SEN is a website and it has members. This feature is for the members, so they can download the good maps. I belive that the members should decide whichs maps are good or bad not certain "judges". The whole idea about having certain people decide about our maps makes me sick.
Giving the public the reins would work if you could count on them, but you really can't. Using regulars would help, but not all regulars are also good at making reviews. Also, what if no one votes for a map?
If you designated people for the job, and made it part of their requirement to cover
submitted maps, then you'd avoid a lot of those stalemates. If you don't want elitism, then get a wide sample of reviewers. If you don't want stagnation, then turn them over every now and then.
The trick is coming up with good ways to handle both of those. I'm still thinking on that, actually.