Hoorah! Campaign Forum was added. (If that was in my list.)
I see he has renamed 'StarEdit Related And FreeLancers' just to 'StarEdit Related'
Just wanted to add that
And the "Ideas" forum was moved as well.
It's all being consolidated into a news post, don't worry.
QUOTE(DEAD @ Aug 26 2006, 04:20 PM)
31)No, merrell should not be a moderator, ever
What!?! That Merrell guy is so cool and nice.
But anyway, thats a lot of stuff :O_o:
QUOTE(Merrell @ Aug 26 2006, 08:38 PM)
What!?! That Merrell guy is so cool and nice.
But anyway, thats a lot of stuff :O_o:
Yes it is.
Merrell anyways i think your good where you are, no offense, atleast your a DLDB Manager
Global Moderators should be fined for abusing their "Topic Opening" power. 14. They will open a topic just for the sake of posting.
Uh, we're allowed to post in locked topics.
SEN should actually stay neutral, instead of constantly taking sides.
Can you give us a few examples?
Like Martin Luther, I will nail some protests into something great. This topic wasn't created for the purpose of trolling, but was made to state some obvious facts every member should know about SEN. I have spent a good amount of time "Lurking" (Reading without posting) to gain knowlege of what this site is like. Therefore like any reasonable person I have my own opinions. If I was a troll, like some believe, I would use the site more often. So if for no reason I get a warn like Global Moderators/Moderators some times like to give, it would be well worth it. I don't ever plan on being asked to be Moderator because all Moderators are "Suck Ups" to the higher powers.[/quote]
Why does every disgruntled person claim that people in power are suck-ups?
[quote]Fact List/Some Opinions[/quote]
To start off, a good "99%" of these are completely opinion.
[quote]Moderators are picked on seniority, activity, and detail. (Professionalism isn't required)[/quote]
And you would know how moderators are picked, how? All four are considered when selecting moderators.
[quote]99% of ideas are never even considered when they are posted in Feedback forum.[/quote]
Unless you want to list every suggestion and prove that 99 out of 100 of them were never even considered, I'd take that back. Every suggestion is considered, even if it isn't implemented.
[quote]File Request Forum is needed.[/quote]
Yeah, where did that go?
[quote]Campaign Forums should be added.[/quote]
[quote]Programs Forums should be added.[/quote]
Seen the Programming forum recently?
[quote]StarForge and SCMDraft2 forums should be removed. There have been no updates in several years.[/quote]
Aside from the fact that people use those forums all the time for technical help.
[quote]The entire "Other" Category should be removed. Miscellaneous, Light Discussion, Serious Discussion, Creative, Games, and Welcome. The have nothing to do with the "Staredit" part of Staredit.net. The main reason to have these is for the idea that it will bring more posts to SEN, however they are not needed.[/quote]
You can't have a community without relaxation. Nobody would have any idea who anyone else was.
[quote]A max topic creation limit should be made in a day.[/quote]
[quote]The accounts that haven't been used for downloads or loggin in in 2+ years should be deleted.[/quote]
It's hard to say who is active and who isn't. Can you find an account that has been logged into for over 2 years?
[quote]Clan forums should be hidden if they are kept.[/quote]
If you want a hidden clan forum, host it on your own InvisionFree board and require members to join to view the board (and require admin validation of the accounts). The purpose of a SEN Clan forum is the publicity.
[quote]Titles should be gained by quality/quantity of files/tutorials/reviews in the database. (So some nooblet who knows nothing about the "Staredit" part of "Staredit.net" can't gain them.[/quote]
Who cares about titles?
[quote]Map Making clans should be removed. They are only used for trying to prove elitism.[/quote]
No, they are trying to group together to output quality maps.
[quote]Global Moderators should be fined for abusing their "Topic Opening" power. 14. They will open a topic just for the sake of posting.[/quote]
Abuse? I haven't seen such "abused". Perhaps someone who thinks that the Other sections should be deleted considers anything that isn't life-threateningly necessary "abuse", but most people don't think that.
[quote]NuclearRabbit should be unbanned.[/quote]
[quote]If clan forums are to be kept, it should be a rule that the leaders/moderators "must be democratically voted for".[/quote]
Clans can run themselves however they feel like.
[quote]The tutorial database should be in a single thread, possibly different threads for the different categories. (Then people could copy and paste tutorials from other posts.)[/quote]
Why? It is easier to view now.
