[quote=xMCx,Aug 26 2006, 12:14 PM]
Like Martin Luther, I will nail some protests into something great.[/quote]
Just don't start hating women like he did.
[quote]Moderators are picked on seniority, activity, and detail. (Professionalism isn't required)[/quote]
So? Seniority shows they've been around a long time and know the system. Activity shows they'll be on constantly to monitor the forum. And to be perfectly honest, not all Mods are chosen based on these qualifications.
[quote]99% of ideas are never even considered when they are posted in Feedback forum.[/quote]
True, though its not called the "SEN Idea Forum" for a reason.
[quote]File Request Forum is needed.[/quote]
Why? You can just ask for maps in a different forum.
[quote]Campaign Forums should be added.[/quote]
What's the point? Any map being made goes in "Maps in Production" and any complete map can be shown in "Map Showcase." Or if you mean the premade campaigns by Blizzard, they are irrelevant to SEN (if you consider the whole "Other" forum to be irrelevant).
[quote]Programs Forums should be added.[/quote]
You mean aside from the SCM Draft and StarForge forums? Oh wait you want those removed. Contradiction?
[quote]StarForge and SCMDraft2 forums should be removed. There have been no updates in several years.[/quote]
Yet people still have questions. Maybe you should get people to stop using an outdated program rather than killing the forums that help use them.
[quote]The entire "Other" Category should be removed. Miscellaneous, Light Discussion, Serious Discussion, Creative, Games, and Welcome. The have nothing to do with the "Staredit" part of Staredit.net. The main reason to have these is for the idea that it will bring more posts to SEN, however they are not needed.[/quote]
Actually I see them as being a nice way to get your mind off of map making for a short while and talking about something else for once.
[quote]A max topic creation limit should be made in a day.[/quote]
Why? I never see people make at least 10 topics in a day.
[quote]The accounts that haven't been used for downloads or loggin in in 2+ years should be deleted.[/quote]
Finally I agree with you on something.
[quote]Clan forums should be hidden if they are kept.[/quote]
The idea of the clan forums is so that map making clans are integrated into SEN. The clan forums bring in new members who later branch out to the other forums of SEN, and the same concept works for existing SEN members who want to venture into clan forums.
[quote]Titles should be gained by quality/quantity of files/tutorials/reviews in the database. (So some nooblet who knows nothing about the "Staredit" part of "Staredit.net" can't gain them.[/quote]
As in remove "Regulars" and "Elites?" I think the Regular title is easy to get, but the lack of "Elites" shows that it isn't easy for some "nooblet" to get.
[quote]Map Making clans should be removed. They are only used for trying to prove elitism.[/quote]
Says who? Here, I'll say it again: "The idea of the clan forums is so that map making clans are integrated into SEN. The clan forums bring in new members who later branch out to the other forums of SEN, and the same concept works for existing SEN members who want to venture into clan forums."
[quote]Global Moderators should be fined for abusing their "Topic Opening" power. They will open a topic just for the sake of posting.[/quote]
So if the topic's creator closes it after his post, does he close it for the sake of getting the last word?
[quote]If clan forums are to be kept, it should be a rule that the leaders/moderators "must be democratically voted for".[/quote]
Why? Leaders aren't democratically voted for in the actual clans. Its kind of ironic that you hate the clan forums so much when just a few months ago you wanted one for your remade (MC) clan.
[quote]The tutorial database should be in a single thread, possibly different threads for the different categories. (Then people could copy and paste tutorials from other posts.)[/quote]
There's no point to this. People can just link to the tutorial pages. Its easier than copy/paste.
[quote]10 Current/Previous moderators were from Clan (U). (No other map-making clan members have ever been moderators.)[/quote]
And why is that an issue. Maybe you fail to realize this, but the creator of SEN was a member of (U). And no one seemed to care.
