPlayer, location 2, Move, location 3);
i hope you understand it
*Yoshi da Sniper looks around and sees only one expression: