Arthas is NOT the main character only ONE of the main characters. He is the main Antagonist now that he IS the lich king.
OHh and Lyon Abaddon isn't Arthas. Arthas is someone completely different. DotA made Abaddon.=\
Marine is NOT talking about DotA at all. Hes talking about the storyline.
Too bad Arthas is too strong to be faced by anyone in the world now, except for Sargeras and Kil'Jaeden.
As only part of the legion were defeated in the first and second invasion. Legion is vast in millions of worlds. No particular known force will be able to defeat the full power of the legion.
Yeah i know that Arthas isnt abaddon, or Abaddon isnt arthas. either one, But Abaddon still has frostmourne just like arthas