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Staredit Network -> Games -> What's your favorite unit and why?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Laser_Dude on 2006-08-18 at 23:11:26
I was just adding one more example
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SkiLLz on 2006-08-19 at 00:32:16
QUOTE(Latin-Assassin @ Aug 18 2006, 05:09 AM)
Will noone say high templar? its like 15 lings gone in 1 storm.... and it looks so cool...

They are cool but you have to admit, they are freakin slow. I must recoginize protoss for having the slowest units in the game (Reaver, High Templar, Carrier). ermm.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-08-19 at 08:31:47
BC is slower than the carrier. Overlords are very slow, I've never compared them to the reaver though...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LittLeLives on 2006-08-19 at 13:45:56
Medics. They give you spongebaths. =O

Need I say more?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JordanN_3335 on 2006-08-19 at 15:33:02

My personal favourite unit of all is the Zerg Devourer.
It has a good attack. 25 but when upgraded it does 31 damage.
Its corrosive acid adds on making its attack 40! (+9 acid)

Its like my unit for zerg that you can't avoid. Also it has 250hp. Almost twice of the standard air units. Zerg Devourer,queen,mutalisk,scrouges defiler, is hard to kill. Queen ensnares ships,defiler plagues, Devourers add damage, scrouges sneak in, mutas attack.

My next fav unit is the archon. It can 1 hit units lower then 35hp (when upgraded)
The only ground unit that splashes air, one of its sentances he says is power overwhelming a cheat code and when its sheilds are dead it can recover at sheild battery.

For terran its the firebat,vulture and valks. Vultures can rush other terrans or protoss easy. Firebats can be deployed in enemies basesand destroys there workers. Valks Do 6damagex 8 missels.. Thats 48 damage in the run but it normally misses so it becomes like 36.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2006-08-19 at 15:41:11
Zerglings, by far. They're the second fastest ground unit with the fastest attack. Cheap and easily massable, they also make the most cost-efficient scouts, are the game's best building demolisher, and are the perfect defiler scapegoats. The zergling's potential is also unmatched in UMS maps, as they are the most commonly used unit in bounds, rpgs, madnesses, and micro maps.

Civilians have been used as pilots, scientists, prisoners, hostages, scapegoats, security guards, refugees, etc dots.gif
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