[quote]10 Current/Previous moderators were from Clan (U). (No other map-making clan members have ever been moderators.)[/quote]
Plenty of moderators have been from other clans.
[quote]DTBK, the Global Moderator, is retired from StarCraft and thus should no longer be a moderator.[/quote]
Retired from Starcraft? Says you. What gave you the right to decide I'm retired from Starcraft?
[quote]Those who don't contribute to the site, should not run the site.[/quote]
[quote]CheeZe runs the tutorial database and has not created a map in two years. (Nor has he added anything recently) Also, he has recreated other people's sucky tutorials.[/quote]
He maintains a knowledge of how to make maps, so there is no reason he shouldn't be able to manage a tutorial database.
[quote]Tutorials should be in Wikis/Threads.[/quote]
Haven't you seen the suggestion thread?
[quote]Syphon is immature and thus shouldn't be a moderator.[/quote]
Care to offer any facts? We don't care who you dislike.
[quote]CaptainWill was picked because "Older Members" said he was a "respected" person. He only has one thread in map showcase. He should not be a Global
Moderator of a map-making website.[/quote]
Knowledge of mapping does not help a person moderate conflicts between members.
[quote]The last time Clan (U) has used their forum to showcase/tell of an in-production non-30 minute map was 8 months ago. (Clan forums are not needed.)
Clans should have a "Map Quota" requirement for a year/month.[/quote]
In order to first receive a forum, a clan needs to show mapmaking worth. I don't think you'd be so down on clan forums if you had one.
[quote]Staff Forum: They talk about updates, who needs to be banned, and they tell people they need to do their job, as well as SENv5 details. (Like beta testing for a selected few.) They used to talk about future staff possibilities but Moose quit doing that.[/quote]
Who said you get to decide what we talk about? You know nothing of what's discussed in the Staff forum.
[quote]"Professional Members's Ideas", such as Tuxedo Templar's, should be implemented into the site. If the staff is too unwilling they need to find a better person for the job.[/quote]
Ideas are rated on quality, not name of submitter, mr. "anti-elitist".
[quote]High Templar Forum: Deleted, but people like Kame talked about serious life issues.[/quote]
And? You seem to think elitist hidden forums are a bad idea.
[quote]Yoshism's and Mooseisms should be reveresed.[/quote]
As in?
[quote]Devilesk should be banned for being close enough to the "Hacker" to recieve a message.[/quote]
He's been banned for months. Noticed?
[quote]Felagund, MerreL and urmom should be moderators. (It would be a nice change to the (U) Moderators.[/quote]
Your friendliness with members does not dictate their appointment to Staff.
[quote]SEN is in so much need of help it will hire "respected", non-"Intelligent SC" players to be Moderators.[/quote]
As said, we're hiring respected and intelligent moderators? The horror!
[quote]Clans should be kept to "pump out desirable proffesional maps, not be symbol of elitism/egotism.[/quote]
They are, or did.
[quote]SEN channel should only be controlled by Moderators.[/quote]
But you said they were so corrupt?
[quote]SEN should actually stay neutral, instead of constantly taking sides.[/quote]
[quote]The IP-Tracing feature is not as effective as it should be.[/quote]
As in?
[quote]Tutorial Keepers are required to have near perfect grammar when they don't fix typos/write tutorials.[/quote]
[quote]Now this is when all of the "Suck-Ups" come in and tell me that I have no idea what I'm talking about. I hope every moderator and staff member responds to this. (I really don't care about people's opinion's if I don't know who they are.)
I like him. And I honestly cannot undertsand why so many people don't
Is that a fact? What about the moderators that don't play StarCraft. And the modders.
I do a lot of moderating. Naturally everything is either my fault, or Moose's fault.
Naturally! It's called Moose's Law. I'll repeat that I think all of the moderators are doing a commendable job, including you DT. The few times I've requested things of you via PM you've responded promptly.
It appears the large majority of your ideas have been disagreed/disproved by both staff and members.
I like all of the mods/admins, including DTBK.
Yeah, I'd have to agree. I've never thought DTBK was that bad. And though I haven't seen CaptainWill much, what I have seen from his is all pretty good. Moose tries his best to maintain a small internet society. And LW helps where he can.
All-in-all, not a bad job.
My responses are in bold
Moderators are picked on seniority, activity, and detail. (Professionalism isn't required) while some aren't the most professional, they do a pretty damn good job and you can't expect a newcomer to achieve that status. Welcome to the world.
