E.G: Doom3, Quake 4, Final Fantasy 10 and 7, etc
You can tell a game will suck when a trailer shows cool graphics and not the actual game play.
Mp)Marine, you can't just judge a book by it's cover to tell whether it sucks or it's the best. Sure Doom 3, Quake 4 and Prey got good ratings, but they also got their downsides. About all of them, forces you to interact with buttons (It's cool, but it does get old since Doom 3 started), the engine cannot support split-screen (About all 3 of them has no split-screen involved for the Xbox/360, one of the reasons why Jeff Gerstmann from GameSpot said how there is no split-screen, but there is no split-screen on the other two also. And all 3 are repetitive except Quake 4's multiplayer dedicated to Quake 3 Arena. Whether if you had fun playing Doom Ultimate or Quake 1, doesn't mean you can go further by sequls and think their opponents' games are overrated or sucks badly.
Halo Wars on the other hand will seem good, The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle Earth had a great rating, why not Halo Wars if both versions are 360? And Halo Wars is being made by Essemble Studios that made Age of Empires published by Microsoft Game Studios that could give the games a better rating (Almost all games published by Microsoft had great ratings). Halo Wars would be like StarCraft, UNSC is the Terran, Covenant is the Protoss and the Flood is the Zerg. By the way, about most games such as World of WarCraft or Assassin's Creed first started off with cinematics before gameplay, WoW had an Editor's Choice rating, Assassin's Creed had best of E3 but we don't find them sucking. The downside for Halo Wars, it's fans won't be surprised if they like FPS too much over RTS, players' oppinions over Game Reviewing websites could bring a downfall but if a Game Reviewing website gave it a good rating, so would the players.
And the meaning of overrated games is that the graphics are poor, gameplay is bad, with about over thousands of players playing it. Halo 2 on the Xbox was detailed, they had their own embleem system, friends list, clan, players list that lasts days, pregame lobby, customized game modes, matchmaking, graphics, no loading times (For single player, if you go on to the next level), interactive, use of weapons, good maps, etc. So Halo 2 isn't overrated. For Doom 3, maps are very detailed and interactive, and so is the long single player but I don't say it's overrated.