[quote]DTBK, the Global Moderator, is retired from StarCraft and thus should no longer be a moderator.[/quote]
Global Moderators shouldn't need to be active map makers to do their job. If they're good at monitoring the forum then they're good at their job.
[quote]Those who don't contribute to the site, should not run the site.[/quote]
Oh you mean IsolatedPurity? Yeah he doesn't contribute much.. aide fromt he fact that he pays for the site and does all the coding for it.
[quote]CheeZe runs the tutorial database and has not created a map in two years. (Nor has he added anything recently) Also, he has recreated other people's sucky tutorials.[/quote]
So there are no new tutorials to be added. I don't see a point. You do realize people submit tutorials to CheeZe and then he posts them, right? Perhaps no one has sent him anything.
[quote]Tutorials should be in Wikis/Threads.[/quote]
Already suggested... by a (U) member.
[quote]Syphon is immature and thus shouldn't be a moderator.[/quote]
Okay. Nice opinion.
[quote]CaptainWill was picked because "Older Members" said he was a "respected" person. He only has one thread in map showcase. He should not be a Global Moderator of a map-making website.[/quote]
I don't have any threads in map showcase. Actually, most members here don't. What does that prove?
[quote]The last time Clan (U) has used their forum to showcase/tell of an in-production non-30 minute map was 8 months ago. (Clan forums are not needed.)[/quote]
Why do they need to talk about maps? The idea of the clan forums was to talk about clan business. Which they do.
[quote]Clans should have a "Map Quota" requirement for a year/month.[/quote]
Okay. And each clan would achieve that quota. "30 Minute Maps" would obviously count.
[quote]Staff Forum: They talk about updates, who needs to be banned, and they tell people they need to do their job, as well as SENv5 details. (Like beta testing for a selected few.) They used to talk about future staff possibilities but Moose quit doing that.[/quote]
[quote]"Professional Members's Ideas", such as Tuxedo Templar's, should be implemented into the site. If the staff is too unwilling they need to find a better person for the job.[/quote]
[quote]High Templar Forum: Deleted, but people like Kame talked about serious life issues.[/quote]
What does this have to do with anything?
[quote]Yoshism's and Mooseisms should be reveresed.[/quote]
What is "reveresed?" Oh you meant "reversed." Yeah, I still don't get what this has to do with anything.
[quote]Devilesk should be banned for being close enough to the "Hacker" to recieve a message.[/quote]
So if the hacker just randomly decided to PM you, you should be banned as well, correct?
[quote]Felagund, MerreL and urmom should be moderators. (It would be a nice change to the (U) Moderators.[/quote]
[quote]SEN is in so much need of help it will hire "respected", non-"Intelligent SC" players to be Moderators.[/quote]
Like who? SEN had Bolt_Head who retired and Tuxlar doesn't want the job. So who do you suggest they get rid of and who they should be replaced with?
[quote]Clans should be kept to "pump out desirable proffesional maps, not be symbol of elitism/egotism.[/quote]
As far as I can tell, there is no elitism by any hosted clans. All the clans I see that boast about themselves don't have forums here but want them.
[quote]SEN channel should only be controlled by Moderators.[/quote]
The channel is not part of the website. It used to be run by Yoshi, but he retired.
[quote]SEN should actually stay neutral, instead of constantly taking sides.[/quote]
Like in what context? As far as I can tell, SEN is pretty neutral - except on the topic of unprotecting maps.
[quote]The IP-Tracing feature is not as effective as it should be.[/quote]
[quote]Tutorial Keepers are required to have near perfect grammar when they don't fix typos/write tutorials.
What's the point of this one as well?
You know, after writing all that I realized one main fact that you forgot:
You do not run, own, or operate StarEdit.Net. It is a website owned by IsolatedPurity. He and whoever he appoints as his administrators have the right to give power to whomever they wish. We can call this a community, but its really their website. If you hate it that much, leave and make your own "community" forum, and attempt to keep out elitism and seniority.
EDIT:Reached the quote limit. Oh well.