99% of ideas are never even considered when they are posted in Feedback forum.
File Request Forum is needed.Seems that way sometimes, but many ideas are dumb and are more trouble than they're worth
Campaign Forums should be added.wewt, it is
Programs Forums should be added.No comment
StarForge and SCMDraft2 forums should be removed. There have been no updates in several years.Don't be so melodramatic. They're there for a reason.
The entire "Other" Category should be removed. Miscellaneous, Light Discussion, Serious Discussion, Creative, Games, and Welcome. The have nothing to do with the "Staredit" part of Staredit.net. The main reason to have these is for the idea that it will bring more posts to SEN, however they are not needed.Hell no
A max topic creation limit should be made in a day.A limit per person, or limit period? A person limit MIGHT be useful, as rarely a topic spammer will come along, but a max topic limit for everyone isn't fair, IMO
The accounts that haven't been used for downloads or loggin in in 2+ years should be deleted.Disagree
Clan forums should be hidden if they are kept.Disagree
Titles should be gained by quality/quantity of files/tutorials/reviews in the database. (So some nooblet who knows nothing about the "Staredit" part of "Staredit.net" can't gain them.Are you saying that people won't have access to these things unless they've proven their worth? I'm not sure I understand.
Map Making clans should be removed. They are only used for trying to prove elitism.Disagree, clans increase interest and activity in map making.
Global Moderators should be fined for abusing their "Topic Opening" power. 14. They will open a topic just for the sake of posting. This does happen sometimes, and it is kind of annoying, so maybe this one could be applied. But don't count on it.
NuclearRabbit should be unbanned. Disagree
If clan forums are to be kept, it should be a rule that the leaders/moderators "must be democratically voted for". I don't know their policies, but I think each clan has the right to decide how it will be run.
The tutorial database should be in a single thread, possibly different threads for the different categories. (Then people could copy and paste tutorials from other posts.) I don't see what purpose this would serve.
10 Current/Previous moderators were from Clan (U). (No other map-making clan members have ever been moderators.) That could be seen as bias, but I doubt that's the case.
DTBK, the Global Moderator, is retired from StarCraft and thus should no longer be a moderator. He's very active and works hard here. I disagree.
Those who don't contribute to the site, should not run the site. Inactive staff doesn't stick around for long.
CheeZe runs the tutorial database and has not created a map in two years. (Nor has he added anything recently) Also, he has recreated other people's sucky tutorials. How do you know he hasn't CREATED a map in that long? Maybe there just aren't too many things to add now because most of its already been done.
Tutorials should be in Wikis/Threads. Perhaps
Syphon is immature and thus shouldn't be a moderator. Don't diss my buddy.
CaptainWill was picked because "Older Members" said he was a "respected" person. He only has one thread in map showcase. He should not be a Global
Moderator of a map-making website. But he does a great job wrangling the "Other" forum, which is and always will be a part of this site.
The last time Clan (U) has used their forum to showcase/tell of an in-production non-30 minute map was 8 months ago. (Clan forums are not needed.) But its still mapmaking, regardless of what motivates it. Now who's elitist?
Clans should have a "Map Quota" requirement for a year/month. Maybe, but you can't force creativity, so I'm leaning against this one.
Staff Forum: They talk about updates, who needs to be banned, and they tell people they need to do their job, as well as SENv5 details. (Like beta testing for a selected few.) They used to talk about future staff possibilities but Moose quit doing that. Who are you to worry about what goes on in the staff forum?
"Professional Members's Ideas", such as Tuxedo Templar's, should be implemented into the site. If the staff is too unwilling they need to find a better person for the job. Tux has some good ideas, but those that are implemented will take some time, Mr. Impatient.
High Templar Forum: Deleted, but people like Kame talked about serious life issues. Why bring this up again? It was deleted (I'm pretty sure).
Yoshism's and Mooseisms should be reveresed. Huh?
Devilesk should be banned for being close enough to the "Hacker" to recieve a message. I don't know enough to comment on this one.
Felagund, MerreL and urmom should be moderators. (It would be a nice change to the (U) Moderators. They're good members, and I'm sure they will be considered if the need arises.
SEN is in so much need of help it will hire "respected", non-"Intelligent SC" players to be Moderators. SEN doesn't seem desperate to me.
Clans should be kept to "pump out desirable proffesional maps, not be symbol of elitism/egotism. If a club exists in any way, shape, or form there will always be grounds to accuse them of elitism. Get over it.
