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Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ksrugi on 2006-10-02 at 16:47:02
It's because people are so used to a game franchise being in one genre of gameplay, they can't fathom it being any other way. They're used to walking in the MC's boots in First Person, not a birds' eye view from above.

But I could see Halo Wars being a good game. People forget (or they don't know) that the people who created Age of Empires will be working on this game. It's going to have quality to it, a tradition of Ensemble Studios. They won't send us a half baked game, they're too good for that.

I'm just interested in seeing how they do it. With Halo being an RTS, I imagine individual units being able to switch out weapons and being able to get into vehicles and whatnot. Normally in an RTS, units like tanks or whatnot are manufactured with driver and vehicle together. Maybe they'll be breaking some fresh ground.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by dumbducky on 2006-10-02 at 16:55:42
I'd assume that the game wouldn't be like Halo, only except you tell units where to go. How awful would it be to have to deal with what weapons you wanted your men to have? It would be time consuming. Maybe they'll have the tank and the driver there, but you can place men on the side, just like real Halo.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2006-10-02 at 18:43:54
They've done Age of Empires, yes, but we'll have to see how they do a futuristic setting in an RTS. Personally, I'd rather see a C&C style of gameplay instead of an AoE style. Even though the trailer was pre-rendered (read: not gameplay footage), it was damn sexy.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ksrugi on 2006-10-02 at 22:33:17
Well, you can't really base the quality of an RTS on which kind of setting it uses. The game engine is the most important thing in an RTS and they've got a solid record. That and I'm an AoE fan. Even if the third was lackluster. Making it like C&C would be cool, one of the big draws of C&C (at least Red Alert) was being able to use relateively cheap soldiers to effectively defeat a larger and better armed enemy. It was different because I could take care of enemy infantry with a few Elite snipers.

I'd actually love to be able to decide which weapons to equip my men. I dunno, maybe a system a la Stronghold would be cool. You can only make this type of soldier if you've got the right weapons and armor, basically.

I really hope they don't screw this up. Halo's proven to be a good FPS and a decent side scroller, here's hoping it'll make a good transition to RTS.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2006-10-04 at 10:28:46
E.G: Doom3, Quake 4, Final Fantasy 10 and 7, etc
You can tell a game will suck when a trailer shows cool graphics and not the actual game play.

Mp)Marine, you can't just judge a book by it's cover to tell whether it sucks or it's the best. Sure Doom 3, Quake 4 and Prey got good ratings, but they also got their downsides. About all of them, forces you to interact with buttons (It's cool, but it does get old since Doom 3 started), the engine cannot support split-screen (About all 3 of them has no split-screen involved for the Xbox/360, one of the reasons why Jeff Gerstmann from GameSpot said how there is no split-screen, but there is no split-screen on the other two also. And all 3 are repetitive except Quake 4's multiplayer dedicated to Quake 3 Arena. Whether if you had fun playing Doom Ultimate or Quake 1, doesn't mean you can go further by sequls and think their opponents' games are overrated or sucks badly.

Halo Wars on the other hand will seem good, The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle Earth had a great rating, why not Halo Wars if both versions are 360? And Halo Wars is being made by Essemble Studios that made Age of Empires published by Microsoft Game Studios that could give the games a better rating (Almost all games published by Microsoft had great ratings). Halo Wars would be like StarCraft, UNSC is the Terran, Covenant is the Protoss and the Flood is the Zerg. By the way, about most games such as World of WarCraft or Assassin's Creed first started off with cinematics before gameplay, WoW had an Editor's Choice rating, Assassin's Creed had best of E3 but we don't find them sucking. The downside for Halo Wars, it's fans won't be surprised if they like FPS too much over RTS, players' oppinions over Game Reviewing websites could bring a downfall but if a Game Reviewing website gave it a good rating, so would the players.

And the meaning of overrated games is that the graphics are poor, gameplay is bad, with about over thousands of players playing it. Halo 2 on the Xbox was detailed, they had their own embleem system, friends list, clan, players list that lasts days, pregame lobby, customized game modes, matchmaking, graphics, no loading times (For single player, if you go on to the next level), interactive, use of weapons, good maps, etc. So Halo 2 isn't overrated. For Doom 3, maps are very detailed and interactive, and so is the long single player but I don't say it's overrated.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ksrugi on 2006-10-04 at 19:42:29
Everyone's entitled to their opinions and we should respect that.

I mean, there'll always be the lovers and there'll always be the haters.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Eskimo Bob on 2006-10-04 at 20:29:24
That's not gonna be the only trailer.. Wait until a gameplay video comes out
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2006-10-04 at 21:11:38
This is a strange turn for Microsoft. They're really pushing Windows Vista as a gaming platform now, but they go ahead and make a huge title available only on the 360? This is very strange indeed. However, I bet you if it enjoys enough success on the 360 it'll make its way to the PC. Remember Resident Evil 4? I'm sure we'll see something like that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lithium on 2006-10-05 at 06:01:23
They've already started on making Halo 2 on vista since it was a great success. I don't see why if this was a great success, it would make its way to the PC. tongue.gif
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