QUOTE(Mini_Boobs_2707 @ Aug 4 2006, 01:07 PM)
I dont think you can you regular unit HP for the pokemon catching system. It would be impossible unless your gonna use a timing system.
It'll be like you kill the unit and if your catch fails, it'll come back at you at say around 25% HP. Try and repeat. That's the only real way to capture Pokémon without Virtual HP. And yes I know, this catching system sounds lame but I have no other choice seeing as I won't be using VHP. It's too late to consider using VHP since I did this much progress on the map. VHP will be in another Pokémon map that I'll make after this one is complete.
QUOTE(DoomGaze @ Aug 4 2006, 06:35 PM)
Yea, you could have it so then your chances of success increase as the battle drags on.
Are you going to incorperate those 'pointless moves' such as Growl, Screech, and all that?
Good idea. No actual moves will be in the map due to the lack of units and huge roster of Pokémon. This map's battle sytem is very bland. I'm planning on adding Pokémon techs to another future Poké map to come which will have turn-based combat.
QUOTE(ShizTheresABear @ Aug 4 2006, 08:00 PM)
Sounds like a good game; can't wait to play it.
Will the Pokemon be able to level up and things like that?
Your Pokémon levels up as a team. You will get XP Points which you can spend on levelling HP or attacks/armor. I plan to have individual Pokémon levelling in future maps.