SEN channel should only be controlled by Moderators. No comment
SEN should actually stay neutral, instead of constantly taking sides. So everyone can do whatever they want, regardless of the chaos it might cause? I don't think so. An establishment with rules MUST choose sides on some issues.
The IP-Tracing feature is not as effective as it should be. Some things you just can't help. I don't know enough to give a good comment here.
Tutorial Keepers are required to have near perfect grammar when they don't fix typos/write tutorials. Yea? You saying they don't?
QUOTE(DevliN @ Aug 26 2006, 08:07 PM)
Thanks for the consideration. I know this is off-topic (kinda), but I just figured I'd say thanks anyway.
I'm not completely impartial, though. I'm sure people can find plenty of posts of mine (specifically in the "Discussion" forums) where I'm completely biased toward a subject. But other than those controversial topics, I'd say I'm pretty indifferent.
It's alright, there are more forums to moderate than Discussion.
Doodan, your formatting doesn't really work.
Syphon is immature and thus shouldn't be a moderator.
How can you talk about maturity when you sent me a PM calling me a loser for reporting one of your threads and getting it closed?
When Syphon got moderator of the games forum, I was confused... I hardly saw him in the games forum, and I didn't think he was fit for being a moderator. For the first month or so, it seemed like he did stuff just to do stuff. He would fine people for no reason or something really stupid just so he did something... At least that's how I saw it, within his 3rd week or so, I saw 3 fines/warns that he gave out that I didn't think were fair, and should be repealed. I think one or two were.
I'm not sure what he does now, I haven't been visiting SEN nearly as much as I used to..
He took 25 posts from me when I called lyon a map stealer which he is.
Shutting down accounts that haven't been logged into in 2 years is a good idea, if it's not done already. Shame you had to write that many ideas to come up with one good one, though.
EDIT: That's strange that he took posts away from you for that, Dead. I've even see Lyon say he stole a map. Something along the lines of him complaining how he steals just 1 map and everyone calls him a map stealer and never forgets its, with everyone in op sen basically going.. yep, basically.
Calling someone a map stealer is a flame, regardless of whether it's true or not. Just like calling someone a fag in the derogitory sense would be a flame whether or not they happen to pound butt.
Is calling a murderer a murderer a flame? Even if it's a flame in any way, map stealers deserver it and much more if you ask me...
Well on the forum it isin't neccessary to call the person a map stealer when we already know about it. So it could be considered spam as well if you just come in the topic and call that person a map stealer, although I don't know how you actually wrote it out but that's the basic idea.
You should not clean up the old members things because it will just mess up the account IDs even more. If they are inactive then so be it, don't delete accounts. They don't delete permanently banned accounts anymore.
and Congratulations on making this topic for the
1,250,752,129,765,133,777th Time
Really, Congratulations, have a cookie - Lyon
Steal some more maps please... - DEAD.
So yes Kaboom, it was spamming too. OMG I wonder if I got Lyon
The entire "Other" Category should be removed. Miscellaneous, Light Discussion, Serious Discussion, Creative, Games, and Welcome. The have nothing to do with the "Staredit" part of Staredit.net. The main reason to have these is for the idea that it will bring more posts to SEN, however they are not needed.
I don't like Other. I don't like what goes on in Other. You know what I do about it? That's right, I don't go there!
The accounts that haven't been used for downloads or loggin in in 2+ years should be deleted.
Are they hurting something?
NuclearRabbit should be unbanned.
The last time Clan (U) has used their forum to showcase/tell of an in-production non-30 minute map was 8 months ago. (Clan forums are not needed.)
Clan forums aren't for map protuction/showcase threads. There's a completely seperate set of forums for those.
You seem to like complaining about clan unknown. I don't know why, though, we help this community a great deal.
QUOTE(Syphon @ Aug 27 2006, 03:14 PM)
Calling someone a map stealer is a flame, regardless of whether it's true or not. Just like calling someone a fag in the derogitory sense would be a flame whether or not they happen to pound butt.
Calling somebody a map stealer isn't a flame... If you steal maps, you are a map stealer. It's not an opinion, not derogatory, it's just what you are.
99% of ideas are never even considered when they are posted in Feedback forum.
If you honestly believed that, you wouldn't have bothered.
QUOTE(PCFredZ @ Aug 27 2006, 09:16 AM)
Doodan, your formatting doesn't really work.
I was too lazy to come up with something better.